The Official NCAA Football 09 Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

^ Yeah, it's just a preference. I got out of the habit of playing in the top difficulty on football games because on Madden instead of beating you straightup they would just have an insane amount of fumbles and breaking of tackles for the CPU to stay in the game. I know dudes that play on Heisman/All-Madden andstill can't beat me, so at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. As for this game I like playing All-American on my dynasty because I want myschool to be a straight juggernaut.
I only play on Heisman when I'm playing against a person.

When playing the CPU, Heisman = unreal cpu accomplishments.

The things the CPU does is borderline insane.
Heisman only.


I forgot to export my Draft Class! *%@$ +!#$ *@*$$!!!
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

will the ps3 dynasty ever start? half of the ppl on it havent even finished the preseason junk
Thats what Im sayin

forreal dudes is laggin on preseason. this dynasty aint going to get past week 3 till like the end august.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

When playing the CPU, Heisman = unreal cpu accomplishments.

The things the CPU does is borderline insane.
....and im that much beastiter for still winning...

i think it's unfair and "cheesy" to play on anything but the hardest level, then pop fly about your accomplishments...

actually, in relation to this, i went to practice last night in my dynasty...

i put in all my freshmen to see how good they are...

my RB is breaking 3 tackles a play, scoring at will, im like "damn, i should start this kid" (over beanie!?!?!?!?)

i look, and see my difficulty for practice was set at all american....WOMP WOMP

for every "unfair" or "cheap" play the CPU gets off, i get off i'm not salty at all...

ive NEVER had a prob with all madden being cheap or cheesy...they just submit to the punishment.

i dont play NCAA all like that tho, i copped this year, and it seems like all the complaints....are just that...complaints...

from some NCAA messageboard= "in man coverage when you cross routes, the DBs come off and switch men, HORRIBLE"

no, thats actual football strategy, NERD.

cant get a pass rush? i havent had this prob....i think theres a nice balance between blitzing and coverage to get pressure on the qb...
you wanna sack a D-1 QB who has been reading blitzes and zones his entire life? well, make sure he has NOWHERE TO THROW THE BALL.

im reading yalls complaints like "damn, this game is crappy"

then i see you're ALL playing on all american, or even more cowardly, varsity.


p.s. i need online

My dude went in!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

When playing the CPU, Heisman = unreal cpu accomplishments.

The things the CPU does is borderline insane.
....and im that much beastiter for still winning...

i think it's unfair and "cheesy" to play on anything but the hardest level, then pop fly about your accomplishments...

actually, in relation to this, i went to practice last night in my dynasty...

i put in all my freshmen to see how good they are...

my RB is breaking 3 tackles a play, scoring at will, im like "damn, i should start this kid" (over beanie!?!?!?!?)

i look, and see my difficulty for practice was set at all american....WOMP WOMP

for every "unfair" or "cheap" play the CPU gets off, i get off i'm not salty at all...

ive NEVER had a prob with all madden being cheap or cheesy...they just submit to the punishment.

i dont play NCAA all like that tho, i copped this year, and it seems like all the complaints....are just that...complaints...

from some NCAA messageboard= "in man coverage when you cross routes, the DBs come off and switch men, HORRIBLE"

no, thats actual football strategy, NERD.

cant get a pass rush? i havent had this prob....i think theres a nice balance between blitzing and coverage to get pressure on the qb...
you wanna sack a D-1 QB who has been reading blitzes and zones his entire life? well, make sure he has NOWHERE TO THROW THE BALL.

im reading yalls complaints like "damn, this game is crappy"

then i see you're ALL playing on all american, or even more cowardly, varsity.


p.s. i need online

God forbid some of us want to have fun when playing....

How dare you losers play the game on a difficulty lower than Heisman... The hell is the matter with yall?
nah yall missin the point

Dudes are in this post sayin they crackin dudes heads, they mastered the game, they Beasts ...

but on the highlights they are playing on varsity or All American.

put it in perspective before u proclaim to be
[method man] the illest *#%+! in nebraska [/method man]
I hate that there is no classic teams anymore... : (

Question: Is there anyway I can upload soundtracks to my 360 from my laptop ?
Just picked this up for the PS3 and I like this addition of the online dynasty. Anyone got any updated rosters to pass..
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

When playing the CPU, Heisman = unreal cpu accomplishments.

The things the CPU does is borderline insane.
....and im that much beastiter for still winning...

i think it's unfair and "cheesy" to play on anything but the hardest level, then pop fly about your accomplishments...

actually, in relation to this, i went to practice last night in my dynasty...

i put in all my freshmen to see how good they are...

my RB is breaking 3 tackles a play, scoring at will, im like "damn, i should start this kid" (over beanie!?!?!?!?)

i look, and see my difficulty for practice was set at all american....WOMP WOMP

for every "unfair" or "cheap" play the CPU gets off, i get off i'm not salty at all...

ive NEVER had a prob with all madden being cheap or cheesy...they just submit to the punishment.

i dont play NCAA all like that tho, i copped this year, and it seems like all the complaints....are just that...complaints...

from some NCAA messageboard= "in man coverage when you cross routes, the DBs come off and switch men, HORRIBLE"

no, thats actual football strategy, NERD.

cant get a pass rush? i havent had this prob....i think theres a nice balance between blitzing and coverage to get pressure on the qb...
you wanna sack a D-1 QB who has been reading blitzes and zones his entire life? well, make sure he has NOWHERE TO THROW THE BALL.

im reading yalls complaints like "damn, this game is crappy"

then i see you're ALL playing on all american, or even more cowardly, varsity.


p.s. i need online

My man, what are you waiting for, turn pro and make millions already, it's obvious you're so far beyond any of us I don't understand how youaren't getting paid to play already.

Like everyone else said, Heisman is stupid cheese - the only way to play is AA with sliders tweaked, and even then it's too easy or ridiculously stupidhard.. they've yet to come up with a fair way of beating you in this game, and may never really figure it out. There's no shame in saying you play AAso you can always win, just because you'd rather enjoy winning a game easily than break your controller out of frustration over the miraculous plays madeagainst you on heisman... well, maybe a bit of shame, but not for the reasons you're implying.
^^ I've played on heisman, while its no cake walk, it think it's definitely beatable. The way I see it is you have to play realistically, like nottrying to throw into double triple coverage thinking you're not going to get picked.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

will the ps3 dynasty ever start? half of the ppl on it havent even finished the preseason junk
Thats what Im sayin

man i been having troubles trying to connect but i should be good to start by tomorrow at the latest. been gettin an account error everytime i tryto get online sayin i need to have my account approved by an adult.
i tried 5 different emails and they didn't send the account approval email to ANY of them. So i called the number on the back of the gamethinking i would talk to someone and get it all straightened out. turns out the entire thing is an automated system and doesnt even give me the option to talkto someone. i went to EA's website and filled out a "question" which they say will be answered in the next 24 hours.
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

^^ I've played on headsman, while its no cake walk, it think it's definitely beatable. The way I see it is you have to play realistically, like not trying to throw into double triple coverage thinking you're not going to get picked.

I'm not saying you won't still win 90 percent of your games on Heisman, but there are times when there's just stupid stuff happening - you havea guy wide open in the endzone and it'll bounce off his hands and get picked off... or a defensive back will all of a sudden close 10 yards in a splitsecond to pick you off, or all of a sudden your goto running back will fumble on a simple running play while you're holding down the "cover ball"button with both hands. And i'm saying these things could all happen in one quarter, or less time... and it wouldn't be shocking at all to anybodythat has played Heisman level for the last 10 years this game has been out. It's the same thing year after year, i've probably played almost 1000games against the computer AI in this franchise over the last decade, and so have a lot of other people who complain the same thing - don't treat us likemorons who don't know what we're seeing, this has been agreed upon for a long time now - it's not even debatable at this point, it's become anaccepted part of the game.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

will the ps3 dynasty ever start? half of the ppl on it havent even finished the preseason junk
Thats what Im sayin
man i been having troubles trying to connect but i should be good to start by tomorrow at the latest. been gettin an account error everytime i try to get online sayin i need to have my account approved by an adult.
i tried 5 different emails and they didn't send the account approval email to ANY of them. So i called the number on the back of the game thinking i would talk to someone and get it all straightened out. turns out the entire thing is an automated system and doesnt even give me the option to talk to someone. i went to EA's website and filled out a "question" which they say will be answered in the next 24 hours.
how old are you...?
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

will the ps3 dynasty ever start? half of the ppl on it havent even finished the preseason junk
Thats what Im sayin
man i been having troubles trying to connect but i should be good to start by tomorrow at the latest. been gettin an account error everytime i try to get online sayin i need to have my account approved by an adult.
i tried 5 different emails and they didn't send the account approval email to ANY of them. So i called the number on the back of the game thinking i would talk to someone and get it all straightened out. turns out the entire thing is an automated system and doesnt even give me the option to talk to someone. i went to EA's website and filled out a "question" which they say will be answered in the next 24 hours.
how old are you...?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

in other news...

i had the top recruit class...

i had like 9 five-stars, and 5 four-stars

auburn came in second, and had 14 four stars!

9 five stars??? Who are you using?
they need to come up with a harder difficulty than heisman. I just went undefeated with ucla avg 69ppg and giving up 9.

I guess im going to have to tweak the sliders up for cpu or down for me. Any good site with sliders?
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by yungchamp

will the ps3 dynasty ever start? half of the ppl on it havent even finished the preseason junk
Thats what Im sayin
man i been having troubles trying to connect but i should be good to start by tomorrow at the latest. been gettin an account error everytime i try to get online sayin i need to have my account approved by an adult.
i tried 5 different emails and they didn't send the account approval email to ANY of them. So i called the number on the back of the game thinking i would talk to someone and get it all straightened out. turns out the entire thing is an automated system and doesnt even give me the option to talk to someone. i went to EA's website and filled out a "question" which they say will be answered in the next 24 hours.
how old are you...?
Thanks for letting me know!? Its cool though everyone has until WEDNESDAY and then you getting cut.

There is only two people you and the kid who is WVU who havent done their stuff....It seems like everyone else is on top of things so I am not worried about itYET.

I am kinda glad some of you guys took a few days it allowed me to get the schedules the way I want them and the sliders....The sliders are gonna blow yallsmind

If we gotta cut the fat and just go with dudes who will play religiously then that is what we will do...all the dedicated folks dont get discouraged...I amgonna commish this like Goodell..
Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

they need to come up with a harder difficulty than heisman. I just went undefeated with ucla avg 69ppg and giving up 9.

I guess im going to have to tweak the sliders up for cpu or down for me. Any good site with sliders?

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