The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

I watch that orange is black show and just didn't like it, will not watch season 2. But they need to add more stuff, Netflix been dry for me lately.
Watching the Hammer (2010) right now, story about the deaf UFC fighter Matt Hamill. Great story. Very good movie. 
Thanks for the suggestion.  So freaking good!
feels like i have been waiting forever for the last season of How I Met Your Mother too!!!! smh...
I haven't fired up the PS3 in months. I did yesterday to catch the new season of 'Orange' but then I had to update my debit info so I just turned it back off :lol:

Lo and behold the season is on another platform, so Netflix is useless to me.
Anybody ever watch Sherlock? Episodes are as long as full movies. Don't wanna invest that much time to a crap show
Nah, season 3 had my mind blown. Some of the craziest tv episodes i've ever seen. The woman's phone password and Sherlock figuring it out had me looking like the Weebay gif.
I highly recommend you guys watch Short Term 12. Such a great movie.

Watched Snow on tha Bluff last night and that was a great movie too.
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