The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

started watching bosch s5 and hooked straight away, glad to have another quality show to watch after finishing line of duty.

IMO Bosch is worth the prime video subscription fee alone, 5 seasons of 10 episodes an hour long each, that's 50 hours of quality entertainment:smokin
Just finished bosch last night, so good!

Came here to post about this. Just finished the new season.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every season of Bosch and it only seems to keep getting better.
Can’t wait for next season already.
started watching bosch s5 and hooked straight away, glad to have another quality show to watch after finishing line of duty.

IMO Bosch is worth the prime video subscription fee alone, 5 seasons of 10 episodes an hour long each, that's 50 hours of quality entertainment:smokin
Just finished bosch last night, so good!

Came here to post about this. Just finished the new season.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every season of Bosch and it only seems to keep getting better.
Can’t wait for next season already.
Decided to give Roma a shot last night and really wishing I hadn't. Movie put me to sleep multiple times as the pacing was slow as hell and there was no character development to speak of. The dialogue was also weak and I usually dont mind subs but reading them made it hard to know who said what as the subs were often shown while the actual actors weren't on screen.
Anybody watch(ed) Imposters? This is a good show. Kinda has a You vibe with it being on Bravo before but now on Netflix.
At the end of the 1st season and it is very good

YUP just started watching it today. Finally a new show that caught my attention right from the beginning and kept me wanting to binge. I’m halfway through the first season right now. I have off work tomorrow so I’ll probably finish both seasons by then :lol:
YUP just started watching it today. Finally a new show that caught my attention right from the beginning and kept me wanting to binge. I’m halfway through the first season right now. I have off work tomorrow so I’ll probably finish both seasons by then :lol:

Bout to start S2 today at work. Was supposed to introduce my wife to the show but she'll be aight
YUP just started watching it today. Finally a new show that caught my attention right from the beginning and kept me wanting to binge. I’m halfway through the first season right now. I have off work tomorrow so I’ll probably finish both seasons by then :lol:
Is it like a less corny version of Leverage?
Definitely gonna have to checkout Imposters now after all the praise in here. Enjoyed You.

The Zac Efron Ted Bundy movie drops this Friday, probably watch over the weekend.
Just finished episode 3 of Chambers. I'm in this is creepy af, no idea where this is going. Its early, but I'm kinda getting a Get Out vibe from it.
I finally finished it.
Def got “unbelievable” in a few spots in episode 9 and it had/has a couple of plot holes but the End Scene?!!!....... should make for an Epic Season 2 if the up the writing and Uma puts that producer money BACK into the project.

I’ve always loved Uma.

Man who TF is Gina Rodriguez. When she said “that’s good because I didn’t shower today”, I got a lttle chubby in my sweats.
Shorty sexy AF and a little funny.
This Film might be good even for other reasons than Lakeith.
If street food is about food I'm in there

-Finally finished Sabrina last week, boy was that ending a letdown and the very ending super stupid but on par for Sabrina's character

-Wife started All American, watched it a bit last night with her and it's aight
If street food is about food I'm in there

-Finally finished Sabrina last week, boy was that ending a letdown and the very ending super stupid but on par for Sabrina's character

-Wife started All American, watched it a bit last night with her and it's aight
It is. Street food from around the world. Well, I like to think it is. So far the focus has been in Asia and India.
Starting Chambers, was gonna start Street Food but since I'm at work I'm not gonna be able to really watch it like how I want
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