The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

The ONLY way to watch it is they way you did and the way you can watch it now which is all 3 seasons, seeing how all 3seasons are out, and it’s done.
I had to rewatch Season 1 before I watched Season 2, and then I had to rewatch Season 1 and 2 before Season 3, and I STILL found new **** and closedplot holes that I had in my head from things I forgot and missed.
Show is absolutely perfect for binge.

Excellent show.
Initially I didn't like the ending because I felt it was kind of a cop out , but looking back it was always there.
I probably (most likely) missed a bunch of hints about it.
Season 2 >1> 2nd half of 3> first half of 3

Can't wait to rewatch it
I would say Tiger King was more overrated if we're talking pure viral Netflix shows. Or maybe the pandemic amplified it. Feels like forever ago.

Finished on my block season finale...
And cant believe how the netflix let the interns write the script.. this last season was all over the place. Smh

I only watched that show for Jamal, the grandma, and Spooky. Everyone else bores me.

The guy that plays Cesar can't act for **** I've seen better from high school plays.
It was difficult to see hints if there were any because so much weird stuff was going on. I finished it recently and already forgot why the missing kids were taken.
A lot of the Squid Game hype is because Netflix hasn't dropped anything solidly above average or entertaining in several months.
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Midnight Mass was pretty good, but the ending while acceptable, felt rushed somehow, hard to explain, like it was missing a good 10 minutes, felt unsatisfying
Midnight Mass was pretty good, but the ending while acceptable, felt rushed somehow, hard to explain, like it was missing a good 10 minutes, felt unsatisfying

I think that’s because they built up the “angel”
that kind of just went away, the long monologues and singing was tiring at that point and the priest took a back seat in the final episode.
This squid game show gotta be the most overrated show of this generation :stoneface: ... finally near the end and just don’t get the love this getting.
I’m not as far as you but same here… I just finished ep3, so far I’m still waiting for it to get good…… I don’t think it will lol.
Midnight Mass was pretty good, but the ending while acceptable, felt rushed somehow, hard to explain, like it was missing a good 10 minutes, felt unsatisfying
I believe that was intentional. while I also felt the same, the left it with a cliffhanger and possibly a sequel to it. there is no telling if the creature died or not so we will see. the amount of death in that series is really unexpected that you wouldn't know if they are the protagonist or not. good twist.
I’m not as far as you but same here… I just finished ep3, so far I’m still waiting for it to get good…… I don’t think it will lol.

Yea if you don't like it by EP3, I don't think you will. There is a surprise at the end but nothing too crazy.
I think that’s because they built up the “angel”
that kind of just went away, the long monologues and singing was tiring at that point and the priest took a back seat in the final episode.
for me, I felt the monologues and singing were necessary and great and beautiful. I look at it as people reflecting back to their actions, including the priest. the singing part is vindication and somehow a test of faith of someone facing their impending fate. they showed much contrast and difference with the Christians, Muslims and that sick in the head cult woman. to be honest, this kind of discussion somehow makes me appreciate Midnight Mass even more and how deep it goes from a psychological and spiritual perspective.
I finished Midnight Mass last Friday. It’s definitely a slow and poignant story. I went from Squid Game to that.

I enjoyed it. I didn’t think the story would end the way it did but in a sense it was the only outcome for a group of close knit zealots.
currently watching squid games...

are any of those other shows on that list worth watching?
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