Post it here!

Ok this is some of what I did last night. The squats are more for general strength and everything else is basketball specific. In general I like to incorporate slower eccentrics with a pause in the bottom to help strengthen the muscles and tendons for longevity. If I want to do explosive stuff I will just jump. Keep in mind I’m 37 so my goal is to stay healthy and keep hooping with no injuries. For a younger athlete I would do something different lol.

One note about body types - I have longer thighs and shorter shins / Achilles, so for my body type it’s very important to really strengthen the ankle and hip flexor muscles if the goal is bounce. Most elite athletes have very short thighs and very long shins and Achilles with high calf insertion (google a pic of MJ) so they have a lot better natural leverage and bounce from tendons. We all have our natural strengths and weaknesses and our training should be mindful of that.

Yea I've never been one to hit the weights. My thing is to do morning stretching and light exercises... and trying to keep that consistent. I'm a slim fella... always have been. So like the second slide... I can do that. And for the first one.. can I use 20lb dumbbells instead?
Yea I've never been one to hit the weights. My thing is to do morning stretching and light exercises... and trying to keep that consistent. I'm a slim fella... always have been. So like the second slide... I can do that. And for the first one.. can I use 20lb dumbbells instead?
Always ignore the weight and just focus on having perfect form. As soon as you can do however many reps/sets with perfect form and not feel sore the next day, that’s your signal to up the weight for the next workout.
Yea I've never been one to hit the weights. My thing is to do morning stretching and light exercises... and trying to keep that consistent. I'm a slim fella... always have been. So like the second slide... I can do that. And for the first one.. can I use 20lb dumbbells instead?
Definitely, even body weight is a good place to start with these. I was never naturally athletic so it was all built in the lab lol. My vert is mid 30s but my standing reach is a sad 7”6 lol. Can get my wrist over the rim without a ball but can’t really palm one or dunk.
I'm in my mid-30's and I absolutely love training legs now. I used to neglect them when I was younger because leg workouts interfered with basketball days.

What also motivates me is being able to out play the young cats and throw down the occasional dunk.. never thought I'd do that at my age.
Always ignore the weight and just focus on having perfect form. As soon as you can do however many reps/sets with perfect form and not feel sore the next day, that’s your signal to up the weight for the next workout.
Yeah the key is long term progression. That can either be more weight, more reps, slower reps, more sets , shorter rest periods or any combination of it all.

Form is everything. Normally I do 315 on the squats but last night things felt off so I stopped at 275. Younger me would have pushed it and hurt something lol. I usually workout at 10am with my bball players but with a new born im going at 9pm, plus not sleeping well so my strength is down huge.
I'm in my mid-30's and I absolutely love training legs now. I used to neglect them when I was younger because leg workouts interfered with basketball days.

What also motivates me is being able to out play the young cats and throw down the occasional dunk.. never thought I'd do that at my age.
Yeah I do 2 leg days a week plus a track / plyo day. Used to do a lot more upper body stuff when I was younger but I’ve let my chest and stuff shrink a bit because it’s not very functional for hoops. It was kind of nice to be swole though lol.
Yeah I do 2 leg days a week plus a track / plyo day. Used to do a lot more upper body stuff when I was younger but I’ve let my chest and stuff shrink a bit because it’s not very functional for hoops. It was kind of nice to be swole though lol.
Ik we’ve talked abt this before and I was tryna find the convo but I lost it.

So I’m 6’ 2”, 150lb and I’m tryna get to wear I can dunk comfortably. Would things like leg presses, calf raises, and squats in the gym be more effective than some of the plyometric stuff you’ve shown us?
Depending on how much basketball you’re playing right now in the off season, I’d do one weight workout every 5 days and a jump session / on the court stuff every 3 days.

Mix it up with high skips, ball taps on the backboard, broad jumps, lunge jumps and sprints. Then just practice dunking, lower the rim a bit if you need to.

6’2 150 is pretty skinny, I think 10-15 pounds of muscle in the right places would transform you big time. I’m 6 foot 185-190.
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6’2 150 is pretty skinny
Yeah I get told that a lot 🫤

My dad has the same build and so did his dad so ig it’s jus genetics.

Depending on how much basketball you’re playing right now in the off season, I’d do one weight workout every 5 days and a jump session / on the court stuff every 3 days.
I prolly play like once a week. During the regular season I’ll be at practice or playing/games at least 4 times a week
Depending on how much basketball you’re playing right now in the off season, I’d do one weight workout every 5 days and a jump session / on the court stuff every 3 days.

Mix it up with high skips, ball taps on the backboard, broad jumps, lunge jumps and sprints. Then just practice dunking, lower the rim a bit if you need to.

6’2 150 is pretty skinny, I think 10-15 pounds of muscle in the right places would transform you big time. I’m 6 foot 185-190.

"In the right places"?

Depending on how much basketball you’re playing right now in the off season, I’d do one weight workout every 5 days and a jump session / on the court stuff every 3 days.

Mix it up with high skips, ball taps on the backboard, broad jumps, lunge jumps and sprints. Then just practice dunking, lower the rim a bit if you need to.

6’2 150 is pretty skinny, I think 10-15 pounds of muscle in the right places would transform you big time. I’m 6 foot 185-190.
Skinny. .... I take offense to that lol. I'm 6'1 with kicks since HS and I mentioned earlier, slim. For me I was my most athletic between '06-'08 with playing ball religiously from start of undergrad in 03 through 2013 and was able to dunk only because I hooped so much... did absolutely no working out. Once that hooping slowed down.. so did my hops to dunk lol. Last successfully dunked summer '07... 14 Str Y league
Skinny. .... I take offense to that lol. I'm 6'1 with kicks since HS and I mentioned earlier, slim. For me I was my most athletic between '06-'08 with playing ball religiously from start of undergrad in 03 through 2013 and was able to dunk only because I hooped so much... did absolutely no working out. Once that hooping slowed down.. so did my hops to dunk lol. Last successfully dunked summer '07... 14 Str Y league
Jumping and playing ball is still the best way to increase bounce! The strength training is mainly to help boost that and improve durability.

Are you a one foot or two foot jumper?
Jumping and playing ball is still the best way to increase bounce! The strength training is mainly to help boost that and improve durability.

Are you a one foot or two foot jumper?
Yea man. Miss those days. And I was def no high flyer but I could stuff a one handed dunk.

1 footer
1 foot jumping is relies more on ankle, hamstring and glute strength while 2 foot jumping is more quad dominant. Most 1 foot jumpers can become good 2 foot jumpers but the opposite is harder.

High skips, one leg step ups, and knee drives to strengthen the hip flexors will get your 1 foot leap
Back up there!
1 foot jumping is relies more on ankle, hamstring and glute strength while 2 foot jumping is more quad dominant. Most 1 foot jumpers can become good 2 foot jumpers but the opposite is harder.

High skips, one leg step ups, and knee drives to strengthen the hip flexors will get your 1 foot leap
Back up there!
I'm a 2 foot dunker, that's the only way I've been able to dunk so far. But only in layup lines and open gyms

Over the summer ima try to work my vertical up to wear I can dunk off a fast break. That's my goal anyway
Jumping and playing ball is still the best way to increase bounce! The strength training is mainly to help boost that and improve durability.

Are you a one foot or two foot jumper?

Just wanted to butt into the convo ya'll having :rofl:

Adding barbell squats to your strength training on top of just hooping often helps immensely with bounce. I'm not talking about high rep squats, I'm talking about pushing weight where you can only get 5 reps out max - *** to grass, none of those quarter squats.

I'm under 6 feet, and in my 20s I was able to grab rim with both hands from a dead stop position right under the rim. I attribute that to squats and biking everywhere.

It was fun to see the shocked look on people's faces when I would do that while warming up because I guess I don't look like I have bunnies. Asking me to do that again :lol:. But these days I'm just trying not to cramp up playing defense and am no where near touching the rim.... :rofl:
Getting old is a *****.
Just wanted to butt into the convo ya'll having :rofl:

Adding barbell squats to your strength training on top of just hooping often helps immensely with bounce. I'm not talking about high rep squats, I'm talking about pushing weight where you can only get 5 reps out max - *** to grass, none of those quarter squats.

I'm under 6 feet, and in my 20s I was able to grab rim with both hands from a dead stop position right under the rim. I attribute that to squats and biking everywhere.

It was fun to see the shocked look on people's faces when I would do that while warming up because I guess I don't look like I have bunnies. Asking me to do that again :lol:. But these days I'm just trying not to cramp up playing defense and am no where near touching the rim.... :rofl:
Getting old is a *****.
Funny enough, there's studies that say quarter squats actually help with explosiveness more. If you ever seen lebron do squats they look like he's thottin it up in the gym but it actually helps for jumping.

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