The Official NT Beat Thread Vol.2..-~-..-~-.Dope Beats Only!

...not in a good way.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

...not in a good way.

�dummy....the link didn't even work..look at you hatin when u didnt even hear anything the same dude asking if u can have some of mybeats
anyways...heres the song

Edit: Warning- name calling. This is your final warning.

I'm gonna shoppin this for Bobby Valentino sometime this month, just gotta finish writing the song and gettin someone to sing it.

This needs somethin else but I just can't put my finger on it

I need to fix the levels on this but I like it so far

Mayor of NYC - Yo I Gotta Cry sounds kindamessy because you can still hear the drums in the sample, but it seems like the beat could be hot if you EQ them out somehow.That's a problem for me toowhen i use long samples.

HypeBeast - YOUR BEATS ARE FIRE!Made me feel like i need to step up my game man. I can't tell what the second beatis missing...maybe a high lead or something??

Anyways, i just got reason 4

WAMP WAMP REMIX Ferrari - The WampWamp remix sounds good. I like the synths on it. I always hear about reason but I figured with my plugins on FL Studio that I didn't need to bother lookinginto that program but the synths sound real crisp and unique.

Mayor - I Gotta Cry has too much going on with it, starting from the drums to the sample. This is an improvement from some of your previous efforts so justkeep working at it and you'll get better.

Pusha x Vinsanity - Takeover Music is pretty good. I kinda see what Crossisom was saying with the synth, but overall I liked it. Also the drums/percussion isridiculous. I could tell that you tweaked the 808/bass drum and it knocks.

Hypebeast McStreetwear - I wasn't feeling the first beat much, but I did like the second and third beat. I like the jazzy-synth feel that the third one hasgoing on and I could picture an R&B artist doing something with both of those.

New beat up. "ThroughIt All". Haven't sampled in a while so I wanted to see if I still knew how to do some chopping/flipping. LOL! I also wanted this to have a live,raw feel to it and I tried implementing that in the various drum/percussion patterns, bass notation and overall mix of the beat. Feedback appreciated.
yea..i need to work on long i took the sample out and did something else...let me know what you guys think of CRY....and i also made anotherbeat..called "House of Voices"..check em both out..thanks!


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Originally Posted by Equaztion

Kaigen Nova x Pusha x Vinsanity = Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit


HypeBeast... Thank you, good sir. Was hoping someone like you would appreciate the track.
@ the edits in your post.

I am, actually, about to start workin' with some folks. Mainly singers, because that just seems to be the go-to style, as of late.

I see you got that R&B/Pop type of feel, too. You workin' with anyone? I'm feelin' your newest three. I think I like the 2nd beat the most.
Not bad...

Check out what you think on this beat, Queens. It's a short snippet but that howthe beat is mostly with breaks in between and such.
I got a grip of new beats on the page come on yall !!!

i'll rate mayor's stuff tomorrow, im listening to house music right now boom ts boom ts boom ts boom ts

boom.... ts ....boom.... ts ....boom.... ts ....boom
dan doo dandadan doo danda dun doo din

i tried spacing to match time measure, word to FL6
Treewing... This sounds nice and has potential, but the whole thing sounds filtered or somethin'. The instrumentssound strange and that snare has quite a metal feel to it. But I commend you on the cooperating melodies. It's harder than it seems to not have anyclashing keys, when so many layers are playing at the same time.

Kuribo... You already know. I think you're finally turning some corners, like I said, the other night. Your newerstuff got me noddin'.

Just did this lil thing this afternoon, to start off the weekend. Figured I'd post it since I'm barely in here.

I think it's the great (Yes, 55 degrees is now considered great, to me) Chicago weather today, that had me in this happy mood...

^Thanks, Pusha. They probably sound weird because I didn't EQ it as well as I normally would. I was just as surprised as you were that I could have allthose layers there (seven synths) and they still blend well.
If you're gonna post a beat without giving feedback, don't expect any feedback.

"Thanks Miles" It's at the bottom of the player. Feedback greatlyappreciated and will be returned.
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