The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Lowkey, OKC could probably make the play in this year if Presti quit ******* with them. 2 games back from Sacramento for that last spot, same with the Horford year they'd win more than they were supposed to and then guys would just sit for no reason. And long term only a few players away. Give this exact roster 2 yrs and use those frp's on some bigs and bring in a few vets to mix with the Yout's and we got something.
I would've unloaded the whole cupboard for Mobley if I were Presti during the draft.
What great talent is signing to OKC? There's only so many trades they can pull off.

I understand that and there are several other franchises with the same predicament but that stockpile is a bit ridiculous. In theory it's good but they could very well end up like the Ainge and the C's who once upon a time were lauded for their assets and look how that turned out. datznasty datznasty 's vision a few posts up makes sense but I don't think you need an everage of 7 picks per draft to achieve that :lol:
He left us for Twitter :lol:
We’ve lost a few people to Twitter. Platform is much larger so you have even more hot takes to sift through :lol: I couldn’t do it. Everybody wants to be SAS & Skip
According to an article I found dated October 27, 2021, OKC had 36 draft picks (19 FRP and 17 SRP) over the next five years. This is out of control :lol: If they keep tanking they gotta get hit in the picks and not the pockets
Thought about it a few months ago and I think Presti wants to have ammunition to move up a spot maybe 2 if they end up with a lower pick with the new flattened odds & they really like a guy slated to go just above them.

This past year for example they were supposed to be have like an 80% chance at the top 5, they land #6 :lol:
I would've unloaded the whole cupboard for Mobley if I were Presti during the draft.
I’d be surprised if he didn’t try :lol: I just don’t know if there’s any combination of mid to late first rounders that would make me comfortable moving down to #6 in a 3 player draft.

If OKC was #3 instead, it becomes a lot more feasible
When you link with shorty oop me with the friend in both pics and thanks :evil:
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