The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Been a wrap after he won a chip and got comfortable

Someone like Yanni on the other hand decided to work hard on his weaknesses even after having an All-Time dominant run to a chip

Remember those dumb ESPN debates of them trying to crown AD as the greatest PF of all time after his first chip?


More info on the Yips

Are the Yips Real?​

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In the early 1970s, Steve Blass was one of the top pitchers of all time. For starters, he helped the Pittsburgh Pirates win the 1971 World Series against the Baltimore Orioles. Then, in 1972, he was named runner-up for the National League Cy Young Award, given to the best pitcher.
But because of the yips, Blass lost his ability to properly pitch a ball. In turn, he retired in 1975, and the yips earned the nickname, “Steve Blass disease.”
The condition isn’t specific to baseball, though. The yips, or wrist twitches that happen during a certain motion, can affect other athletes, too.
In the past, people thought the yips were solely caused by anxiety and stress. But now, scientists have learned that neurological factors can also play a role.
If you’re wondering if the yips are real and what causes this condition, read on. We’ll explore the symptoms, why it happens, and possible treatment options.

What are the yips?​

The “yips” is an informal term for a movement disorder involving your wrists. It causes involuntary muscle spasms when you’re trying to perform a specific movement.
Commonly, the yips are associated with baseball players and golfers. The term “yips” was coined by Tommy Armour, a professional golf player, in the early 1900s.
Other athletes can develop the yips, too. This includes people who play:
  • cricket
  • darts
  • archery
  • bowling
The yips can also affect non-athletes, including those who frequently:
  • write
  • type
  • play a musical instrument
In these scenarios, the condition is often called “writer’s dystonia” or “musician’s dystonia” instead of the yips, but the symptoms are similar.

What are the symptoms of the yips?​

The yips generally occur when you’re doing a specific action, like putting or handwriting. Symptoms include:
  • muscle jerks (most common)
  • shaking or tremors
  • twitching
  • feeling “locked” or frozen
These symptoms usually don’t happen when you’re doing other activities.
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What causes the yips?​

It’s thought that the yips are due to neurological and psychological causes. These include:
  • Focal dystonia. Focal dystonia, a neurological condition, involves involuntary spasms that affect one body part. It’s often associated with repetitive movements.
  • Performance anxiety. This causes psychological “choking,” or feeling extremely anxious about your athletic performance. The anxiety can be so intense that it disrupts your ability.
  • A combination of both. Some people develop the yips due to a combination of focal dystonia and performance anxiety. Stress and anxiety can also worsen focal dystonia.
You may be more prone to these causes if you:
  • have been doing the activity for a long time
  • are prone to perfectionism
  • are prone to anxiety
  • are older

How to treat the yips​

There are several ways to treat the yips or reduce your symptoms.
Depending on the cause of your condition, you may need one or more of the following treatments:

Changing your technique​

The gold standard for yips treatment is changing your technique or equipment. For example, you can:
  • change the way you hold a putter
  • use a different putter
  • change your grip

Botox injection​

Botulinum toxin therapy, or Botox, may be ideal if your condition is mainly neurological. Botox is an injectable treatment that’s frequently used for some types of dystonia, including focal dystonia.
The injection uses botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin, to disrupt nerve signals to a muscle. This relaxes the muscle, which reduces spasms.
The effects of Botox are temporary, though. After 3 to 6 months, you’ll likely need another injection for continuous relief.

Behavioral therapy​

Behavioral therapy can help manage anxiety, which can worsen the neurological and psychological aspects of the yips. Possible methods include:

How athletes get rid of the yips​

In general, how athletes get rid of the yips depends on the cause.
If it’s mainly due to focal dystonia, they’ll change their grip or movement.
Many athletes also overcome the yips by working with a sports psychologist and learning mental strategies. These methods can help reduce anxiety and change how you mentally approach your symptoms.
For example, a sports psychologist might teach you how to:
  • avoid overthinking
  • gain confidence
  • focus on the movement
Some athletes practice their moves in fields without any bystanders. This way, they can work through their performance issues without people watching.


The yips are a real condition that affect athletes and people who frequently write, type, or play an instrument. It can be caused by a neurological disorder, performance anxiety, or a mix of both.
If you have the yips, try changing your grip or technique. You can also work with a sports psychologist to better manage anxiety. Methods like positive self-talk can improve your focus and athletic performance.
LeBron is a better 5 than AD and Giannis is a better shooter than AD.

Two statements that would make 0 sense in 2019 😂

Y’all really hate AD :smh: :lol:. Dude still a monster defensively and as hollow as some of his offensive production is, and his jumper regressing…he a force. We going to far.

Giannis has improved considerably. And you love to see it.

Now….LeBron. Good lord. Impressive what he’s doing to the naked eye. At 37, hella impressive (Chris Paul is also 37, and a 6 footer leading a team to the best record in the NBA, dealing with multiple injuries. But that’s here not there)

Right now, Bron plays zero defense :lol:. Especially at the 5. Banes and Kyle Anderson were getting whatever they wanted.

Him as a 5 against Houston & Sacramento looks incredible tho. Against those bad teams where he’s allowed to play free safety and foul scared, young people. Impressive. When against a good team that’s actually running stuff, it’s exposed. He’s really just conserving energy on the defensive end for offensive production. He’s been doing this for a couple of years. But it’s more evident with AD out.

He’s The counting stat goat. Them stat lines sure do look pretty. 9 assist, and your teammates still struggling to score. 8 rebounds, and y’all getting killed on the glass by a smaller, quicker team.

And let’s not mention the LeBron not getting back on defense in transition thing. That **** really is ugly, and shameful. Sulking on the baseline and hanging court.

Nasty stuff.
Hooping with bron be stealing dudes joys of the game. We've been seeing it for years. Guys get away and be energized, even if they dont win as many regular season games. Call it pressure to win or media bull **** or whatever...dudes seem miserable with him...AD was miserable this season. Russ looks broken mentally. Russ has always played like this though. So it's not his bad play. His game isn't predicated on scoring or not turning the ball over anyway :lol:
so where was all that talk about he doesn't have to prove anything on the court since he is already a champion in life? Guess reality finally sets in that all those stat-padding and triple-double dont mean anything at all. I guess Russ now realized what it meant to be a failure.
When it comes to the yips, Chuck NahBlock is always the first person I think of. Couldn’t throw the ball 15 ft to first base.
i thought it was just something yall made up. The wiki article sights Chuck Hayes free throws. I can see a combination of physical conditions and a mix of psychological disorders attached to an action, makes sense. Probably more mental/psychological than physical on most people.

thats wild. I've never had that. Nerves of steel. Intestinal fortitude. High pressure has always made me better, in sports and business. I coast more until the pressure is on. Wild. Russ better be thankful for that athleticism.

Posted this video two weeks ago. If any of you don’t understand the yips - definitely watch this. It can affect anyone in any sport.

i thought it was just something yall made up. The wiki article sights Chuck Hayes free throws. I can see a combination of physical conditions and a mix of psychological disorders attached to an action, makes sense. Probably more mental/psychological than physical on most people.

What’s going on with Kyle Anderson jumper? He’s shooting like Chuck Hayes now.

It was never this bad. Some Markelle Fultz type ****
It’s not the yips. It looks like he doesn’t work on his game and it’s catching up to him.

Teams, players and coaches have never held Russ accountable. They let him slide because he’s likeable in the lockeroom and plays aggressive.

That bad basketball was going to catch up. The best and worst thing that happened to him, was the attention and status he recieved in the 2014-2015 season, when KD was hurt the second half of the season. He realized he could cheat the game.

Changed his approach to the game for the worse. Now it’s catching up to him
Pretty sure the first time I ever heard the term “the yips” it was an explanation for why Chuck Barkley’s golf swing was so terrible. :lol:
Is it the Yips or does he just suck?
he has always been a poor shooter but he's throwing the ball nearly over the backboard with regularity. Dribbling off his foot for no reason, tricking off layups he could make in his sleep most of his life.

Yips or whatever it's almost certainly some sort of performance anxiety related to the ever mounting criticism and and microscope placed on his flaws and perhaps second guessing himself, wanting to not **** up.
It was NEVER ever this bad with Russ.

That’s why I said “pre-onset yips”. I wasn’t even saying it as a joke. He can’t grip the basketball, it looks like he’s losing his hands.

That LA pressure is different.

oh my. if this was a 3rd string player, it's either he gets released from the team or sent to the G-league. the fix is real.
It’s not the yips. It looks like he doesn’t work on his game and it’s catching up to him.

he has always been a poor shooter but he's throwing the ball nearly over the backboard with regularity. Dribbling off his foot for no reason, tricking off layups he could make in his sleep most of his life.

Yips or whatever it's almost certainly some sort of performance anxiety related to the ever mounting criticism and and microscope placed on his flaws and perhaps second guessing himself, wanting to not **** up.

It’s all of this combined, IMO.
It’s not the yips. It looks like he doesn’t work on his game and it’s catching up to him.

Possible but it’s been toooo weird IMO. You don’t digress that much without it being a mental “thing”.

Regardless - this is getting absurd. The man is hitting the top of the backboard and blowing layups every game.

This is not normal. This is getting crazy.
I think of rick ankiel (pitcher for cardinals) when I hear the yips mentioned. One day he couldn't throw strikes anymore, had to switch and become an outfielder.
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