The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Man, I tapped out in the middle of the 3rd quarter when the Kings were making their run.

Saw the Russ stats this morning, big yikes,

EYE was told that Russ was brought in to ease the burden if/when Lebby and AD got hurt.

Lakers are an absolute mess, I want to feel bad for Lebby but he made this mess so he has to deal with IT.

Sucks because Vogel is gonna be made the scapegoat soon methinks.
On a serious note, I’m both appalled and amazed at the fact that people in here still torture themselves watching the entire game.

And this is coming from a guy that watches all the summer leagues, preseasons etc etc.

This team is unbearable. I said it may times months ago as I was laughed off this thread: most unlikeable team in a very long time period. I don’t torture my brain cells watching these guys. Boring *** team with a negative IQ point guard - making more in 1 year than all of us combined in our entire lives and kids lives

Russell Westbrook. The gift that keeps on giving. I can see him fading into Bolivian and popping up to fight Jake Paul or make a UFC bid in couple years. If his Barneys contract allows for it.
“Fans want me to get 25/15/15 each night “

“Im allowed to miss. Im allowed to turn it over”


Bro take your stupid arm sleeves off. They don’t help you. Stop that stupid follow through pose like you’re a shooter. Son has lost any skill he ever may have ever had

Eric Gordon has been great this year. Career highs 50% Fg and 45% from 3. His contract isn’t that bad seeing the last year is only guaranteed if he’s an all star or wins a ring in which case it should be worth it.
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