The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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It's crazy how many young lottery drafted players are out of the league... some of them are not even 30...the league really has evolved if you can't shoot your not in the league including big men like centers... some exceptions to that rule with some guys in the league like Dwight and javale...
Capela is a pretty normal sized C though I feel like. Outside of guys like Embiid/Joker/Goober the "big" centers normally have major warts.
I’ve witnessed Nurkic, Valanciunas and Brooke Lopez straight body Clint and dominate the paint where every rebound is corralled by them or tipped out to a teammate. Game changers. There’s others too those are the first to come to mind.
Clint is a good rim runner and can do decent switching on wings and guards but he can be soft.

Draymond absolutely bodied him in the playoffs years ago . Made him a none factor.
Luka needs help in Dallas to go compete for Championships in the West

Obviously Porzingis isnt helping him to go beyond

Took me a while to find Kemba. Thought he was missing. He's next to Evan :lol: Looks like CTL+C & CTL+V from Burks
This is gonna be fun. I’ve fallen for this team so I’m actually good. No more trades. We just need our guys happy and healthy.

Honestly b, this is the type of stuff I respek. Whether dubs win by 40 or lose by 40, Whether the dubs is up, down, or tied up in the game, I want to see the hate energy never curbs.

But sadly we don't see this. Y'all the type who stay quiet af during real hoop games (if y'all hoop in the first place) when the score is tied up or you're down but get all brave & talk **** if you get lucky and win. St8 up sucka moves.
So MJ and Wardell are are products of a system but Bron won through sheer greatness? :nerd:

MJ and Wardell are a system and those systems increase the value of the other cogs. Lebron is a do it all yourself sort of guy and diminishes those around him because he does too much and relegates them to ball watchers. It’s why Kyrie is a perfect fit with him. Kyrie doesn’t care and he’ll get his own regardless and won’t defer.
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