The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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2 for 12 aint noooooothin

The fact this is really going to be waste of a season for Embiid sucks. Philly holding out on Ben is gonna be their downfall. Philly 2nd round exit this year.
The fact this is really going to be waste of a season for Embiid sucks. Philly holding out on Ben is gonna be their downfall. Philly 2nd round exit this year.
Ben sitting out is their downfall, if you even want to call it that considering they were prob a 2nd round exit wit him anyway

It's not Philly's fault nobody wants to trade for a guy who refuses to expand his game and is scared to dribble, shoot and dunk
“Jeanie Buss called me. Jeanie said ‘Dennis you want to go out to dinner?‘ I said ‘Yeah why not.’ I’ve known Jeanie since she was in Playboy. So they put me up in the Ritz Carlton, in the penthouse, and she said ‘You wanna have some drinks?‘ so we have some drinks. Ofcourse…take if from there. So I start, this is a true story, I started dating Jeanie Buss. I dated her for six months.”

Ben sitting out is their downfall, if you even want to call it that considering they were prob a 2nd round exit wit him anyway

It's not Philly's fault nobody wants to trade for a guy who refuses to expand his game and is scared to dribble, shoot and dunk
This. Morey his made his mistakes during the process but people need to stop acting like he’s sitting on a Houston James Harden level talent that everyone is clamoring for or that whatever they get right now will elevate them beyond a second round team. Season was a wash after tip-off on opening night when he was still on the team but holding out or whatever he was doing.

Both sides have goofed but Benjamin isn’t getting paid and Philly is currently in 5th place, 3.5GB from 1st. They aren’t losing in this situation. Embiid is probably a little peeved but he’s likely more angry with Ben for being a BA than he is with the FO for kind of being dumbasses
For the dudes that are still mad at Booker over the Kobe Bryant comparisons...

He doesn't like them either. Let the hate go.

Coming soon. 6’2 guard calling guys little.

This guy and Cam could be legendary game **** talkers & team mouthpieces.
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