The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Don’t blame Harden. I wouldn’t want to live in NYC either.. I like being able to see the sun.


First Kyrie melodrama and now this, KD gotta be having regrets rn :lol:
If Philly does that Kangz trade with both Tobi/Simmo, it opens up enough cap space to sign Harden out right
All this could just be putting pressure on the kyrie situation. Trade him or find a way to make him play home games.
What a bozo :lol:

He didn't factor NYC living and taxes in when he was skipping down the street after he got traded there?
agreed. that's partly why I'm not worried about it. it snows in philly too lol. feels like there's one side putting this stuff out there. and it's not Harden. we'll see tho
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