The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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What does he do “well”? Never bought into his hype dom I’m genuinely curious?

versatility on defense, can handle and distribute, size, can attack the rim when he wants and there is no real pressure
Does he really think the fans in jersey/New York gonna be kinder?

dont know what he’s thinking..

but aint like he went to the Knicks.. dude went to the nets

the people you refer to actual care about the giants and stuff flies with them that be way bigger issues/stories if they happened with the eagles
KP’s durability issues tanked his market, so with the trade the Mavs are free from half of his remaining money a year early because Dinwiddie’s last year isn’t fully guaranteed.

They just paid Dorian & have to pay Brunson so they get to avoid the luxury tax while they figure out what to do next.

KP was actually pretty good when healthy, so Washington gets the best player in the deal.

So, even.

We ain't avoiding the luxury tax with this deal in fact there's more money for longer with Spencer and Davis.

Disaster of a trade

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Guess I’m rooting for the Cavs and Grizzlies. Can’t root for my stupid *** Spurs. Can’t support Street Clothes Simmons playing for my borough. I hate this season so much.
What's still wild apparently Ben isn't vaxxed yet according to Momo but is going to do so now that he's going to the Nets. The irony.
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