The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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But they said t mac wasn’t putting in the necessary off season work though. He wasn’t hurt when he blew that 3-1 lead against the pistons.
i don’t know about his work ethic but his back was always ****** not sure what you can do about that.

yea for sure but they were up 3-1 cause of his greatness that team had no business being up 3-1. If that was a five game series like the previous year it would have been over.

Darell Armstrong, Pat Garrity, Mike Miller ain’t gonna get it done

Thats not what I said though. I said I was building a team for the modern NBA I am taking Harden.
That would make sense because we’ve seen Harden play in the modern NBA. Who knows what Kobe (or any all-time great) would be in the modern NBA and vice versa. I would like to think they would adapt and still be great but to what level is certainly up for debate.
T-Mac was talented af had it all but you just knew watching him something was missing .
Meh I saw Luka make that man unplayable. Saw he need to run a 3-4 scheme against Houston harden. He does make defensive play but it’s still a lot of trickery involved.
Luka made Ty sit both Bev & Zu :lol: starting point and center, 40% of the lineup.

That was one of the best first round series we’ve ever had. Clippers drop that one if Doc is still the coach.
Wait till Harden wants to play iso ball in Philly. Embiid about to be in for a rude awakening.
That would make sense because we’ve seen Harden play in the modern NBA. Who knows what Kobe (or any all-time great) would be in the modern NBA and vice versa. I would like to think they would adapt and still be great but to what level is certainly up for debate.
James Hardens game is very plug and play (rather it can be) and he and Curry pushed the limits on how many threes one guy could shoot. That was my argument
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