The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We are about to find out what Memphis is made of. Same with Book too.
Really isn’t it just Zion? And he hasn’t even left yet.
I believe: Davis, kawhi(?), Durant

It made the harden situation a mess on both sides

I think they do need to come up with something different regardless to my original point that the super max also can hurt teams that actually use it
I agree/disagree with the bolded. Every single small market team would KILL for that 3 year run that Presti had. Hell, ANY market size team would want that. For better or worse he has the history to support stockpiling picks vs. someone like Deadline Danny who assembled a war chest for no got damb reason.

Speaking of Deadline Danny....the Celtics have very quietly gone from the 9 to 6-seed and only 2 games out of that 3/4/5 seed logjam. I know C's fans are sitting back and loading up the yoppa for the final stretch here :nerd:
yea I agree, and while recency bias would tell us Westbrook is trash juice, Presti was the only one who foresaw drafting Westbrook and turning him into a PG while most of the war room and general basketball world thought Brook Lopez was the move. And even after losing Harden, the next year's Thunder were right there by most metrics the favorite to win it all before Pat Bev happened, then the next yr Ibaka goes down. So I shouldn't take away from him, hbut for a while he' has been trash andhe loves doing things trying to game or outsmart the system.

Also these 38 draft picks we have in the next 7 yrs, we can revisit in 2029 at your OKC residence what that turns into.

But looking at that Westbrook/Harden/KD/Ibaka/Jackson/Collison core, it's amazing looking back that nobody, literally not a one person except IIRC the corpse of Nazr Muhammed, said that team is young and on the cusp of greatness, I want to go play with them and be part of that. Take that same ~2010-13 era Thunder team and put them in a city people also want to go to, all the FAs are taking paycuts and minimums to coat tail to a chip. In fact during that time a few end of bench FAs took less money to go other places than come to OKC (Shane Battier, Dorell Wright, Mike Miller come to mind off top). So it is what it is.

For a Milwaukee to win a title with mostly their homegrown guys, they should get 2 rings
Don’t they have easy schedules? Unless I’m reading this wrong lol
You’re right :lol: For Phoenix, I mostly meant that they are going to be without CP3 who many attribute for their turnaround. If Book is like THAT then they should be fine but folks were skeptical of the teams he led in the past.

As far as Memphis, they are already exceeding expectations but based on their remaining schedule (not eem considering GSW’s recent play or Steph’s slump), they have no reason not to be #2 seed when it’s all said and done. It’ll be interesting to see if they keep their foot on the leagues neck.
Memphis and Phoenix have some of the easiest schedules left. GS is the one in danger of dropping to 3.

If Memphis is who they are supposed to be yes, GS should drop to 3, which is why I'm interested in how they closeout. Utah is another interesting one because that 4-seed is looking up for grabs.

I think the finish to this season will be exciting and entertaining with some new teams in the mix, players in new destinations, etc.

What ended up happening with Joe Harris? Did he get that season ending surgery?
With them getting Seth I feel like they were doubting Harris to return. He hasn't gotten the surgery yet but it seems like that's on the table. Damb shame

Ex teammates still coming at his neck.

We know he won't only not play, he won't even go. He might skip the trip entirely, just gonna skip that game and be like I'll meet yall back home in Brooklyn.

Gonna be funny too when he skips this game and all the time leading up to it, only to run into PHI in the playoffs
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