The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The back 2 back game winners of ddr running 3 pointer and the pump fake in the corner one are both so stupid tough . Crazy how he made both

I only saw highlights but like anti pointed out, what's craziest to me is that defenders know exactly where he is going and he still hits the difficult shot :sick:

I can't really get a gauge on them as a whole either because he's been playing at an MVP-Level to keep them afloat through injuries. Seems like they might have another level to ascend to as a team when fully healthy.

Derozan will be under a microscope in the playoffs. Idk how long this is sustainable.

Incredible season.
Was thinking about this. I personally don't think the Bulls get past the second round even if he plays really well, so he's in a tough spot.
Or peaking early ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Right now is about when you want to start peaking. IDK if scheduling shifted ASB this season or it's been this way throughout the years but there isn't really that much time left for teams to get it together/figure it out. That "It's only 1/4 of the way into the season. We have time" very quickly became "****...there's only 1/4 of the season left" :lol:
The league needs to restructure the super max

They tried to help teams with their home grown talent staying put but it clearly hasn’t worked as intended

Players still leaving and for the players who actually stay, their teams are probably facing cap space issues and luxury tax issues that makes it difficult to retain role players and to continue improving the roster

Supermax players on their original teams shouldn’t impact the salary cap the same way guys who get traded do.

Trae and Luka’s 40Ms should only take up 25ish in cap space and luxury tax calculations
Yea he's wildin :lol:, he was scoring champ but Duncan had a career year on the best team in the league and eventual Champs...
"The Spurs would have been fine without Duncan" as if Duncan didn't make the team what it was and was the cornerstone behind the dynasty.

In the last week TMAC has tried to disparage Tim Duncan and Giannis to elevate himself.. The realization that he wasn't THAT nice is killing him
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