The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Lowkey I like piston young core of

Bey- seems he’s shot ain’t falling this year.

They gotta figure out the other guard and that bench.
Stew is undersized and plays below the rim. Can’t really see him as a long term starter

Pistons won’t get the #1 pick two years in a row. Let’s assume Chet goes first. Do you take Banchero or Jabari?

Gotta flip grant for a first if possible. Draft a PG

Rookie PF
Collectively the IQ of the team is just comically poor this year

Game on the line & the floor alignment is terrible. THT is not hitting a game winning jumper so him in the corner is useless.

Melo & Reaves in the corners instead, Russ in the dunker, THT should be on the wing.

They will 100% trap sending THTs man, THT then cuts behind him and you get a much higher quality look. A THT layup if no help, a kick to Reaves/Melo WIDE open in the corner or a dump to Russ if they help.

Basic, elementary stuff.

Instead you get whatever the **** that was :lol:

Stuff like that is why you’re in the play-in and have lost 3 straight to the Clippers with no Kawhi in all 3, no PG in two.

Their point guard never really set up a play in that possession but rather waste time, by the time the Clippers defense adjusted, the Laker point guard just got rid of the rock quickly.
Off topic but just got done running my first 5k post Covid. Breaking record at this old age like Bronzo

If Harden and Embiid can play to their standards and Maxey and dollar store J Cole can also play well, man this team is gonna be hard to beat.

This is what a championship type team has, 2 superstars, a bonafide 3rd option which should be Cole, a defensive stopper you can put on the other teams best guy in Thybulle, an energy type guy like Maxey and 3 point dudes, Green (lol) and Kork.

I like this alot. Very balanced.

I must thank Mr fretitta for his pettiness with the Harden trade last year. If we did pull the trigger, we would have given away Maxey who seems to be a core piece of this team now.
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