The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Yeah, Dubs better get things back on track or they’re gonna get caught and passed by both the Grizz and Jazz.

and still be in the playoffs…..

Meanwhile lakers barely holding onto a play in spot

2/3rds of the league makes some form of postseason and Lebron & co still might miss it
Yeah, Dubs better get things back on track or they’re gonna get caught and passed by both the Grizz and Jazz.

I said this prior to the re-start after ASB but there is absolutely no reason that the Grizzlies shouldn't pass them. I didn't realize Utah was that close :wow: Even so, Utah had a slightly more difficult schedule to closeout at that point so maybe GSW would be safe from falling to 4.

No matter how you cut it, they have to play better, with or without Draymond.
How many points did Stephon Curry have last night in the 4th? I heard rumors on the chats they were switch hunting him, but his best defense is offense so I'm sure he got it back right?
What the hell is going on with Ben Simmons? He never even had a legit injury.

'back' injury came right of the blue man, never heard anything about it in Philly all season.

Marks also said there's zero timetable on a return too...

It's silly too because they only have 18 games left...10 at home, 8 on the road.

Don't know if Kyrie will be able to play more than 8 of them. Don't know when Benjamin is coming back.

No matter what they have minimal time to gel their Big 2 + Benjamin heading into the play-in and playoffs, if they make it there.

It's for different, and perhaps more legitimate, reasons but this Brooklyn team has been equally disappointing as the Lakers.
'back' injury came right of the blue man, never heard anything about it in Philly all season.

Marks also said there's zero timetable on a return too...

maybe he should have taken up his former employer’s offer to see doctors earlier in the year…

Seriously, waking up to 10 new pages strictly about a play-in squad <<<

:lol: :sick:
The lakers are bad but at least they have a big name roster. Knicks are just bad all around. RJ and Obi are the most exciting dudes on that team.
This revisionist history for Jordan's time in DC needs to stop. This is ridiculous.

May you please tell us how this history is being re-written? I come in peace because I have not heard a significant amount of MJ Wizards talk (I imagine you are alluding to comparisons to LeBron's Year 19 season). I have thoughts but I will wait to see your qualms first.
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