The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Feel like this year there are no clear cut winners...

But who have you got winning the following:

I have a lot of catching up to do in here but after all that chirping early in the season, I just want to say want to say GOOODDDD MORNING CHICAGOOOOO
That “DeRozan for MVP” chatter has gotten real quiet:lol: They bout to be out in the first round.

Really like Memphis right now. Don’t know if they have enough experience to make the finals this year, but I’m rooting for them
Orlando not playing young core guys over 28 minutes.
Pacers rolled out 8 guys and won’t call anyone up.
Thunder thundering
Blazers shutting guys down months ago

And ducking season about to pick it up a notch.

Nasty April
Looked at some recent Spurs box scores…Has Zach Collins been somewhat serviceable? Would be nice to see.
Blazers were 2 rebounds away from getting a 3 d put on them by Poku. They should have been forced to forfeit everything if that happened. Getting 30 on your head from Roby is bad enough
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