The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We keep running this Jim/Tobi units with Shake/Danny/DeAndre and it’s just Jim isos and pass to a contested shot. Been happening the past few games.

When Maxey/Harris run the bench with Kork, they move the ball via DHOs to attack the player the want and get into a rhythm. At this point just run Tobias as the small ball 5 and live with the results. Paul Reed just all other the place, DeAndre is washed, Milsapp is washed

I do believe that Doc is mismanaging some stuff, but that stuff becomes exacerbated when Harden isn't being the guy he's supposed to be. Your best players should be able to mask that to a certain degree.

No amount of bad coaching should make the 76ers -11.3 per 100 w/embiid off and Harden on.

And when you play the raptors, Celtics, etc. there's no cute ball movement to aid against those long switch heavy schemes. The solution is for Harden to be better in those situations. Juice off the bounce, paint touches, to get teams in rotation that'll make the game easier for everyone else. Can he do that against the Raps for a 7 game series? Idk man. We'll see.
I do believe that Doc is mismanaging some stuff, but that stuff becomes exacerbated when Harden isn't being the guy he's supposed to be. Your best players should be able to mask that to a certain degree.

No amount of bad coaching should make the 76ers -11.3 per 100 w/embiid off and Harden on.

And when you play the raptors, Celtics, etc. there's no cute ball movement to aid against those long switch heavy schemes. The solution is for Harden to be better in those situations. Juice off the bounce, paint touches, to get teams in rotation that'll make the game easier for everyone else. Can he do that against the Raps for a 7 game series? Idk man. We'll see.
Im with you on this. I still think Jim can score, when we have teams who like to switch he can’t just dribble and expect to drive with a call. When we have lineups with the only person who could dribble outside of Jim is Tobi who’s basically been relegated to a PJ Tucker, it’s a failure lol we hardly run Maxey with Jim and when we do, it’s with Embiid and it defeats the purpose when both of them wanna iso
How is watching the game from this angle? Had a chance at a Knicks game a couple years back for free and passed, not necessarily because of the seats (it was gonna be this angle) but I passed and to make myself feel less guilty cause I was second guessing passing I was like eh the seats woudda been whack anyways. :lol:
I mean in some stadiums, 2k cam seats aren't cool. But this seat is right above the suites and press row. So, it's not that bad.

[aepps] METH! [aepps]
My bad, stand corrected jpzx jpzx

I legit thought wodie hadn't played since the bubble lol

Going to escort myself to the 'when you found out you were washed' thread. Still don't think it would be a great idea to insert himself in a late playoff series, but crazier things have happened
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