The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Does Embiid got the nuts to cuss out Doc and harden when they get on that BS?
We know Jo a troll so I’m not sure if it’ll be aggro or passive lol

Hopefully we just run a pure 8/9 man rotation with the starters + Maltese/Niang/Shake/Korkmaz. Let Tobi be the small ball 5 with the bench unit alongside Maxey and live with the results. I never want to see Paul Reed on the floor ever again
I want to see Mark Deugnault get a chance with a real NBA roster and a front office not trying to intentionally handicap him.
elpablo21 elpablo21

Literally me right now…

I don’t think Jalen Brown gets vaxxed. He seems at peace with who he is and I don’t think he’ll change that.

So that makes that BOS vs TOR series so much more interesting. (If they meet of course)
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