The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Need Miami to get him so I can pull up like

I would like to see Masai work something to land Donovan

Both Toronto and utah stand to benefit each other and fill each other’s needs

Also, Cleveland
The Zion and Ben Simmons is where I reach my limit.

its like there was this unwritten agreement with fans
you play hard, through the rookie deal+ your max extension

7 years is enough time for the team that drafted you to figure it out.
and if at the end of the max deal you wanted to force your way out a bit early
not great but okay fine we get it,

Zion hasn't even gotten his max deal,
and he's not playing while basically making it obvious he's gunna force his way out once the ink is dry

Ben Simmons got his max deal and tried to force his way out after one bad playoff series
in a totally shambolic fashion.

If Zion really does force his way out, you are damaging the product.
I don't know how you can emotionally invest in players as fans

if they are looking for the exit the minute they sign that max deal
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The Zion and Ben Simmons is where I reach my limit.

its like there was this unwritten agreement with fans
you play hard, through the rookie max + your extension

7 years is enough time for the team that drafted you to figure it out.
and if at the end of the max deal you wanted to force your way out a bit early
not great but okay fine we get it,

Zion hasn't even gotten his max deal,
and he's not playing while basically making it obvious he's gunna force his way out once the ink is dry

Ben Simmons got his max deal and tried to force his way out after one bad playoff series
in a totally shambolic fashion.

If Zion really does force his way out, you are damaging the product.
I don't know how you can emotionally invest in players as fans

if they are looking for the exit the minute they sign that max deal
I actually agree with this

The Zion situation, idk though, that seemed like such a weird thing. Seems like it was the team's fault? idk

But yes the whole 7 years thing was def the time frame recently
So yallll think Lu Dort gonna be traded this off season? Asking for a friend
Man makes less than 2m per right now but is extension eligible up to 4/55. I think if it helps Presti get a guy he has his eyes on its possible, like if (when) we get screwed in the lottery and he wants to move up to get Sharpe or somebody. He's also homeboys with fellow Canadian teammate Shai Gilgous-Alexander too so there's that to deal with as well.
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Man makes less than 2m per right now but is extension eligible up to 4/55. I think if it helps Presti get a guy he has his eyes on its possible, like if (when) we get screwed in the lottery and he wants to move up to get Sharpe
I see makes sense. I’m sure there’s other teams that have good if not better packages to get a player like Dort but I’d love for the hawks to try to get him
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Ngl thinking back to last year after we fired LP we still ran his offense and how our offense looked in the playoffs last year compared to this year was night and day. Maybe part of the problem is Nate installing his offense. Yea we still had a “top offense” in the league this season but that was more due to Trae playing at a all NBA level in the regular season than the offensive scheme actually looking better
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Ngl thinking back to last year after we fired LP we still ran his offense and how our offense looked in the playoffs last year compared to this year was night and day. Maybe part of the problem is Nate installing his offense. Yea we still had a “top offense” in the league this season but that was more due to Trae playing at a all NBA level in the regular season than the offensive scheme actually looking better
The regular season can always be a bit of smoke and mirrors when it comes to this

I thought the same thing about Utah through the years I’ve been closely following them

Both in their so called elite defenses and offenses… only to look quite pedestrian come playoff time

Hawks offense this playoff was among the leagues worst. They were bottom 5 out of all of the 16 teams in all or most categories… Def need a shakeup
The regular season can always be a bit of smoke and mirrors when it comes to this

I thought the same thing about Utah through the years I’ve been closely following them

Both in their so called elite defenses and offenses… only to look quite pedestrian come playoff time

Hawks offense this playoff was among the leagues worst. They were bottom 5 out of all of the 16 teams in all or most categories… Def need a shakeup
I think Nate’s offensive system got exposed against a vastly superior coach. We need a personnel shake up and for Nate to change up his offensive system. One of those isn’t as likely as the other tho I don’t see Nate changing his system or using LP system again which worked better in the playoffs last year. LP was wack at the people side of coaching and in game management but he knew his X and Os
Would love to see Trae's reaction when the coaching tells him they want the ball less in his hands.
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