The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The fact the refs have this strong a Union is ridiculous. They’re so easily replaceable.

The league offices have always been scared to death of these fools. I hope we find out why.

a-friend a-friend blastercombo blastercombo He's officially one of us now #Okie. I was at my baby's tee ball game at OU and they told us to go to our cars and wait for further instruction because they'd decide when/if the storm hit but don't leave yet, most people did leave which caused a gridlock of traffic anyways then 30 minutes later texted out yea yall better get yall asses home quickly and safely. Had to drive into and through the tornado on the highway to get home :/:ohwell: Idk why they didnt just send us straight home to begin with since there was no chance they were going to let the storm happen and pass then have the babies come back out and finish the games anyways is beyond me. Could have gotten someone hurt, moreso from the driving with 0 visibility or the #turnarounddontdrown because my street was easily 3ft deep, than the tornado itself because I dont think any of these storms got that big/dangerous.

storm2006 storm2006
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Butt of the Celtics' Joke.


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