The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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a 1970's big man im sure was much better at shooting hook shots with both hands than a 2020 NBA big.

does that mean the 1970's big is more skilled?

the rules were different, the game was different so it emphasized different skill sets.

so it only makes sense to judge players within the context of their era.

Way to avoid the question.
FVV role is diff.. I remember @addict4sneakers calling his shot with FVV and he was correct. I saw the same thing in Jalen but idk if he'll reach what FVV reached already..

still Jalen is one of the best backups in the league. Could see him being a solid starter at some point
He’s like pre championship Fred Vanvleet, haven’t seen his defence though.

Tbh Fred is not handling the weight of being the 1st or 2nd option so well right now. And his decision making is shaky as starting PG. FVV is more of a undersized SG, that’s why it worked better when Lowry was around.
He would adjust and still find ways to cook people. Look at him at the Drew League, he plays at half speed playing against more than decent opposition. He still has a quickness, athleticism, misdirection, strength advantage over most of these guards and that's not even mentioning him finishing and shooting from all over the court. It's like me getting calls at a pick-up game against inferior competition. I would adjust and still own them just because I can identify that they're less talented than I am and can still have my way on the court.

Right, with the logic you have.

But if the rules are specifically stacked against all your strengths, it would be exceedingly more difficult to be as effective as you would be with rules which benefit your skill set.

You say misdirection, quickness etc. But how is he going to do all of that when he must keep the palm on his hand on top of the ball the entire time? Again, IDK anything who can crossover without at the very least putting the palm of their hands on the side of the ball. Even a simple in and out would be called carry.

Now, you say he could just finish around the paint or shoot. But how is he going to do that when guys practically lived in the paint and/or goaltended in a legal capacity?

It's not too farfetched to see how Kyrie would be debilitated playing in an era where the rules of the game gave you a disadvantage.
Way to avoid the question.
what question?

I didn't even say Kyrie wouldn't be able to dribble.

Im telling you dribbling was just not a very important skill in a league with no 3 point line, strict carrying rules, a small lane, and 8 people within 5 feet of the basket.

centers were the most important position for a reason.

You gotta judge people in there own time.
posting grainy vids and saying "wow Lou Williams would break these dudes ankles" doesn't make any sense.
He would adjust and still find ways to cook people. Look at him at the Drew League, he plays at half speed playing against more than decent opposition. He still has a quickness, athleticism, misdirection, strength advantage over most of these guards and that's not even mentioning him finishing and shooting from all over the court. It's like me getting calls at a pick-up game against inferior competition. I would adjust and still own them just because I can identify that they're less talented than I am and can still have my way on the court.

That's the problem with these comparison across eras. What rules are we playing by?

Are you dropping present day Qyrie into the past and having him adjust to the rules of the time?

Or are you assessing what he could've became growing up during that time period within the rules established at the time?
I am anti-time machine,

there are too many variables to just totally dismiss basketball players from 50's and 60's.

There are players that clearly would translate in any era. Like Wilt those HD vids of him shooting fadeaways and the general athlete he was it's easy to see. Hell we even got facsimiles of Russell in today's game with how he played. Miss me with these dudes that can only dribble with one hand and take 5 seconds to shoot the ball though.
I am anti-time machine,

there are too many variables to just totally dismiss basketball players from 50's and 60's.

Right, which is why I say you have to judge players compared to their peers at the time. Which is why All-NBA selections weighed heavily for me.

But if we're being formulaic about it, I would probably implement a pro-forma sensitivity of -.25 for guys in the 50-60's.

Obviously all-star and all-NBA selections woudl weigh a lot more from the 90-present because of the growth in the league and competition of total active players.

Easier to be an All-Star when there's only 6-10 teams in the league.
There are players that clearly would translate in any era. Like Wilt those HD vids of him shooting fadeaways and the general athlete he was it's easy to see. Hell we even got facsimiles of Russell in today's game with how he played. Miss me with these dudes that can only dribble with one hand and take 5 seconds to shoot the ball though.

Most of those dudes where racist white men too.

F those old farts.

C'mon Klay. Be real.

C'mon Klay. Be real.

klay don’t get the credit he deserves for that 1st title and have the greatest regular season ever

dude is an outstanding defender and 1 of the greatest shooters ever

im easily taking him over a lot of dudes on that list along with some discussed in the last couple days
If they were gonna keep the OG 50 to not hurt feelings the committee might as well have lied and said 25 more players tied with the last vote too
I don't think Bill Walton should be on the list if you aren't putting DRose on there. They have the same career.
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