The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Im trying to market myself as a wedding photographer, it sucks that if you don't exclusively promote weddings and show that you can shoot other things, potential brides wit consider you as much as they would someone who strictly shoots weddings which I can possibly be twice as better than and with far more experience, see it happen too often, reason why my site won't have any of my maternity or kids thing I learned in photography biz, your marketing >>>>>> your skill if you want to make money....most brides cnt tell a good from bad photographer as long as their pics have some bokeh :\
sup bros, so for the past year or two im slowly starting to market myself as a wedding photographer, kind of hard when ive already established myself as a children/maternity photog, so I decided to re-up my website to showcase more of my wedding work, ive shot a handful of weddings on my own and second shot for some great photogs for about 3 years.....anyways just looking for some critique on my site.

a screencap of what my wedding gallery looks like
Very attractive site and functional flow. 

My only suggestion; your font is a little too hard to read. It might be the color is too light and looks less clear against a white background. Maybe size up one on the font or darken it somehow. 

Hey guys,

I'm relatively knew to editing photography. I've been taking pictures with my DSLR (T3I) for the past few months but never edit my photos.

Can you guys suggest some editing things I can do in photoshop that would enhance my photos? Thanks.
I was just walking around my neighborhood and stumbled upon a community book store (Hoarders book store). Super cluttered yet organized. The owner knew exactly where everything was and i was just amazed. Sick gem of a store cuz they sell all these books for cheaps.

This was posted outside (caught my attention)

HN5A9056 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

HN5A9074 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

HN5A9065 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

Def felt like a walk through memory lane.

HN5A9058 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

HN5A9057 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

This was the Cash Register.

HN5A9072 by J.Spookz, on Flickr

I ended up buying these books for $15 total.

HN5A9159 by J.Spookz, on Flickr
sup bros, so for the past year or two im slowly starting to market myself as a wedding photographer, kind of hard when ive already established myself as a children/maternity photog, so I decided to re-up my website to showcase more of my wedding work, ive shot a handful of weddings on my own and second shot for some great photogs for about 3 years.....anyways just looking for some critique on my site.

a screencap of what my wedding gallery looks like


I would seriously consider taking off the autoplay on the music. For multiple reasons.
Yeah auto play on music is a big taboo for most, I know the reasons, I'm keeping it for now, plus there is always an off button there.
ksteezy, do you mind doing a "What's in Your Bag" as far as your wedding jobs go?

doesnt sound like a bad idea!...maybe ill work on a little video...tell you this much, 80% im shooting with a 24L seriously my favorite lense and one of the most versatile, you just cant be afraid to get up close.....the perspective it gives you is like no other.
doesnt sound like a bad idea!...maybe ill work on a little video...tell you this much, 80% im shooting with a 24L seriously my favorite lense and one of the most versatile, you just cant be afraid to get up close.....the perspective it gives you is like no other.

That would be great man! I've heard great things about that 24L. I wouldn't even think that you'd use it 80% of the time though! I usually hear people using the 35L exclusively. I'd be interested in seeing or hearing how you use it. I know it's wide from my little time with it. There's one for sale used at my local shop for like $1k I think.
That would be great man! I've heard great things about that 24L. I wouldn't even think that you'd use it 80% of the time though! I usually hear people using the 35L exclusively. I'd be interested in seeing or hearing how you use it. I know it's wide from my little time with it. There's one for sale used at my local shop for like $1k I think.

since you can shoot at f1.4 with a fixed 24mm it really gives you the option drown the subject in the middle while capturing all the beauty of the ambient around them and blurring it out so thsat is not too distracting, for example this lense is great during a reception while people are dancing and you still want to capture the beauty of the ambient light in the room, it rarely comes off during a reception, you can also obtain this with the 35mm with less distortion, but my preference is the 24L

I shot this with the 35L but this is the type of low angle i shoot at all the time with the 24L to capture as much ambient and background as possible while still keeping the focus on the subject....

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