The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

i'm very new to photograph, but I purchased my first DSLR over the summer that I've been learning on for a few months (Nikon D3100)
can someone school me on 35mm lens?

I have the 35mm f/1.8G. I like it but portrait photography is my interest so I tend to use my 50mm & 85mm f/1.8G more. I would say its good as a more general lens because it is wider. Anything specific you want to know?
bruhs I need help.

I want to buy my sister a DSLR, but to keep it real I can't afford anything more than $350.  Are there any models that retail around this price range or should I just give up?
For anyone looking for a super budget DSLR, the Nikon D3000 (2009) is only $189 for the body:
just saw this.  would you guys recommend this?  or does the $350 give me more options?
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^There were some steals during black fri/cyber monday. Would've been wise to buy then. I'm sure you can find a Nikon D3100 body only for a good price.
I would say get it if your sister isn't a total photo enthusiast. The reason why I say this is cause that body will only allow autofocus to work if the lens has it on it.....meaning the cheapest lens could be the 35mm which is like $300. So you are looking at at least $500 with that. I normally suggest the $100 50mm but you'd have to focus manually, which can be a pain for beginner shooters.
Damnit, Fong! I just ordered this one on Tuesday...

Damnit, Fong! I just ordered this one on Tuesday...

Haha. Nice my dude. How much did you get it for? I had that out this Saturday with a couple of buddies just drinking at some bars and my friend's wife tried shooting with it and literally shot nothing but blurry photos. I grabbed it and shot it and got a clear shot of the bat. It's definitely not beginner friendly especially since it has no flash but I still back this as the cheapest and best mirrorless camera as long as you get the 22mm lens. I just need one of those wifi cards and I'll be good.
Haha. Nice my dude. How much did you get it for? I had that out this Saturday with a couple of buddies just drinking at some bars and my friend's wife tried shooting with it and literally shot nothing but blurry photos. I grabbed it and shot it and got a clear shot of the bat. It's definitely not beginner friendly especially since it has no flash but I still back this as the cheapest and best mirrorless camera as long as you get the 22mm lens. I just need one of those wifi cards and I'll be good.

I paid more than what I wanted to really. I wanted to get a used one off the FM forum for about $250-$270. Ended up paying $320 off amazon for Used/Like new :frown: You got any other shots with yours? I feel you with the Wi-Fi card. I might just skip that and cop a SD card to Lightning connector so I can instagram off my phone LOL
That's actually what I got it for as well but I got an extra battery and a screen protector. Honestly I haven't been shooting with it since i just take my DSLR out still but those instances when I just don't want to lug it, I definitely will. All I have been doing is taking photos of my cat indoors. But the lens is really good for portraits but I really don't even shoot like that honestly.

I would just check Flickr for some photo examples. I'll post some up when I do shoot with it in the future.
I was looking into the EOS-M but ending up picking up the Panasonic Lumix LX7. Was cheap and has a fast lens. But I may end up exchanging it for the Canon G16 feels better in my hand. I like mirror lesses cameras, but If I'm going to be changing lenses I'll just stick with my DSLR. Wanting something small with variable zoom leads me to point and shoots.
Speaking of mirrorless, I have been hearing nothing but good things about that new Sony A7. Supposed to be a really good alternative instead of getting a full DSLR.

Picked up a Sony RX100 a few days ago for a damn good price. I saved enough that it wasn't worth getting the MK 2. I haven't had the chance to test it too much, but here's one from yesterday:


Speaking of mirrorless, I have been hearing nothing but good things about that new Sony A7. Supposed to be a really good alternative instead of getting a full DSLR.

vid isn't working...the a7 is pretty dope, the shutter mechanism? is mad loud though its a rather minor thing but one of the things i really like about mirrorless joints is how quiet they are. $1600 for what seems to be a pretty awesome full frame camera is sweet, the lenses for it are rather expensive so it is probably more for those who are pros?
Got a job in commercial photography about 3 months ago. I had no idea what I was doing on day 1 but I notice I get better day by day.

What do you guys think of the following?


I'll post more once the company officially releases the images.
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