The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Nice work .... Like how it went from being in the woods to the city ... Don't know if intentional but it worked. My favorite is the first one ...
is that what you used to take these? RX100 classic
no but i just bought the mk2. i think the sensor is a little better but they are basically the same. I wanted the mk3 cuz of the viewfinder but not going drop almost a G on it haha.... here are some pics ive taken with it tho. It performs just almost good as my DSLR basically as long as you shoot raw which I always do. never really used it much in low light though. the portability is great, autofocus fast, nice lens.  I would buy one of those cheap rubber grips tho as it makes it much easier to hold.

Also takes a little while to set it up how you want it. I shoot in full A-Mode so i have the shutter speed fine adjuster on one dial, iso on the lens ring, and Apature on another. Thing is a beast for the size man.

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Thanks for the into ... Im going to play with it tomorrow and decide if in going to take it exclusively to the trip .... I'm going to use it for both day and night .... But the main purpose got the purchase was so I can be comfortable ... lol ... I'm complicated man.

I was looking at some YouTube videos and it seemed fully customizable ... Even the auto iso could be set to highs and low ... The dial pad and buttons along with the ring as well which is cool. Got it for a nice price plus I might just keep it regardless because if it breaks I get the next one up of best by doesn't have it.
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Thanks for the into ... Im going to play with it tomorrow and decide if in going to take it exclusively to the trip .... I'm going to use it for both day and night .... But the main purpose got the purchase was so I can be comfortable ... lol ... I'm complicated man.

I was looking at some YouTube videos and it seemed fully customizable ... Even the auto iso could be set to highs and low ... The dial pad and buttons along with the ring as well which is cool. Got it for a nice price plus I might just keep it regardless because if it breaks I get the next one up of best by doesn't have it.
you will love it. i literally take mine everywhere now. work, school, friends ect, its the same size as my cell phone lol. great for just photographing life as it unfolds naturally.
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you will love it. i literally take mine everywhere now. work, school, friends ect, its the same size as my cell phone lol. great for just photographing life as it unfolds naturally.
basically ... I lost to many great images opportunities because I didn't have my camera .... That's another reason I wanted a portable camera. Didn't result feel like going with an NEX nor into the lens system in those. Plus is redundant as is not as portable.
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Shot last night, edited this morning.
All this talk about models made me want to shoot one. I put out a casting call on MM and got a lot of support. Top pic is SOOC and bottom is the edited version (click the pic for hi-res).

Nice work ... Never let anyone see the before picture ... LoL that's my motto ...

Good work ... Like the warmer tones you gave the image. Only thing I can see on my phone that I don't like is the half a feet. Normally I'm not a stickler for rules but on this image I feel like she needed to be completely on the frame.
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khankussionz khankussionz

Your work looks real good to me man. I like it. What's your strobe set up looking like?

Thanks. I shoot an Alien Bee 800 into a Westcott Apollo Orb powered by a Vagabond Mini.

khankussionz khankussionz Is this pic and the one with the girl you posted natural lighting or was there some flash involved?

It was the strobe setup I posted above.

L locobaby

I always like your work my dude.

walt thizzney walt thizzney

I am jealous of people who can shoot like you. I'm horrible at it.
I have yet to do catalogue or collections in LR. I need to read up on that. I just import then remove when in done.
They said that it LR slows down if you have to much in it, plus I like to be able to find things without having to search much. I work between a laptop and desktop so it's better for moving files around also. When I do a shoot I make a folder for the shoot that has the catalogue, the raw files in it's own folder, the deliverables in another folder, and the signed releases. It's all about organization I guess.
The lagging you'd experience has more to do with your computer hardware than having to many files in your library. Since you're moving between two different machines, I guess different catalogues would be helpful with the way you're organizing it. Everything I have is in one library/catalogue and I just use collections and sub collections to organize them.
The lagging you'd experience has more to do with your computer hardware than having to many files in your library. Since you're moving between two different machines, I guess different catalogues would be helpful with the way you're organizing it. Everything I have is in one library/catalogue and I just use collections and sub collections to organize them.

Organization is so key. Whatever way you decide to do it, it needs to be done because images accumulate sooooo fast it's ridiculous.
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