The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

GOW Saga from what I read I & II HD collection and GOW III are on disc.
But what sucks is that GOW Origins they are on a digital download voucher that is 15GB.
I'm just glad I already have all of them on disc.
I really enjoyed the PSP GOW games.

thats not worth it to me then. it just sucks that they always do that.. the game releases and months later or so, they come up with a collection. whats the point of that? maybe for people that didnt get it, when it came out.. but people that have it already dont need these stupid collection releases
I envy the NT'er who is just playing FFVII for the first time.

What I wouldnt give to have that experience again with Final Fantasy IX.

9 is my favorite FF but it was ruined for me by doing an Excalibur 2 run. It's been like 10 years since I did it, so maybe I should try to play it again.
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Versus is now delayed until Q4 2014 in Japan and Q1 2015 in NA

There are on-going discussions about making it a next gen launch but development is still for PS3 360 as of today

Should also be solidifying a launch date for 13-3 sometime this week.
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Versus is now delayed until Q4 2014 in Japan and Q1 2015 in NA

There are on-going discussions about making it a next gen launch but development is still for PS3 360 as of today

Should also be solidifying a launch date for 13-3 sometime this week.
soooooo avengers 2 will be out before Versus :smh:
Last time I checked, Hybrid was SquEnix, not T2 or R*...

Did you change jobs and not tell me¿ :lol:
This new Site is...different.

Even though I have every God of War game I am still tempted to buy the Saga just for completion..I'm loving the collection craze, though I need to catch up on them.
FF8 is my fave. Countless hours where spent on the trading card mini-game :smh:
Tetra Master in FF9 was better :nthat: . Greatest card based mini game in all of the final fantasies imo. The title of the greatest mini game has to go to Blitzball IMO. I think I played this more than the main story. :lol:
Brother + Tidus + Wakka in the front. :smh:
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Last time I checked, Hybrid was SquEnix, not T2 or R*...

Did you change jobs and not tell me¿ :lol:

I'm not going to confirm any rumors about my place of employment :lol:

However, I have friends all over the industry. Last I heard back at E3 was that GTA V was going to be next fiscal year for sure so I would imagine Q4 2013

Just because there is a trailer for a game doesn't mean that anything anything in principal is done for it. The engine may be done but scenario, progression, assets, story, gameplay, etc may be in the conception stage rather than production.

A perfect example of this would be FF13 where the trailer was created to essentially show off the White Engine and then announce that a new FF was coming. The skeletal idea was there and a few characters like Lightning had been already conceptualized back around the FF12 days but the scenario, battle system, story, and overall direction were not even blocked out when the original trailer dropped.

Square built the game around the trailer and they've even admitted it:

"Final Fantasy XIII was first introduced through a concept trailer shown alongside the announcement of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project at E3 2006 (Fabula Nova Crystallis represents a suite of games and other entertainment media related to Final Fantasy XIII). The trailer was merely a visual concept, and we had not yet created anything playable at that point.

I felt that this trailer set the bar for the quality we were aiming to achieve, in terms of battle speed and cutscene imagery, and believed that this sentiment was shared by the rest of the team.

However, it became clear that, at the time, there were actually very few members who saw the trailer as a representation of what we wanted to achieve with Final Fantasy XIII. This lack of a shared vision became the root of many conflicts that arose later in development."

But you'd be surprised how many other companies practice the same mantra on projects. Trailers with no gameplay? Big sign that the project is green-lit, bankrolled, and they have an engine and an idea but nothing else might be done.

That being said I do know FOR CERTAIN GTA V is in full production.
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......guess it makes sense tho the more i think about it, trailers comming first before the rest sometimes.......i remember in the early 90's when pc tech demos were all the rage, back in the days of share ware.....SIGH.....good old share ware.....

yet i digress, i guess its simply when i think trailers i for the most part immediately think movies.
Anyone copping Sleeping Dogs next week?

The game looks alright. But reminds me a lot of the old True Crime games.

This doesn't help to convince me to buy the game anytime soon:

Originally developed for Activision under the name True Crime: Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs - as it became known - was later dropped by the Call of Duty publisher and then snapped up by Square Enix last summer.


I may cop and give it a chance when it drops to the $29 to $39 range when black friday deals hit later this year.
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Versus is now delayed until Q4 2014 in Japan and Q1 2015 in NA
There are on-going discussions about making it a next gen launch but development is still for PS3 360 as of today
Should also be solidifying a launch date for 13-3 sometime this week.

Do you have some insider information on its exclusivity? I was hoping it stayed exclusive but after the amount of time its taken I doubted it would stay and would be the point of releasing it when the PS4 will be out. They might as well move it to next gen.

As for PSASBR, I wasn't interested as first but seeing the combo videos and knowing that Seth Killian and Clockwork are working on it tells me it's in good hands. The beta's also been getting very positive feedback. I hope they do a PS3-Vita pack.

Versus is now delayed until Q4 2014 in Japan and Q1 2015 in NA
There are on-going discussions about making it a next gen launch but development is still for PS3 360 as of today
Should also be solidifying a launch date for 13-3 sometime this week.

Do you have some insider information on its exclusivity?

It was moved to multi-platform development back when The White Engine became Crystal Tools in like 2008. It is not a Sony exclusive.
Anyone copping Sleeping Dogs next week?
The game looks alright. But reminds me a lot of the old True Crime games.
This doesn't help to convince me to buy the game anytime soon:
I may cop and give it a chance when it drops to the $29 to $39 range when black friday deals hit later this year.

I am. I have the game pre-ordered. The game is staying true to the roots of HK cinema, reminds me of Infernal Affairs and Young & Dangerous, if you're into HK gangster/action flicks. They got Emma Stone, Lucy Liu, Kelly Hu, and Edison Chen voicing the characters, too. The landmarks and locales of Hong Kong look really authentic.

Check out these GIFs:


Early reviews of the game have been surprisingly good:

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