The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Just picked up that vita/assassin's creed bundle today. I wasn't even looking for one. I went to gamestop to get a 3DS for my niece. It caught my eye and I decided to pull the trigger. That ps plus promo for the instant game collection was also too good to pass up. Damn, Sony is taking all my money haha. Does anyone know where I can get a more beefy memory card?
sonys website store had a sale not too long ago, not sure if its still going or what the discounts are like
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Sony’s radical PlayStation 4 controller concept: A motion-control device you can split in half


While Nintendo (NTDOY) has been busy innovating with unique controllers on the Wii and Wii U, Sony’s (SNE) DualShock controller for its PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 has remained virtually the same since 1997. A newly discovered patent reveals Sony might be planning on a radical overhaul of the DualShock for the PlayStation 4 that’s rumored to arrive next year. U.S. patent 20120302347A1 details a “hybrid separable motion controller” that resembles a DualShock controller with two PlayStation Move sensor balls attached to it. Much like how the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller combo separated the left and right hand input, the Sony controller patent goes one step further by allowing the two halves to be split and combined at any time – all without reducing the amount of buttons available.

The patent also highlights the inclusion of a “connection sensor for determining whether the controller is in a connected configuration or a disconnected configuration.”

One of the PlayStation Move’s biggest disadvantages is that it’s a separate controller and not the default one. As a result, most developers either saw it as merely a Wii Remote clone or as a niche controller with a limited install base not worth programming special controls for. If Sony were to include proper 1:1 motion controls within the default PS4 controller without turning its back on the “core” controller, it could greatly appeal to casual and core gamers.

Such a controller can be considered a natural evolution of the current DualShock 3 controller that sports limited motion controls using its three-axis accelerometer and gyroscope.

Of course, the controller is only a patent that may never make it to market, so don’t get your hopes up if it doesn’t happen.
went thru wiiu thread and it was rumored that ps4 includes 'omni' 3d?? humble brag just straight brag.....growing up and going on field trips to the boston museum of science for omni shows = greater than anything sony/microsoft has cooked up.
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Just picked up that vita/assassin's creed bundle today. I wasn't even looking for one. I went to gamestop to get a 3DS for my niece. It caught my eye and I decided to pull the trigger. That ps plus promo for the instant game collection was also too good to pass up. Damn, Sony is taking all my money haha. Does anyone know where I can get a more beefy memory card?

Cheapest at the moment that I've heard for the US is

I've got a 32gb but if your mixing up digital with retail games then 16gb fine.
Which PS+ game you playing first?
Thanks for the site. I picked up a 16 GB this morning. I threw uncharted, wipeout, gravity rush, jet set radio, and mutant blobs on it. This is a pretty great promo they're doing. I'm downloading almost all the PS3 games as well.
I'll play it. But Ill never forgive them if they dont release Versus.

Final chapter is set to be a “new experience.”
by Andrew Goldfarb DECEMBER 3, 2012

Square Enix has revealed new info about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. In an interview with 4Gamer, director Motomu Toriyama, producer Yoshinori Kitase, lead designer Yujii Abe and art director Isamu Kamikokuryou explained more about the game’s mechanics, plus why it isn’t called Final Fantasy XIII-3.

According to a translation by Final Fantasy Network, the team believes the entry is unique enough to warrant a different name, “as calling it XIII-3 might give the impression that it would be a direct evolution of Final Fantasy XIII-2.” Kitase referred to the game as “a new experience.”

Toriyama noted that Lightning Returns will be “world-driven,” as opposed to the “story-driven” Final Fantasy XIII and “player-driven” XIII-2. The idea of a “world-driven” game is “to put the player in a world that is constantly shifting and changing — one that doesn’t necessarily revolve around the player.” The world will reportedly run in real time 24 hours a day, giving the player “a sense of time and urgency to experience content that will not always be waiting for them.”

Players will manage the game via Lightning, who will slow down or speed up the world based on her actions. According to Abe, the day and night cycle of the game has not been completed but will be “roughly one to two hours.” Toriyama noted that experiencing everything in Lightning Returns will likely require multiple playthroughs, as with Abe saying that he wants players to think “oh! I didn’t know that event occurred” while on their second time through.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was originally announced in August. The 4gamer interview reflects comments from Square Enix earlier this year that Lightning Returns encourages multiple playthroughs. Back in September, Toriyama confirmed to IGN that Lightning Returns will be the last Final Fantasy XIII and that some familiar faces will return.
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Trying to download all these free PlayStation Plus games is torture because of my slow internet connection. Infamous 2 @ 14 GB... That'll take almost an entire work shift. On a good note though my subscription has already paid for itself.
Trying to download all these free PlayStation Plus games is torture because of my slow internet connection. Infamous 2 @ 14 GB... That'll take almost an entire work shift. On a good note though my subscription has already paid for itself.

I've been trying to figure out the right time to download Infamous 2 as well. :lol:

Right now I just purchase them, so they're on my Download List. I can then download whenever, even after they're long gone for the price of free.
still gotta beat xiii some day

question tho - wtheck is a versus and an agito?was versus a fighting game or something? i remember even before xiii dropped the terms versus and agito had been flying around. whats the story?

did agito become xiii-2 or something?
I've been trying to figure out the right time to download Infamous 2 as well. :lol:
Right now I just purchase them, so they're on my Download List. I can then download whenever, even after they're long gone for the price of free.

Nice. I thought I had to get them all before they were gone. Appreciate the heads up.
:wow: PSN store changed dramatically since the last I went on (to purchase ssfivae)

Anyway, on SFxT how do I get megaman & pac man?
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still gotta beat xiii some day
question tho - wtheck is a versus and an agito?was versus a fighting game or something? i remember even before xiii dropped the terms versus and agito had been flying around. whats the story?
did agito become xiii-2 or something?
xiii sucks so bad man.  i would just hurry up and finish it and get to xiii-2.  trust me man xiii-2 is amazing... srsly i love the mechanics of the game.
xiii sucks so bad man.  i would just hurry up and finish it and get to xiii-2.  trust me man xiii-2 is amazing... srsly i love the mechanics of the game.
XIII is far from trash. When did you start playing Final Fantasy games?

Versus sounds VERY AMBITIOUS for a FF title. I'm expecting big things.
ps3 sucks im about to sell my system and buy a blu ray player cause thats all i use it for

man, journey and ico and gran turismo and god of war 2 owns anything the crap box is runnin
xiii sucks so bad man.  i would just hurry up and finish it and get to xiii-2.  trust me man xiii-2 is amazing... srsly i love the mechanics of the game.
XIII is far from trash. When did you start playing Final Fantasy games?

Versus sounds VERY AMBITIOUS for a FF title. I'm expecting big things.
hes right gutta, 13 is not bad. ill take ur word on 13-2 being an improvement, but im just goin to continue with the early ff's whilst waiting on 14.

beat uc3 the other day.....
im let down with the ending, pretty lackluster when considering the all-world-ecompassing ramifications the plot set up

also, how u gonna have these gorgeous graphics but chests dont rise and fall with basic human respiration?

uc series is way overhyped.
16 days until the sun rests with the edge of sagitarrius/galactic good ppls.....
I still need to finish XIII-2. I'm not the biggest fan of jumping up and down the Historia Crux and I need to read the story again.
Game mechanics and soundtrack are solid though
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Anybody's HDMI go out? I can play it on the regular AV setup, but all I get is a blank screen when I hook up the HDMI. Please help...
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