The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Got a question for you PS3 heads. (actually a few questions)

Haven't had a console since PS2. My girl is getting me a PS3 for Christmas.

What should I be looking for size wise (160gb? 250gb?) What do you guys put on your HDs that require that much storage?

What would be the cheapest console available and where? I feel like a little kid again on Xmas :lol:

thanks for the help
Got a question for you PS3 heads. (actually a few questions)

Haven't had a console since PS2. My girl is getting me a PS3 for Christmas.

What should I be looking for size wise (160gb? 250gb?) What do you guys put on your HDs that require that much storage?

What would be the cheapest console available and where? I feel like a little kid again on Xmas

thanks for the help
whatever u do get the new super slim.  i was skeptical at first, but its small, lightweight, uses less energy, and is just overall very convenient.

as for hd size, it can get filled up quickly if u DL games/demos off ps store.

u can put music/photos/movies on there as well but i dont really use that except for a few choice electronic tracks for when i play gran turismo 5

so, if ur a casual gamer with a moderate sized game collection go for the 160...but if u want to use all those other features (movies etc) go higher. 

also, even if u buy a retail (boxed) copy of a game and u play it, they usually require some sort of data install on ur for example, gran turismo eats up like 11 gigs or something like that.

it can add up quick. my 160 is almost full, but theres nothing comming out i want except final fantasy 14 next yr and kingdom hearts collection so im good

happy huntings
Got a question for you PS3 heads. (actually a few questions)

Haven't had a console since PS2. My girl is getting me a PS3 for Christmas.

What should I be looking for size wise (160gb? 250gb?) What do you guys put on your HDs that require that much storage?

What would be the cheapest console available and where? I feel like a little kid again on Xmas :lol:

thanks for the help

whatever u do get the new super slim.  i was skeptical at first, but its small, lightweight, uses less energy, and is just overall very convenient.

as for hd size, it can get filled up quickly if u DL games/demos off ps store.

u can put music/photos/movies on there as well but i dont really use that except for a few choice electronic tracks for when i play gran turismo 5

so, if ur a casual gamer with a moderate sized game collection go for the 160...but if u want to use all those other features (movies etc) go higher. 

also, even if u buy a retail (boxed) copy of a game and u play it, they usually require some sort of data install on ur for example, gran turismo eats up like 11 gigs or something like that.

it can add up quick. my 160 is almost full, but theres nothing comming out i want except final fantasy 14 next yr and kingdom hearts collection so im good

happy huntings

Also remember that whatever size hard drive you get, you just aren't restricted to that size. You can always upgrade your hard drive with any 2.5" laptop drive. I put a 500GB in my 60GB two years ago, and I still have over 300GB left.
Also remember that whatever size hard drive you get, you just aren't restricted to that size. You can always upgrade your hard drive with any 2.5" laptop drive. I put a 500GB in my 60GB two years ago, and I still have over 300GB left.

thanks celtix and nctwin. i would be using my ps3 for casual gaming here and there. (always busy with work and school, not home much)
and i would also use it for netflix and blu rays. and that is good to know i can buy an external hd if needed.

is the new slim ps3 out? is that the ps3 where the disk tray pops open? or maybe im trippn.

i'm just looking for the least expensive option.
Also remember that whatever size hard drive you get, you just aren't restricted to that size. You can always upgrade your hard drive with any 2.5" laptop drive. I put a 500GB in my 60GB two years ago, and I still have over 300GB left.

thanks celtix and nctwin. i would be using my ps3 for casual gaming here and there. (always busy with work and school, not home much)
and i would also use it for netflix and blu rays. and that is good to know i can buy an external hd if needed.

is the new slim ps3 out? is that the ps3 where the disk tray pops open? or maybe im trippn.

i'm just looking for the least expensive option.
nvm just checked, i have a 250 gig super slim, and yes the super slim is out  and yes the disk tray opens manually, but it slides open, not pops out.

as far as price ur best bet was black friday. i just checked amazaon real quick and the 250 uc3 bundle  is like $260 on amazon. for $40 more u can get the 500 gig super slim.  u might be able to find a better deal, but i wouldnt know where to start looking outside of craigslist and ebay.
Spike VGA's tomorrow night.

New Last of Us footage.

New unnanounced game/s :nerd:
Spike VGA's tomorrow night.
New Last of Us footage.
New unnanounced game/s
As a new PS3 owner I'm desperately hoping for some good stuff. 

Most of the games I bought are HD collections. I have a new batch of games coming in next week; hopefully it gets better. 

LOVING the Blu-Ray though.
Anyone play farcry 3 it's getting amazing reviews

I was thinking about buying it, but don't feel like wasting the $$... I Ioved Far Cry 2, but it got annoying after a while bc it took forever to get around the map
From Yahoo...
its the tv, some led/lcd tv's suffer from input lag/display lag, hence the reason why you are better off with a plasma tv for gaming,,
LCD screens with a high response time value often do not give satisfactory experience when viewing fast moving images (They often leave streaks or blur; called ghosting). But an LCD screen with both high response time and significant display lag is unsuitable for playing fast paced computer games or performing fast high accuracy operations on the screen due to the mouse cursor lagging behind. Manufacturers only state the response time of their displays and do not inform customers of the display lag value.
have you tried changing the tv mode to gaming, that wont cure it 100% but it will help a little bit

Aren't plasma T.V.'s horrible for gaming? Every T.V. tech guy I've asked and the things I've read online indicate this. Plasmas are really susceptible to dead pixels and picture ghosting/burn in on your screen, especially with games.

I don't mind the lag if I'm playing a single player game, but if I'm playing 2K and COD online it's very noticeable, especially with a 2 second delay. I switched my PS3 back to my 32 inch Samsung LED and there is no lag whatsoever, but on the 55 inch LED Panasonic the lag is at least 2 seconds. What kind of T.V.'s are u guys gaming on, anyone gaming on a 50+ inch? Do y'all get any input lag whatsoever? LED, Plasma or LCD? Does the type of T.V. matter at all when attributing to input lag/button response delay?
Any news when GTA Vice City PS2 classic will be available to buy on PSN ?

I saw an article saying it's back for sale on Steam for the PC version since R* resolved the music license issue over MJ's "Wanna be starting somethin" song on the OST.

I've been feenin to replay my favorite GTA game of all time.

But don't want to buy the new HD version for my Iphone 5.

If I get a Ipad mini I'll probably cop the HD version then.
SEN Web Store now available in Europe.!/

I just tried it and it works pretty good. Iwon't be surprised if people stopped using the PSN Store altogether.
I purchased some PS+ on my PC and then I turned on the PS3 to download them.

All we need now is for the Vita to switch on the PS3 remotely to download the games and my life will be complete.
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[h1]BioShock Vita development is up to Take-Two and Sony, says Levine[/h1]
A BioShock title for Vita is something Irrational’s Ken Levine is interested in developing, but he’s told Eurogamer the decision to create the game for the handheld is up to Sony and Take-Two.


Levine said he has “cool design” ideas for BioShock Vita, but he needs the go-ahead from “the business people” before getting to work.

“Where the Vita stands right now, it’s in the hands of the business people at Take-Two and the business people at Sony working out, hey, what happens in these business people discussions? Fortunately I don’t have to take part in it any more because I sold my company a long time ago,” he said.

“It’s something I’m still very interested in. I still have a cool design for it. It’s a question of, do those guys come to find the right mix that makes everybody happy to make that happen?”

Don’t be hoping for a port of Infinite though, at least not yet, because it may be something entirely different altogether.

“I’ve never said it was Infinite,” said Levine. “It will be something. I’m always hesitant to talk too much about things we don’t have anything to show because it’s getting ahead of ourselves.

“I’m trying to be very careful.”

BioShock Infinite releases on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 in March.
[h1]BioShock Infinite delayed again for bug-fixing, new date listed[/h1]
BioShock Infinite has been delayed again, but don’t worry the slip isn’t too massive. Get the details below.


Eurogamer reports that the game is now coming out March 26.

The date was confirmed when Ken Levine addressed press at a US event this week. He said that concerns over polishing came, “When Rod Fergusson came on board we looked at the game. He was there for about a month and he said, ‘look, I’ve been looking at the schedule and looking at the game and frankly you could really benefit from another three or four more weeks for polish and bug fixing.’

“We talked about it. I knew I’d probably get beat up in the press a little bit about it. But at the end of the day, if it’s going to make a better game we’re going to do it.

“So the new date is March 26. That’s my bad news.”

The game was originally slated for a February 26th launch.

Thoughts people?
still gotta beat xiii some day

question tho - wtheck is a versus and an agito?was versus a fighting game or something? i remember even before xiii dropped the terms versus and agito had been flying around. whats the story?

did agito become xiii-2 or something?

The final fantasy XIII games were first introduced as the Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.

It was FF XIII, Versus XIII, and Agito XIII. Agito XIII is the PSP game, they changed the name to FF Type-0. Versus XIII is the action RPG being developed by the team who made Kingdom Hearts. As far as anyone knows the game will never come out and i think most people have came to terms with this(there are many trailers and gameplay footage online if you want to check them out).
wow repped. u answered for me whats been mildly bugging me for years. i remember seeing that versus footage too so yes, i know towhat u r referring.

i wonder if they called it the nova crystallis due to how in 13 when u become cieth or l'cieth (whichever one) u turn into that stone crystal?

i love lightning and sazh and snow and fang and yes, even hope and that red haired shorty.

this ff talk gettin me hyped for some 14. everyone in here get 14 so we can clan up and wreck crews
Anybody's HDMI go out? I can play it on the regular AV setup, but all I get is a blank screen when I hook up the HDMI. Please help...

You can try holding the power button on the front for two seconds until you hear the beep I am sure this changes the video output to whatever cable is connected.

Did it work before?
I've tried the button hold thing. Nothing. Then I went and bought a brand new HDMI cord. Nothing. My tv is only a year old and my satellite box is hooked up to the other HDMI slot. I think I might be at a loss...:smh:
I used to be ranked top 10 in all the CODs and would smash any1 who dared try me in that game..the past year ana half all my free has now gone to bodybuilding instead..i miss it tho...the good ole days of playin COD for 8+ hours a day..doin gamebattles and MLG *tears* 
I've tried the button hold thing. Nothing. Then I went and bought a brand new HDMI cord. Nothing. My tv is only a year old and my satellite box is hooked up to the other HDMI slot. I think I might be at a loss...:smh:

Try Switching the PS3 in the HDMI slot that the Satellite receiver is using. Could be the HDMI port on the TV? I use an HDMI Switch for my television so if it is the Port you could always do that. Else its the PS3 homie.
Gentlemen, here are the patch notes for BO2 out today for PS3:

New Features & Feature Improvements

Added support for posting Live Stream URLs to Twitter.

Improved audio/rumble responsiveness when hitting enemies with gunfire.

Improved overall communication of Double XP when enabled.

AAR better communicates how much XP was earned in each match.

Added the ability to “View League Teams” from any player’s Playercard.

Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.

Added a number of security system enhancements.

Added Hardcore Kill Confirmed playlist to the Hardcore category

Issues Addressed

Fixed a rare hang (“Awaiting Textures”) upon loading into maps when joining a session in progress after fresh boot.

Game now resets the Care Package for a non-owner if the owner re-rolls the package using the Engineer perk.

Players with Black Hat PDA can no longer hack a Care Package faster than the owner can capture it.

Addressed an exploit where modified console hackers could maliciously spread infected films to other users.

Added a fail-safe to prevent spawn trapping in CTF.

Increased sight checks on turrets to improve spawning algorithms.

Fixed a number of new UI error messages reported by users.

Addressed a number of issues that would cause friendly/enemy color indicators on equipment and scorestreaks to display as the wrong team.

Improved overall Theater and Live Streaming stability.

Improved film rendering stability and made progression bar more accurate while rendering a film.

Addressed issues which prevented some master challenges from being completed.

Precision challenge “Wet Work” will now unlock with 10 kills.

The wins challenge will now account for all FFA modes when ending a match with a tie (if you are in the top 3).

Players that help with the “Synchronized Attack” challenge now get credit for it.

Players will not be able to manually take control of their AGR if they die at the exact moment that their AGR deploys.

Emblem Editor no longer closes the current emblem when discarding changes.

Players using Ghost will no longer be invisible at all times in Custom Games with the mini-map option set to “constant”.

Players using Ghost and a Suppressor attachment will no longer appear on the enemy’s minimap while shooting and moving while a UAV is up.

The median for the K/D graph in the AAR is set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.
Players can no longer get on top of the shrubs in Nuketown 2025.
Thermal vision overlay no longer appears using the VTOL glitch.

Kills from the explosion on the explosive crossbow bolt now count towards challenges.

Counter UAV no longer remains for the rest of the game after a host migration.

Clan tag is no longer locked immediately after prestige.

Offline profiles can no longer be exploited to join online games when an online profile is also signed in.

Multi-team games no longer count as a tie if an entire team quits.
Fixed an area in Express where K9 Unit dogs could get stuck.

EMP grenades no longer affect the CODcaster HUD.

Party Privacy count no longer affects how many bots will spawn in Combat Training.

Shadows seen through sniper scopes now render more correctly.

Players can no longer stand on invisible collision in Carrier.

“Drop Shot” medal is no longer awarded after standing back up.

Players can now copy a custom class to the extra prestige slot.

Gameplay Balancing

The following is a list of numerous gameplay balancing tweaks that were made after thorough review of statistical data from usage patterns of weapons, equipment, perks and scorestreaks since launch.

UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.

Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay


Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.

Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.

Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.


All: increased hip fire recoil.
All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.
All: reduced bullet penetration.
MSMC: increased recoil slightly.
PDW-57: increased recoil slightly.

Assault rifles:

All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.
XM8: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.
XM8 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
MTAR: Made auto aim values consistent with all other assault rifles.

Sniper Rifles:

All: increased hip fire spread.
All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.
XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.


R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.


B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1
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The final fantasy XIII games were first introduced as the Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.
It was FF XIII, Versus XIII, and Agito XIII. Agito XIII is the PSP game, they changed the name to FF Type-0. Versus XIII is the action RPG being developed by the team who made Kingdom Hearts. As far as anyone knows the game will never come out and i think most people have came to terms with this(there are many trailers and gameplay footage online if you want to check them out).

Versus is defintely coming out. They just announced it too early. It's an ambitious title and the full development didn't start till 2010 IIRC.
Type-0 on the other hand is the one that makes me angry. Last I heard SE still haven't agreed to what they want it on even though the Vita with its OLED screen and 2 analog sticks would be the obvious choice.
I can't believe they took out Hardcore Free-For-All

one of the best game modes removed!!!

:x :smh:

might sell it now
The final fantasy XIII games were first introduced as the Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.
It was FF XIII, Versus XIII, and Agito XIII. Agito XIII is the PSP game, they changed the name to FF Type-0. Versus XIII is the action RPG being developed by the team who made Kingdom Hearts. As far as anyone knows the game will never come out and i think most people have came to terms with this(there are many trailers and gameplay footage online if you want to check them out).

Versus is defintely coming out. They just announced it too early. It's an ambitious title and the full development didn't start till 2010 IIRC.
Type-0 on the other hand is the one that makes me angry. Last I heard SE still haven't agreed to what they want it on even though the Vita with its OLED screen and 2 analog sticks would be the obvious choice.

Type-0 released last year in Japan on PSP...

As far as Versus, this is all you really have to know. From it's Wikipedia page:

As of November 2012, Final Fantasy Versus XIII has been in development for exactly seven years. As a result, it currently holds the record for the longest amount of time ever spent developing a single Final Fantasy game.
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