The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

I would not have even considered getting vita games had this new ps product not came out.

If people like me are changing their opinions of the vita brand, sony is making the  right moves.
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It streams vita, psp, ps3, and ps4 games. And Supposedly ps1 and ps2 games.
It's like a playstation emulator.
It emulates PSP and PS1 games, It plays Vita games natively and will stream PS3 via Gaikai when it comes and PS4 through remote play if you have one but only at 720p.

No it's not and no it doesn't. You play PSP, PS1 and SOME Vita games on it, not all of them. That's it.

Also, it doesn't stream PS4 games directly to a TV; it allows you to stream games on a PS4 that you already know to the VITA TV so you can play on two screens. 

Basically, this a PS VITA without a screen and the portability. 

I think they tried to beat Apple TV to the punch but this thing is really... useless. All this does is make buying a PS Vita completely obsolete. 

You should watch the video they released after the conference called A Day with Playstation. It shows how every device fits in wihtout treading on each other.

Many people just don't see the need for handhelds. They're used to a proper controller and don't want to carry another device when going out. A small home console which can play PS1,PSP, PSVita and PS3(when Gaikai comes) with a DS3 or DS4 can be very popular especially since it's cheap. Also with apps it will compete with the likes of Ouya, Amazon's console, Apple TV and have the better game library to boot.

I'm keeping my Vita cuz I can take it on the go, use remote play and it's suspend feature is very convenient.
I'm getting the PSvita TV so that I can play certain vita games with a Dualshock4 on a big screen.
I'll also use it for remote play in other rooms or away from home. It has an ethernet port so the remote play away from home should be more reliable as well as online multiplayer.

There room for either or both.

Vita games are downgraded PS3 and soon to be PS4 games made to played ON THE GO. I don't think anyone wants to play Vita games at home. I think this is going to be one of Sony's biggest bombs and that's saying a lot considering how many dumb devices they make. The timing is just horrible. The could've pushed the Vita with the PS4 remote play, how they WERE doing it and breathe new life into the handheld. Instead they make this 2 months before the PS4 to take the Vita's momentum. It just doesn't make sense. 

Most people I know play there portables at home. Me included with headphones.
This will breathe new life into the console because as far as Sony is concerned Vita and Vita tv are the same thing, they play the same games and they would both increase the userbase. The more people who have either, the more games that will come out for both.
If this takes off you can guarantee more devs will jump onto it but I doubt anyone is predicting how well it will do since it was a complete surprise for everyone and it's a unique device.

Right now it's all about execution. The idea is great but if they don't bring enough apps out or the services are poor then it will fail badly. That's what's happening to PSMobile right now.
Did anyone expect anything different?

[COLOR=#red]Expect a Wait Between Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV[/COLOR]
"It’s a difficult job, as we want each game to be perfect in terms of quality."
by Luke Karmali SEPTEMBER 10, 2013

Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV aren't likely to arrive at the same time, since both games are by the same director.

That's according to Kingdom Hearts series producer Shinji Hashimoto, who told IGN that having Tetsuya Nomura as director for both projects would obviously have an impact.

"So at E3 this year we announced Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV," he said. "Both have Tetsuya Nomura as their director, so we can’t create these two big games at the same time.

"It’s a difficult job, as we want each game to be perfect in terms of quality."

Quite how far along development is for Kingdom Hearts III isn't clear. When asked why Square Enix decided to announce the game this year if significant progress hasn't perhaps been made, Hashimoto explained that the company thought it was about time it addressed speculation about the long-awaited conclusion to the trilogy. Unfortunately, this leaves us none-the-wiser about how far along development for the game actually is, or when we may see it.

"A lot of people have wondered for the last couple of years if Square Enix has actually been working on Kingdom Hearts III; that’s why we announced it at E3 this year," he said. "But please, we need you all to understand that there’s a lot to do."

Check back to IGN later this week for the full interview with Shinji Hashimoto where we talk more about Kingdom Hearts III, as well as the future of the series.
i only use my vita on the toilet to play MVC3...

wish they would've made some better games for it.

What genre's do you like?

word. one of the coolest cases i have seen. going to sit awkward as hell though with the rest of my cases.

That's the one. Really good for the price. Never played Kingdom Hearts so I'm looking forward to it after Rayman Legends which should be arriving tomorrow.

Did anyone expect anything different?

As long as FFXV comes out soon then they can take there time with KHIII. We've been waiting since 06

What genre's do you like?
action type games, i like the dynasty warriors demo, which i also play.

i just want something that has replay value, a cool sandbox type game would be great but thats a little unrealistic.

also not a fan of 3rd person shooters, i haven't been following what games what have come out so its kinda my fault for not keeping up.
Is Kingdom Hearts basically Final Fantasy gameplay with Disney characters? I thought Kingdom Hearts 2 is in this KH 1.5 Remix.

Everyone I know that has played KH have said a lot of good things about the game... Never played it tho, want to pick it up but GTA V comes out in less than a week.
Is Kingdom Hearts basically Final Fantasy gameplay with Disney characters? I thought Kingdom Hearts 2 is in this KH 1.5 Remix.

Everyone I know that has played KH have said a lot of good things about the game... Never played it tho, want to pick it up but GTA V comes out in less than a week.

its definitely not FF gameplay. I don't even know what to compare it too though :rofl:
Just got Max Payne 3, haven't played a max Payne game since 2006. I'm excited
fun game, online is cool too when you aren't being killed by dudes glitching or when the game isnt freezing from server issues.

i dont get why sony just couldnt make the vita do all the stuff vita tv does 
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