The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Would love to hear people from this thread's opinions over the the Deus Ex Racism thread. Seems like most people replying aren't gamers and don't understand the overall artform of a large open world with hundreds of characters where you can choose how you act and progress. They're looking at one small character in one small 3 minute chunk of a game where you habitually kill people mercilessly, steal, hack, lie, cheat, and perform every other abomination you can think of as you progress through the game.
To be fair the Latisha character was designed to be a mildly ******ed homeless crackhead.

Would like to get some legit gamer reactions from this community before I take it up to Square community tomorrow rather than showing them random people just viewing a 2 minute clip and screaming racism.

Seem like a lot reaching is going on saying that the game is racist. My only thing is with the Latisha character is that they made her sound like a old runaway slave but other than that I haven't notice anything racist in the game.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Would love to hear people from this thread's opinions over the the Deus Ex Racism thread. Seems like most people replying aren't gamers and don't understand the overall artform of a large open world with hundreds of characters where you can choose how you act and progress. They're looking at one small character in one small 3 minute chunk of a game where you habitually kill people mercilessly, steal, hack, lie, cheat, and perform every other abomination you can think of as you progress through the game.
To be fair the Latisha character was designed to be a mildly ******ed homeless crackhead.

Would like to get some legit gamer reactions from this community before I take it up to Square community tomorrow rather than showing them random people just viewing a 2 minute clip and screaming racism.

Seem like a lot reaching is going on saying that the game is racist. My only thing is with the Latisha character is that they made her sound like a old runaway slave but other than that I haven't notice anything racist in the game.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Would love to hear people from this thread's opinions over the the Deus Ex Racism thread. Seems like most people replying aren't gamers and don't understand the overall artform of a large open world with hundreds of characters where you can choose how you act and progress. They're looking at one small character in one small 3 minute chunk of a game where you habitually kill people mercilessly, steal, hack, lie, cheat, and perform every other abomination you can think of as you progress through the game.
To be fair the Latisha character was designed to be a mildly ******ed homeless crackhead.

Would like to get some legit gamer reactions from this community before I take it up to Square community tomorrow rather than showing them random people just viewing a 2 minute clip and screaming racism.
I played that specific part and didn't realize it at all. Her voice annoyed me, but I didnt clue in to it being a negative racial sterotype. It was just another character to me, and I still feel that way.
However going over the thread, I can understand why some people may take offense to it. I read Meth's post, but I don't agree that this is on the level he has it on.

The video of the potential racism toward Asians is a little different to me, as that only occurs when you choose the "antagonize" option. Telling an Asian, "You all look the same" would certainly antagonize them, I believe. Yes, they could have used something that wasn't so stereotypical, but that's what they chose. 

Adam Jensen, the character, can be whatever you choose him too be through character dialogue. I have 2 saves, one where he is a piece of ++$*, the other, a great guy. I think the second issue depends on what the player chooses. It is an M rated game as well.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Would love to hear people from this thread's opinions over the the Deus Ex Racism thread. Seems like most people replying aren't gamers and don't understand the overall artform of a large open world with hundreds of characters where you can choose how you act and progress. They're looking at one small character in one small 3 minute chunk of a game where you habitually kill people mercilessly, steal, hack, lie, cheat, and perform every other abomination you can think of as you progress through the game.
To be fair the Latisha character was designed to be a mildly ******ed homeless crackhead.

Would like to get some legit gamer reactions from this community before I take it up to Square community tomorrow rather than showing them random people just viewing a 2 minute clip and screaming racism.
I played that specific part and didn't realize it at all. Her voice annoyed me, but I didnt clue in to it being a negative racial sterotype. It was just another character to me, and I still feel that way.
However going over the thread, I can understand why some people may take offense to it. I read Meth's post, but I don't agree that this is on the level he has it on.

The video of the potential racism toward Asians is a little different to me, as that only occurs when you choose the "antagonize" option. Telling an Asian, "You all look the same" would certainly antagonize them, I believe. Yes, they could have used something that wasn't so stereotypical, but that's what they chose. 

Adam Jensen, the character, can be whatever you choose him too be through character dialogue. I have 2 saves, one where he is a piece of ++$*, the other, a great guy. I think the second issue depends on what the player chooses. It is an M rated game as well.
PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.
PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.

Well you can be Moses and im the God of sniping
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.

Well you can be Moses and im the God of sniping
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

sup bros

anyone mess with
did you actually give them your address ? i made everything up
yeah i did, i just dont give my #
are you from canada? cause it said when i cashed in my credit yesterday that it doesnt work for 
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

sup bros

anyone mess with
did you actually give them your address ? i made everything up
yeah i did, i just dont give my #
are you from canada? cause it said when i cashed in my credit yesterday that it doesnt work for 
Originally Posted by PO2345

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

Maaaan %#@% Drag Ops, that game is a piece of %@!%. Only FPS in history with the Parkinsons frame rate. I will never play that bum %@% game again. 
Originally Posted by PO2345

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

Maaaan %#@% Drag Ops, that game is a piece of %@!%. Only FPS in history with the Parkinsons frame rate. I will never play that bum %@% game again. 
Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.
Well you can be Moses and im the God of sniping

I don't believe in God, soooo.....
Originally Posted by Speedy0990

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

PO2345 wrote:

The real question is who is the best straight up between you/Empire/December/Boost/Henz & anyone else I don't know about...

I'd like to hear that!

I'm not that good. I'm decent, but there are definitely much better on NT.
Sniping, now thats a different story. I'm the Moses of sniping, I made it accessible to the people.
Well you can be Moses and im the God of sniping

I don't believe in God, soooo.....
Pre-ordered already. No one is seeing my Canucks.
First task, beating the Bruins in 4, snapping Rechi's leg, and running Thomas every chance I can. I'll still win even with the Bruins having a 60 minute powerplay. 
Pre-ordered already. No one is seeing my Canucks.
First task, beating the Bruins in 4, snapping Rechi's leg, and running Thomas every chance I can. I'll still win even with the Bruins having a 60 minute powerplay. 
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Been practicing parry and riposte since that's what most website suggest using.

Stats are
Vit- 17
int- 23
end- 16
str- 16
luck- 7
- about 2500 away from the next level

and i have 2 demon souls, i believe i used one by mistake.
if i was you look up soul or item duplication on youtube so you can dupe your demon soul, and not have to play the game five times. there is no need to level up your luck, faith i will level up to the point where you can hold two miracles and also use the talisman of the beast. use this site it helps you a lot if you are trying to change the world tendency do it offline the servers are glitched, it takes 7 to 8 deaths ( in body form) to make a world pure black but after every death you have to return to the nexus Have you
Have you done the duplication trick? i was trying to figure it out but different websites have different methods (one with 1 player and the other with 2 players)

also do you use Parry and riposte alot?
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Been practicing parry and riposte since that's what most website suggest using.

Stats are
Vit- 17
int- 23
end- 16
str- 16
luck- 7
- about 2500 away from the next level

and i have 2 demon souls, i believe i used one by mistake.
if i was you look up soul or item duplication on youtube so you can dupe your demon soul, and not have to play the game five times. there is no need to level up your luck, faith i will level up to the point where you can hold two miracles and also use the talisman of the beast. use this site it helps you a lot if you are trying to change the world tendency do it offline the servers are glitched, it takes 7 to 8 deaths ( in body form) to make a world pure black but after every death you have to return to the nexus Have you
Have you done the duplication trick? i was trying to figure it out but different websites have different methods (one with 1 player and the other with 2 players)

also do you use Parry and riposte alot?
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Been practicing parry and riposte since that's what most website suggest using.

Stats are
Vit- 17
int- 23
end- 16
str- 16
luck- 7
- about 2500 away from the next level

and i have 2 demon souls, i believe i used one by mistake.
if i was you look up soul or item duplication on youtube so you can dupe your demon soul, and not have to play the game five times. there is no need to level up your luck, faith i will level up to the point where you can hold two miracles and also use the talisman of the beast. use this site it helps you a lot if you are trying to change the world tendency do it offline the servers are glitched, it takes 7 to 8 deaths ( in body form) to make a world pure black but after every death you have to return to the nexus Have you
Have you done the duplication trick? i was trying to figure it out but different websites have different methods (one with 1 player and the other with 2 players)

also do you use Parry and riposte alot?
yea i have done the dupe trick. to do it to you need evacuate a miracle and a talisman. there is a talisman in the shrine of storms in the beginning of the level on the right where the two archers are shooting at you above a door way.
when you have both go to stock pile Thomas withdraw green moongrass all of it, then drop all the moon grass except one. when you dupe you cant any of that item in stock pile Thomas's inventory and you can only have one on your person. after having one green moongrass have evacuate in one had and the talisman in the other walk up to the black smith next to Thomas. talk to him and pretend to buy anything from his first page inventory like the fresh spice pick it and when it asks would you like to purchase  hover over ok and walk away from him to Thomas. when standing next to Thomas use evacuate it will ask would you like to go to the nexus press start;  talk to Thomas and deposit the moon grass and while depositing  your character will do the the evacuate animation. walk away from Thomas   and walk back to him withdraw the moongrass and you will notice you have 1023
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