The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

PlayStation Plus December content:

5th December: Batman: Arkham City (PS3)
5th December: LIMBO (PS3)
5th December: Vanquish (PS3)

12th December: Big Sky Infinity (PS Vita and PS3)
19th December: Mortal Kombat (PS Vita)
21st December: Knytt Underground (PS Vita and PS3)
Additional offers and savings TBC

This is the EU content for PS + next month. I imagine US will be similar for the PS3 games.
PS+ just keeps on giving.
What the **** are you talking about? Mario and Little Big Planet aren't even the same game. Sackboy may have been marketed towards kids, but the series as a whole has been pushed towards to modding community.
What do you guys like/dislike about Resident Evil 6?

I was going to buy it on BF but it got sold out.
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Did anyone pick up Playstation All Stars?

I need one more trophy for the plat. I have to play a friendly match, but all my PSN dunns are playing BLOPS! If anyone can help add me - Generationz
did anyone cop that $99 3d monitor on black friday? by the time i heard about it, it was gone, and none of the bestbuys nearby had it..

id like to hear some feedback on it.
[h1]AC3: Ubi issues survey for sequel, co-op considered – rumour[/h1]
Assassin’s Creed 3 hasn’t been out all that long, but Ubisoft is supposedly canvassing opinion for a sequel among fans, if an unearthed survey is anything yo go by. The questions include ask about gamer’s desire for yearly sequels, co-op functionality, and a greater emphasis on Uncharted 3-style platforming. Get the details below.


The Gaming Liberty reports that the survey generally covers questions relating to elements of Assassin’s Creed 3 – such as gameplay, the plot and so on – but gets rather interesting when it starts to ask questions about sequels and co-op.

One particular question asks, “If it was to become available next year, how likely are you to purchase the next Assassin’s Creed game?”, suggesting that Ubisoft has its eye on repeating the ‘Brotherhood’ and ‘Revelations’ route of the Ezio trilogy.

The next question is really interesting however, as it asks participants to rate their experience with Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, suggesting that the publisher is looking at a more contained, set-piece driven experience.

Finally, a question regarding co-op asks how enjoyable a drop-in/drop-out feature would be in the next Assassin’s Creed game.

The survey has yet to be confirmed by Ubisoft, so please treat it as rumour for now, but Ubisoft is no stranger to the focus testing route, as it even polled opinion for the creation of Assassin’s Creed 3.

What do you make of the above questions? Would you like to see these features? Let us know below.

Thanks Kotaku.
[h1]God of War film may have “dramatic” story changes[/h1]
Sony has given God of War scriptwriters Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan the green light to rewrite Kratos’s story if necessary.


Speaking with Shock Till You Drop, the pair said Sony is particularly keen to ensure the movie isn’t just a clone of Clash of the Titans and Immortals.

“Those movies can inform the God of War to step in a more bold direction. Not to join those ranks, but to stand head and shoulders apart like other reinventions have done within that genre. The satisfying element is to look at those movies as a commentary on the genre and now say something different,” Dunstan said.

Doing say may also mean stepping away from the canon of the games, though.

“Sony games, you think they’d be sacred about the origin story and all of that, but they were encouraging us to make it different from those movies and if that means going in dramatic shifts, they were cool of it. And they’re involved,” Melton added.

The God of war movie is said to be an origins story, a little like Batman Begins.

Thanks, Polygon.
Did anyone pick up Playstation All Stars?

I need one more trophy for the plat. I have to play a friendly match, but all my PSN dunns are playing BLOPS! If anyone can help add me - Generationz
I need that trophy as well. I'll add you when I get home.
Under-rated game. Probably pass on it out of principle (Bethesda).

Rage: The Scorchers DLC Confirmed by Trophy List
New campaign and new minigames.
by Andrew Goldfarb NOVEMBER 29, 2012

A leaked trophy list has confirmed that Rage will receive new downloadable content called The Scorchers. As outed by, 10 new Trophies are listed for Rage, hinting at a new campaign and new minigames.

The Trophies refer to finishing a campaign as well as completing several tasks “in The Scorchers job path.” New minigames include Video Poker and Roly-Poly, and locations include Hagar Caves, Bash Canyon, Scorcher Base and Refinery.

The Scorchers was first outed by a PEGI rating in June, referring to a group of bandits known as The Scorchers that were cut from the original game’s release.

We’ve reached out to Bethesda about The Scorchers and will update this story with any comment or additional information we receive.
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PSN’s Page Chronica Gets A Release Date
Create some words, kill some foes.
by Colin Moriarty NOVEMBER 29, 2012

Now that the rush of releases is mostly behind us, perhaps it’s time once again to focus on some smaller PlayStation Network titles. And one such game, the hybrid puzzler known as Page Chronica, is coming out in only a few days.

The game’s producer, Wee Lit Koh, notes that “Page Chronica is not your average side-scrolling action-platformer. It is an action-oriented word-puzzle game that combines elements of action-platformers with the forming of words. Capture letters and form words of various lengths and complexity to gain the power to unleash a variety of Spells and Attacks. The stronger the words formed, the more powerful you will be.”


Page Chronica sure seems ambitious, combining a litany of genres into one game. Action here, platforming there… and word puzzles?! Well, we’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out. In the meantime, you can find out more about the game here.

The game comes out for PlayStation 3 on Tuesday, December 4th in North America and Wednesday, December 5th in Europe at a yet-undisclosed price. Keep an eye on IGN for a full review soon
How are you going to do this bundle and offer a 4GB memory card? :x :smh:

New PlayStation Plus/Unit 13 Vita Bundle
As Marcus would say, “Step your game up.”
by Greg Miller NOVEMBER 29, 2012

To round out November – the first month PlayStation Plus has been available on the PlayStation Vita – Sony announced a new Vita bundle this morning centered around the subscription service, which grants users unlimited access to games, demos and more as long as they are members. Here in North America, $299 will net you the PS Plus Instant Game Collection PS Vita Bundle, and that includes…


A PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi system
1-year PlayStation Plus Membership
A Unit 13 game voucher
A 4 GB Memory Card
Now, if that doesn't sound awesome at first blush, keep in mind the initial smorgasbord of PlayStation Plus content for Vita…

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
WipEout 2048
Gravity Rush
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Jet Set Radio
And the PSP title Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Of course, PlayStation Plus cycles games in and out of the Instant Game Collection. So, if you buy this bundle late in December, it’s possible some of the games above will have been replaced by new titles – although if the Vita bundle box is showing Uncharted, Gravity Rush and WipEout, it’s a pretty safe bet they’ll still be up.

Also worth noting: 1) The PlayStation Plus membership here would grant you access to the PS3 Plus perks, as it’s one service. 2) PlayStation Plus memberships stack; so if you’re already a member, the one-year voucher included here would give you an additional year of the service.
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dude rage is like less than $9 at TRU in NA.

I was gonna pick it up but only had a $20 to spend

so I bought FF13-2 instead.
I was a little unclear. I own the game, but I'll probably pass on the DLC.

Still havent beat it.
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havent checked out the ps store... and its brand new to me lol

tested out the new devil may cry demo. pretty good. sucks u cant lock on to enemies though
About to cop the new ps headset

"PULSE wireless stereo headset - Elite Edition"

Any NTers have it?

Most reviews I have read are very positive.
[h1]God of War: Ascension beta sign-ups are go, get the details here[/h1]
God of War: Ascension is now accepting multiplayer beta sign-ups. Find out how you can take part in the bloody carnage below.


Sony posted details of the God of War: Ascension multiplayer beta over on PS Blog EU, and all you have to do is head over to the official sign-up page by 12pm on December 7th to register your interest.

This doesn’t guarantee you a spot of course, but id you are chosen you will receive an email as well as access to the PSN Beta page. From there you can download the beta and get hacking poor sods to pieces.
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I pulled the plug on Playstation Plus. That Music Unlimited for $12 sounds almost too good to be true.

Is this correct?

Along with being able to stream music to your various devices, Music Unlimited also allows you to search for your favorite songs and albums and listen to your music *ahem* unlimited with no ads and an no limit on skips. Music you save to your playlists can also be stored on your devices, meaning you can continue to use Music Unlimited even when you don’t have Wi-Fi or a cellular signal.

If so, that's awesome.
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