**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

BuddhaShark- Well said bro and I feel the exact same way, repped!!! And don't mention it bro, I still have to take care of you so hit me up when you're ready

SPB/Frank/Skinney - Much appreciated bros

PoloPirate - Dope :smokin

Today is the last day of the sale fellas... hit me up for those last minute orders :smoking

I picked up some new camera equipment, gonna try to take more pictures and post more often and hope that it can start a trend of people posting fits in here on the regular :nerd:
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Kush, Polopirate - Nice fits.

The USA looks familiar cause it's from the USA collection they do every year or every other year. I've had that half zip in my drawer for about 4 years now.

A better look at the NY crew as well as some other things from that collection.




Nice post @buddhashark I think many of us here would agree with that post, no matter what generation one has been collecting Ralph Lauren from.
I actually love the later generations, because real enthusiasts put a lot of thought in putting together nice fits, which is more important to me.

Dope pics as always Kush, they inspire me to get a better camera and make a effort to get those cargos pants!

@frank the sweatpants are on my list
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Today is the last day of the sale fellas... hit me up for those last minute orders :smoking
I'm pretty sure I can speak for everyone here in saying that your services are truly appreciated.  I haven't ordered through you before (not yet anyways), but you go above and beyond for helping dudes flourish.  65% set me up properly this time around, but I'll definitely consider hitting you up next time I'm shopping.
Thanks man, it works out well, I make some money, you guys save some money, everyone goes home happy and for the most part is has been very pleasant and stress free transactions WIN/WIN :smokin
Thanks Pmiddy, what are you shooting with now?

I'm ashamed to say Lol...I have a camera that my in laws got me and my wife like 7yrs ago, which in technology world makes my camera ancient. But I actually use my cell camera more often cuz I always have it. But I need to get a really good one in the near future, I welcome any recommendations.
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I'm pretty sure I can speak for everyone here in saying that your services are truly appreciated.  I haven't ordered through you before (not yet anyways), but you go above and beyond for helping dudes flourish.  65% set me up properly this time around, but I'll definitely consider hitting you up next time I'm shopping.
I'm ashamed to say Lol...I have a camera that my in laws got me and my wife like 7yrs ago, which in technology world makes my camera ancient. But I actually use my cell camera more often cuz I always have it. But I need to get a really good one in the near future, I welcome any recommendations.

All depending on your budget of course, Canon T4 is a nice place to begin , T1-T4 are great for beginning
Guess I'll post these since I brought it up.

the usa looks recycled, the ny sweatshirt is the standout, i'll pass on the baseball henley's.

"P jacket" could work. Not all that excited about the rest. The NY sweatshirt is dope, especially because the grey base, orange letters, and word "Polo" all evoke a feel of the NY Giants Polo Grounds stuff.

Just to add my 2 cents to a few previous post.
We live in an age of 24/7 accessibility via internet and social media outlets...you can find out about things before they even hit the stores, from sneakers, clothes, leaked albums and discount codes. This era makes life a lot easier for people to obsess and collect.

Now as for me, when I grew up
I lived in the G1 era for many things retroed nowadays ( I remember when I used to pray for Nike to re release certain sneakers I couldn't afford back when I was younger, to say my prayers were answered is an understatement LOL) there's a Jordan release every other week, and a multitudes of various other retros almost every week. But only a handful of people in my generation could afford Jordan's (I remember in my home class, only one person had the Jordan VI, just one and we all hope he would he could keep them longer than a month, perchance someone possible robbed him.)

Now as far as Ralph Lauren goes and old collectors or vintage heads...from my generation
Only a handful, and I mean a handful of people had Polo Ralph Lauren were they could claim they wore Polo down to the socks. Now a couple of things to think about growing up in my generation, during the late 80's to 90's the possibility of getting stabbed, shot, robbed, mugged, jumped was an everyday occurrence in NYC, so to survive day to day with any (fly gear) on was a miracle in it self. Everything has so much more meaning back then, because if you lived around to tell the story of how you had this or that it was a blessing. I've watch people in broad daylight get robbed for coats, jackets, sneaker, hat...etc everyday, no exaggeration. Plus in regards to exclusive polo, if you wasn't in the know or knew someone in the know, you wasn't getting exclusive items. I swear it was like an insiders club. There was no Instagram, FB, no NT haha....I always say this generation is blessed, because everyday items, could get you killed in my day. The culture of fashion has always existed and will continue to do so, it's an expressive art form...sometimes it is, but it's never "just clothes"

Great post, Middy.

Polo before the internet and NYC before gentrification.

Since some seem to be on the subject I wanted to add my 2¢. I'm 27 and as far as clothes go the 80s and early 90s were before my time. I am not from NYC and was not a part of the Lo culture. For me RL is still more than just clothes. Fashion has always been important to me and RL is a brand that I gravitated towards early. Unfortunately it was something my parents would never buy me and was something I could only afford here and there through high school and college. I've also hopped on other tends and brands along the way, most of which have already been mentioned. But I've always come back to RL. It's always been a classic style that's both conservative and fashion forward at the same time.

I'm at the point now where I purchase RL almost exclusively. It's a one stop shop for clothes I can wear at the office or casually. I have gotten to the point where I can trust the quality and the fit (mostly). I can also afford it now. Every time I go through my closet it's the RL pieces that I keep and other brands that I throw out. I'm the type to grow attachments to my clothes and consider them investments. I don't want to just wear a new season of clothes. When I buy something I want it to last for years both in style and by holding up. My oldest RL peieces are from '04 and are still like new. That's what RL is to me. Timeless style that fits me well and holds up over time. I don't consider myself a Lo head.

With that being said, I have become a big fan of this thread. I like that it's a place I can come to just browse and see rare and vintage pieces, see other people's opinions and learn about the culture. I appreciate the regulars who post here and enjoy the different perspectives. There has been some hate going around and I just wanted to say thank you. I am a younger guy who appreciates what goes on in here. Special thanks to Kush for getting me right for my wedding.

Great post. Respect.

Nice post @buddhashark I think many of us here would agree with that post, no matter what generation one has been collecting Ralph Lauren from.
I actually love the later generations, because real enthusiasts put a lot of thought in putting together nice fits, which is more important to me.

Dope pics as always Kush, they inspire me to get a better camera and make a effort to get those cargos pants!

@frank the sweatpants are on my list

Good point. As impressive as vintage power is, it can be very paint by numbers. It's impressive to wear a full Snow Beach outfit, but not that creative. Ideally, one can flam vintage power, under the radar older flyness, and current joints.

Sweatpants will be bought too... on discount.
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Now a couple of things to think about growing up in my generation, during the late 80's to 90's the possibility of getting stabbed, shot, robbed, mugged, jumped was an everyday occurrence in NYC, so to survive day to day with any (fly gear) on was a miracle in it self. Everything has so much more meaning back then, because if you lived around to tell the story of how you had this or that it was a blessing. I've watch people in broad daylight get robbed for coats, jackets, sneaker, hat...etc everyday, no exaggeration.
Agree. Could you imagine an overnight campout for Jordans in Albee Square in the late 80's? The WHOLE line, except the cats that set it up, woulda had bunny ears! LOL That's about the time being good with your hands stopped being as important and that steel was prevalent.
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@frank the sweatpants are on my list

Mine as well.

  thanks for posting. I seen some of the other stuff on your Instagram page. I really like
the baseball henleys. Do you know if they are form fitting or not? They're a go for me. I hope nothing is
on the back.

No problem, thanks for following. Don't know much about the baseball jersey, I would imagine it's custom fit. Probably not gonna get that form fit like a real baseball shirt. And the sleeves are listed as LS for whoever asked about the 3/4 lengths.

I got a call from my macys rep today, she told me she found a "native american" sweater buried under a bunch of stuff in the stock room. Came out to $33.91, original price was $495 if I remember correctly. Steal of the year so far. Pants are from ebay. Boxing crewneck was from a local overstock store, it's a little short so I'll probably let it go. Socks are in at TJ Maxx now.

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I got a call from my macys rep today, she told me she found a "native american" sweater buried under a bunch of stuff in the stock room. Came out to $33.91, original price was $495 if I remember correctly. Steal of the year so far. Pants are from ebay. Boxing crewneck was from a local overstock store, it's a little short so I'll probably let it go. Socks are in at TJ Maxx now.


Great pick ups. Those pants are dope Frank, I recognize the wing foot logo from around 2005 or 06 I believe. I have the navy shorts with the wing foot.
[Dilla sample] oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh.[/Dilla sample]

I got a call from my macys rep today, she told me she found a "native american" sweater buried under a bunch of stuff in the stock room. Came out to $33.91, original price was $495 if I remember correctly. Steal of the year so far. Pants are from ebay. Boxing crewneck was from a local overstock store, it's a little short so I'll probably let it go. Socks are in at TJ Maxx now.

Never looked twice at that sweater but at $33 what a steal! I like the pants too.

Oh god yes it is. Only thing in that pick I ever wanted was the boony hat. Nice layout but I walked pass all of it when the mansion had the line.

I got a call from my macys rep today, she told me she found a "native american" sweater buried under a bunch of stuff in the stock room. Came out to $33.91, original price was $495 if I remember correctly. Steal of the year so far. Pants are from ebay. Boxing crewneck was from a local overstock store, it's a little short so I'll probably let it go. Socks are in at TJ Maxx now.


Great pick ups. Those pants are dope Frank, I recognize the wing foot logo from around 2005 or 06 I believe. I have the navy shorts with the wing foot.[/quote]

Dope layout frank. Pmiddy 09-10 I would say for the pants. That's when that patch foot wing came out.
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