The Official Reebok Question (A.I.) Thread.

the funny thing is jones said everything I said

he's just highlighting what he feels is the negative side of the same story

whether it's in his contract or not I said they're allowing him to wear other brands

it all depends on how you feel about iverson

people were trying to alter iversons legacy before he even made it to college let alone the nba

airbrushing tattoos off him in pictures and programs to altering rules to try to make him less dominant on court

then you have the dress code, iverson just a fighter

it's extremely difficult for me not to ride for em

ai will forever be that guy

Jordan's are still real popular while there's NOTHING cool about Reebok. I mean you go to their site and it looks like Payless Shoes Running. It's awful. They let that brand go to ****. It's not cool to wear Reebok's and he probably doesn't want to know they had such a hard fall.

Reebok has so many classic 90 shoes they need to bring back. It's a shame it won't happen.

I totally agree that the brand has had a hard fall from grace. The fact of the matter of this ordeal is its a guy that has a life time contract that make royalties from the product he sells and he endorses! For him to continue to wear product that breaches his contract shows how reckless he is. If Reebok was a company like Nike / Jordan brand/ or Adi they would have terminated his contract and sent him on his marry way. It's not about what you like it's about your brand... literally the Iverson brand! If he wanted out of the deal he would leave but instead he does just enough to ensure his checks, which he needs due to his lifestyle choices during his career!

As far as the world is against him thing it's all added to his career to make him seem more likeable . The truth of the matter is Iverson has been cancerous to almost everything in his life since his youth. Most of this could be pin pointed to his rough childhood, but the guy has continued to find trouble since his late teens. Now I will add that the image depicted of being a black male in America is very unfairly scrutinized, and I'm all for having self-pride and awareness of self, but this guy uses this as a crutch for all his wrong doings. I mean his coaches didn't like him! Not many teammates liked him. Management never really liked him, but his talent has allowed a revolving carousel of forgiveness throughout his life. I loved Allen as a kid, but this notion that he's a misunderstood hero is taken out of context!!! He's just a man that has made countless bad decisions, and his god given ability to play ball has afforded him multiple second chances throughout this life! I feel he knows this too... as he never really accomplished any of the things he should have other then his lone MVP. You see the pain during his speeches as he cries when reflecting on his life!
^ Even I couldn't have said it better, thank you for that!!!
 Jordan's are still real popular while there's NOTHING cool about Reebok. I mean you go to their site and it looks like Payless Shoes Running. It's awful. They let that brand go to ****. It's not cool to wear Reebok's and he probably doesn't want to know they had such a hard fall.

Reebok has so many classic 90 shoes they need to bring back. It's a shame it won't happen.
Not cool for the kids these days, that's for sure, but this will never stop me to rock Reebok now and to the rest of my days. 
STONEGATEDRIVE STONEGATEDRIVE , greatly appreciate you posting on this forum and there's no need to keep explaining AI's thought process. I initially put it off as him being tired of Questions but it's clearly a bigger more serious matter as you posted. If you're an Adibok employee you probably don't want to keep commenting on this subject as things may or may not be taken out of context if Adibok decides to cut Iverson. Because if you're Adibok and you have no intention of releasing anything from the Iverson line save for Questions, and if Iverson is going to keep wearing Nike/Jordan product then you might as well drop him and retool some of the logos.

Overall though it's such a damn shame about Reebok's fantastic 90s catalog being 'lost' completely. The blame for this lies squarely on Adidas as they should've started retro-ing product in '04-'05 when they purchased Reebok right at the infancy of the retro craze.

Wasting almost an entire decade while Nike was cleaning house with Nike & JB retro was a huge wasted opportunity.
Just shipped out my NYE Questions, feel a little sad 
Still can't find the Blue toes for under $100.   Preferably around $70 shipped if possible.   Trying to stay patient
Still can't find the Blue toes for under $100.   Preferably around $70 shipped if possible.   Trying to stay patient

Keep looking I guess. I should have pulled the trigger on then from FNL when they had the 20% off deal with my WC reward. Took it to $92 shipped. Strange now as FNL's newest sale $25OFF125 isn't applicable to the Questions!!! How dumb is that. 20% worked before but $25 off won't?!!! Stupid!!! The search continues!!
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****! I was hoping no one would post that link. They've been $90 for weeks and were FSR. I was trying to wait for it to hit that $60-$70

I see prices finally dropping at Finish Line
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UPDATE:  Finishline price back up to retail ($140) on their site LOL.   Watch them mark the shoe down again in a few weeks.   Just leave it marked down,  why keep adjusting the price especially marking it back up to retail again

Only way these are gonna sell is at a lower price

Copped these when they first came out but took them back knowing these would hit a lower price

Found a pair yesterday at a mom and pops store here in town for $85 flat
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