Maybe I'm wrong and players will stand out as the season progresses. I haven't seen anyone really stand out besides Wall and Turner.
Good thing I didn't take the Warriors tonight. I knew that under was looking really good, but I couldn't pull the trigger.
Originally Posted by KL9

These refs were horrible...I agree with Barnett, just kick the damn ball into the stands.
Yeah. I remember when Barnes or someone on the Magicchucked the ball into the stands a little while ago and I thought it was funny. Curry needs to get more confidence. I don't want him being a $!#+ out there(like Jackson who thought he was better than the game), but I'd like him to be more aggressive. Almost cocky, so that he doesn't doubt his abilities. Ithink he has too many TO's because of his passiveness.
since the Warriors arent making the playoffs, we should lookout for cheap tickets.

Summit or what?
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by dland24

The hell is wrong with our avys??? Why does this ALWAYS happen to us Warriors guys?
I hate Yuku so damn much. I can't wait until the server switch.

Is a server switch in the works? And its not just me right? You cant see the avys either right? Why does this problem seem to be limited to Warriors fans?
This has happened like twice before.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by dland24

The hell is wrong with our avys??? Why does this ALWAYS happen to us Warriors guys?
I hate Yuku so damn much. I can't wait until the server switch.

Is a server switch in the works? And its not just me right? You cant see the avys either right? Why does this problem seem to be limited to Warriors fans?
This has happened like twice before.
Yeah, a server move is in the works. The proceeds from the new batch of NT shirts would help us make the transition.

Sometimes I can't see avys and then other times I can. It's sometimes hit or miss for me.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Enlightened Thought can't believe it, either. He was adamant about the Warriors winning 50 games.
I thought they were going to win in the high 30s.
Curry had a nice game

Monta is still scoring but REALLY needs to take care of the ball
Im not gonna lie i didnt watch the whole game, i was going in and out of a nap lol. but looks like the refs were BS
Just had a was

What do you guys think I should do in this situation...I overheard the TA tell someone else the equation needed to solve a problem, basically almost tellingher how to solve it. I was pretty pissed cuz I had turned in my test already (I was filling out some evaluation form then), and I saw other people near mewriting the equation too...and I'm thinking about telling the professor because I feel it's not fair. Should I e-mail the professor about it? I justdon't wanna be a snitch, but maybe I should just in case the professor gives less weight to that problem or something.
was hoping it would be a good game today. it was, until the 2nd half.

Harden killed us with his free throws and Green killed us with the rebounds.

off topic but i see DP killed it with the socks pickup as well. hopefully there's still some left when i'm off on thursday
Originally Posted by acidicality

Just had a was

What do you guys think I should do in this situation...I overheard the TA tell someone else the equation needed to solve a problem, basically almost telling her how to solve it. I was pretty pissed cuz I had turned in my test already (I was filling out some evaluation form then), and I saw other people near me writing the equation too...and I'm thinking about telling the professor because I feel it's not fair. Should I e-mail the professor about it? I just don't wanna be a snitch, but maybe I should just in case the professor gives less weight to that problem or something.

Do you think you got it right?
Oh damn, I forgot that information since I was typing it so fast
, but no I didn't figure it out, which is what made me pissed even more.
And afriend of mine didn't figure it out either. A lot of people didn't because of the problem's wording.
Should have asked the TA a question regarding that problem while you were taking the test. Might have gotten the same answer. No use in stressing/snitchingabout it now.
Originally Posted by What up

Should have asked the TA a question regarding that problem while you were taking the test. Might have gotten the same answer. No use in stressing/snitching about it now.

This is stupid. Why would he assume the TA was going to tell him how to do the problem? WHen do TAs give out answers to finals? Hell yeah you should saysomething Acid. Especially if you got the problem wrong. Who cares if the TA gets slightly reprimanded. Who is the TA to you? NO ONE. Id definitely saysomething to my professor. No questions asked. Snitchin 715? Cmon now. Its dudes FINAL. Why should some of the students have had an unfair advantage? Do itAcid!
Why should he assume anything? Why are you assuming the TA gave the answer? From what he wrote, it seems like the TA "guided" the girl in theright direction. He could have possibly gotten that same treatment. You never know until you ask. And he never did so he missed his chance.

You're basically snitching because you got the problem wrong. Because if you got it correct, you wouldn't bother saying anything, right? So it'snot really about morals its about getting your's? Way to stand tall.
Another follow up question: Could the swaying of this getting this question wrong or right potentially have an impact on your overall grade in the class? (715still disagree with you)
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