The Official Tennis Thread (Vol. 2024 US Open)

Has serena reached the level where sportscasters can’t criticize her? I’m watching all the local news sports updates and all they mention was the ref’s controversial call and how serena was a class act during the postmatch interview. No mention of her meltdown or how she let the call upset her to the point she lost another major. I’m on ig and feminists are posting her yelling at the ref and saying that’s how a boss looks like.
Disgraceful *** spectators. I’m a big Serena Williams fan but this is not a good look for her at all just because of the circumstances involved.

Anyways, I’ll be rooting for the gentle giant Argentine tomorrow...vamos DelPo.

What it all comes down to imo,she definitely lost her cool but the amount of times that male players have also had that happen without being penalized is well documented.

That double standard rearing it's ugly head in a such a big moment is what the outcry is about,none of the big 4 would ever get sanctioned severely like that in a major final

Shame that it's taken away from what was an outstanding tourney from Osaka but I definitely get the beef...

On to today,rooting for Delpo to do the Lord's work against Joker :nerd:
To put it in nice words:
Lol at Sally Jenkins

“He couldn’t take a woman speaking sharply to him”. **** with this nonsense.

Fognini was suspended

Djokovic and many others have received warnings etc. but they don’t come back at the ref several times. At some point they continue to play.

When has a player called the ref a liar and thief?
The times of behavior like McEnroe’s have long passed in tennis. He would have a hard time today.
1. Each penalty was warranted, by the book, no question about it.
2. [From what was shown or wasn't shown on the broadcast] Carlos Ramos did a poor job officiating by not de-escalating the situation.
3. Serena lost her composure at a U.S. Open (again).
4. Male players get away with much worse. I love Fed, but I've seen occasion's when he's been straight classless to ump's.
5. Carlos and Serena both owe an apology to Naomi.

To me, this is a clear cut case of two people being right, yet both being at fault. Hard for me to see how anyone could clearly side with either individual.
Yeah, it does seem like the men get away with saying more but how often do we see them keep digging and digging to the level that they give up a point and lose the match. This is the third time she’s had issues with officials at the us open. Lost all 3 of those matches including 2 finals. Players gotta deal with bad judgments or calls.
Rooting for DelPo today.

I don’t see why semantics matters here. She was right.

She would have been more justified in calling him a B****.

Serena definitely stole the girl’s moment though.

Because her saying he’s a liar and a thief implies he’s calling violations that aren’t valid and wanting her to lose.
To put it in nice words:
Lol at Sally Jenkins

“He couldn’t take a woman speaking sharply to him”. **** with this nonsense.

Fognini was suspended

Djokovic and many others have received warnings etc. but they don’t come back at the ref several times. At some point they continue to play.

When has a player called the ref a liar and thief?
The times of behavior like McEnroe’s have long passed in tennis. He would have a hard time today.

Agreed, I hate how people keep bringing up McEnroe as an example. He was a complete @#$ hole, and if you admire that type of behavior or look back at it like it was entertaining, I don't know what to say.

I don't care whether it's a man or woman behaving like that; classless is classless
Would love to see DelPo win, but his game is neutralized when Djoko hits to his backhand.
Serena was an idiot yesterday and is using "women's rights" to shield herself from scrutiny
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