The Official Tennis Thread (Vol. 2024 US Open)

Grigor gifted 3 points to Rafa in the TB.   Young nerves def. played it's part there... but Rafa played the big points. 

Awaits numerous Rafa-squat-crap gifs.
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Heeeelllloooo... that was vintage Rafa with the cross-court passing shot.  Still not looking very sharp though... combination of blistered-hand and timing.
Good 1st set by Grigor... good 2nd and 3rd too... but those 2 costly forehands will haunt him for a while.  No doubt it'll make him a better player in the long run. 

Dimitrov still just the young pretender for now at least.

I wonder which Federer will show up today ...vintage or washed up?
Rafa gonna Rafa, I worry about his health moving forward, though he's proved he can power through injuries
good match...tight 2 middle sets.  Rafa made a lot of mistakes but came through.

On to Fed/Murray!  Should be a great match if Fed can come out with the same aggressiveness and precision he showed against Tsonga...this is Murray's first real test...Murray's had Fed's number, but we'll see how much his back will affect him
Rafa's legs look ok... today it was mainly his blister.  Just one of those freak "injuries", prob cuz of the weather... extreme heat, humidity, sweat, etc.
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Aga doesn't have a particular strengths, but her defense will just grind you down.  Very tricky to play against! 

Li Na needs to take full-advantage of this draw now! 
That's just the luck of the draw... nothing you can do about that.

Fed's new stick though... making a HUGE difference.  So much more pace on his shots than what I've seen over the past year or two.  
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