The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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I always assumed the people who were monitoring the pages (say the NDC DB 5 page) and using an ATC were the ones successful on the restocks. That along with the people who probably have some sort of restock bot.
Footlocker is going to start canceling more orders if using a bot for their site...
I always assumed the people who were monitoring the pages (say the NDC DB 5 page) and using an ATC were the ones successful on the restocks. That along with the people who probably have some sort of restock bot.
Exactly, its rare that the dude that clicks the tweeted restock link actually has a chance at DB5s or Champ Packs.

Like evilside said the average person has a better chance just initially going after Gamma 11s or Taxis rather than DB Foams.
Yes, it can add a specific shoe.
How hard would it be to write a script that catches every tweet by nike and opens every shoe/link on the page, if you were running add to cart bot every shoe on the restock would attempt to add your size. From there you would have to just remove the shoes you dont want from your cart. 
Im just curious, was there ever a post in here showing a proof of the theory "varying delay times"? I just dont remember where it all started. Thanks in advance.
I think people assumed there was a delay time because different services were coming out on top every week, I wouldnt mind having a RSVP bot because I'm usually busy when around the time that they do RSVPs. Still wish they would do a raffle using active accounts on NDC 
Footlocker is going to start canceling more orders if using a bot for their site...
Source??? I would think footlocker would work on their servers and checkout system before they worry about bots. Getting stuff from them is luck anyways, only thing their bot  does is keep you from manually clicking add to cart for 40 minutes. 
did they ever cancel your order or no for using the early links
Yes several people had their orders cancelled for the preludes.
Hard or not depend on your level of skill. It's definitely not as simple as a basic atc script.
People don't understand the seriousness of being cancel. Looks like they're going back to the old way and do random cancelation again. I'm glad this month is dead so I'm going to lay low again.
What happen with your Bel Air? Why were they cancel?
scooped too many on same IP and had a friend add to cart (different IP). Didn't know it raised huge flags then, I do now
Hey Guys,

So I'm a web designer gone developer, and I've written my own .Net twitter application and my own ATC bot, which I thought was incredibly fast compared to the ones I've seen circulated throughout the community.

But as of late, I haven't had any success landing my shoes. I missed on the WTK's, Oregons, and All of the preludes. I know there are people out there who have had success using their own bots.

Anyways, I'm not looking to mooch a bot whatsoever, I was curious if anyone here has actually wrote their own bot that has been successful with the most recent releases that I could perhaps discuss some better practices and maybe critique my code. I thought I did a pretty decent job writing it but I'm guessing it's not there.

I'm more interested in learning than actually securing a pair (well, maybe not on the prelude 7's :tongue:).

PS: Don't PM me out of the blue just asking for my bot. I'm looking to have a knowledgable discussion on coding practices. I'm a much better designer than I am at developing so maybe we could barter services.
So basically, for the restocks, bots don't usually add specific shoes to cart because the link has more than 1 shoe, or is there a work around. As previously, a site put up early info regarding the restock, just curious as to chances of each person copping a specific shoe. Say what the kobes for example

Thanks evilside in advanced
I am sure there is a way to specify what you want using specific keywords.  I know there is the page monitor that might keep an eye on the page for activity but I honestly am not sure the best way to go about getting the specific shoe you want for a restock.  

Also is there a big rumored date for nike to restock all these sneakers that have been getting cancelled?  Saw someone mention one but with no date.
They do, and the likelyhood of getting your order reversed is slim, but the more people who call and complain, the more it will force them to revisit their crap excuse of "commitment to fairness"

Bots are here to stay. Just a fact of life. Look at ticketmaster: they have the worst bot problem of all and they cant stop it. The only thing Nike can really do and succeed at is cancel orders of people who go over the limit. This pick and choose which orders to cancel for "fairness" nonsense has to stop.
This is 100% true,  Bots aren't going anywhere because as Nike changes their security the programmers will just adapt their bots to get around it. 

The early links are what is killing my bots.  I never seem to find out about them till after I miss out, and honestly I don't know how to use them/or the right way to use them.  I just know when my bot instantly tried to grab the prelude kobes this weekend it immediately came up out of stock, no waiting line or anything.  And that was extremely fast. Started with the WTK for me, and it's been downhill from there.

Upgraded my internet to extreme which helped a little, even bought a new HP laptop.  I saw someone mention their MBPS was like 200 or something, but my understanding is thats more of download speed and would do little to affect a sneaker bot.  I thought ping was where its at having a low one, and mine is usually 5-10.

Any info with help on how these early links work or how to improve my bot is appreciated and if I can help I'm also more than happy too.
ATC service will eventually be targeted again and more cancellations will happen IMO.  They were cancelling lots of orders I believe for the DB3's was the first real mass cancellations and I think those were directly due to ATC
Hey Guys,

So I'm a web designer gone developer, and I've written my own .Net twitter application and my own ATC bot, which I thought was incredibly fast compared to the ones I've seen circulated throughout the community.

But as of late, I haven't had any success landing my shoes. I missed on the WTK's, Oregons, and All of the preludes. I know there are people out there who have had success using their own bots.

Anyways, I'm not looking to mooch a bot whatsoever, I was curious if anyone here has actually wrote their own bot that has been successful with the most recent releases that I could perhaps discuss some better practices and maybe critique my code. I thought I did a pretty decent job writing it but I'm guessing it's not there.

I'm more interested in learning than actually securing a pair (well, maybe not on the prelude 7's :tongue:).

PS: Don't PM me out of the blue just asking for my bot. I'm looking to have a knowledgable discussion on coding practices. I'm a much better designer than I am at developing so maybe we could barter services.
I think the early link killed all the twitter bot.
I think the early link killed all the twitter bot.
I agree with you there for the most part, but was there early links being linked for all of the releases for the past few months? WTK's was when I noticed at first that my bot was falling behind. From what I've read they've only been leaking for the preludes and the most recent releases (very bold assumption on my part though).
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I think the early link killed all the twitter bot.

I agree with you there for the most part, but was there early links being linked for all of the releases for the past few months? WTK's was when I noticed at first that my bot was falling behind. From what I've read they've only been leaking for the preludes and the most recent releases (very bold assumption on my part though).

it has only been publicly leaked for preludes.

but there are atc services with early link access since the lebron champ pack and likely before then. just that people were not aware.

as for your recent results prior to preludes - your internet may not have been able to compete with the demand and traffic from closer ISPs.
it has only been publicly leaked for preludes.

but there are atc services with early link access since the lebron champ pack and likely before then. just that people were not aware.

as for your recent results prior to preludes - your internet may not have been able to compete with the demand and traffic from closer ISPs.
That was another concern of mine. I'm some-what located across country from the servers. I've tried using rackspace, windows azure, and amazon aws instances to better my chances but even with the largest subscription I could manage a decent connection, but I couldn't get the desktop application to fire as quickly as I'd like.

On that note, To accomidate for my slower internet connection ( not really that slow, 75/35 fios connection ) I wrote some funky extensions that managed to get the load time of the actual product page to under a second, but even with all of my exerted efforts I'm still falling short.
it has only been publicly leaked for preludes.

but there are atc services with early link access since the lebron champ pack and likely before then. just that people were not aware.

as for your recent results prior to preludes - your internet may not have been able to compete with the demand and traffic from closer ISPs.
and that leak made a huge difference this time around for my home setup... even the few ATC services that may have been using the EL. they were not taking all the pairs, and i would still have a fighting chance with mine.. but with every random person logged in to NT or IG... that crushed my chances.. I know your goal is to put services out of business, and force nike to change, but there's also a defacto population that gets caught up in that.... "US" in here who generally just want to grab our pairs without going thru services and such.. EL is pretty much here to stay, i get it.. but its a very small group with that knowledge and skill set to get it. making it available to everyone just muddies the water IMO..  and the chances of  nike really doing something substantial has already been proven that they won't, as evidence by the RSVP system..
and that leak made a huge difference this time around for my home setup... even the few ATC services that may have been using the EL. they were not taking all the pairs, and i would still have a fighting chance with mine.. but with every random person logged in to NT or IG... that crushed my chances.. I know your goal is to put services out of business, and force nike to change, but there's also a defacto population that gets caught up in that.... "US" in here who generally just want to grab our pairs without going thru services and such.. EL is pretty much here to stay, i get it.. but its a very small group with that knowledge and skill set to get it. making it available to everyone just muddies the water IMO..  and the chances of  nike really doing something substantial has already been proven that they won't, as evidence by the RSVP system..
Not exactly, sincethe RSVP started nike has changed the images a couple of times. They also centralized the rsvp process now all stores tweet at the same time, theydont really care about bots IMO that is why they stopped cancelling orders for a while. But I think the early link thing bothers them, reason they rescheduled the 4 release and cancelled so many orders on the 5s. They dont like having to cancel orders its counterproductive. If they do make changes there is no guarantee we will like the result 

Edit: forgot to mention potential delay times for rsvps
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"they didnt take up all the pairs"?

who do you think took up all the pairs of the prelude 4 when nike never made released the TLO?

there is already a critical mass of early link usage to sell out the preludes without the publicly released early link.

personal bot users are just now crying foul because something is cutting into their method?

Bot cheaters complaining about early link cheaters... I love lurking this thread 
Not exactly, sincethe RSVP started nike has changed the images a couple of times. They also centralized the rsvp process now all stores tweet at the same time, theydont really care about bots IMO that is why they stopped cancelling orders for a while. But I think the early link thing bothers them, reason they rescheduled the 4 release and cancelled so many orders on the 5s. They dont like having to cancel orders its counterproductive. If they do make changes there is no guarantee we will like the result 

Edit: forgot to mention potential delay times for rsvps
all those changes are minor, its still hasnt stopped any of the RSVP services.. nothing has been done to prevent them from operating..
"they didnt take up all the pairs"?

who do you think took up all the pairs of the prelude 4 when nike never made released the TLO?

there is already a critical mass of early link usage to sell out the preludes without the publicly released early link.

personal bot users are just now crying foul because something is cutting into their method?

you may not have leaked the 4's link, but that one was leaked also which caused the problem, not the service providers...

bot users may be crying foul,  but your mission was not against bot users.. it was against nike and service providers..  and my point was that in your crusade against them the Bot guys are getting caught up in it... I personally havent tried and will not use the EL... because i want my sneakers, and the chance of cancellations/ban are just to great for me to risk it... 
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