The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Feel free to correct me if im wrong.. but your original mission was to force nike to change their process, and to stop the Service providers from charging rape for the service...

how is giving the EL out,, accomplishing that mission... 

for the ATC that doesn't use the EL, how many strike outs, will it take before the start researching a way to use it and get away with it? 

say all orders are cancelled,, reg joe, and desperate NTer.. stands about a 2% chance of hitting on restock... 

questing you motives and ideology is far from crying... just trying to get some understanding.. because this is a far different avenue than what you started out on.. and i dont see how this is helping the sneaker communtiy..

guys using and creating bots werent doing it to be greedy, most were doing it just to secure their kicks.. and to have a fighting chance against the Service providers... but to now openly give them the EL.. seems counter productive to me...  
So the 4 pair of shoes in your sig arent greed? 

ES is going to do what he does and so are you... All this bs talk about motives, idealogy, greed, EL etc is pointless convo 

May the best bot/EL/tweetdeck/linksniper win come RD 

Shout to the homie @kingpin420 good info!!!! 
i dont drop EARLY LINKS on Niketalk.  So I'm not sure what the BOT thread has to do with that.
C'mon ES... you know dammnn near everyone that knows you.. follows you on IG or twitter...  this thread is were it all started for some of us.. and no one gave me a bot, no one gave me a RSVP bot, no one gave me the delay.. all had to be learned, earned, or figured out... to just give out the EL.. is seems counter productive... you never gave out direct info.... you wouldnt even RSVP in members names..   and yes im sure you have caused a slight clog in some ATC.. but for how long ? when youre just handing out the info...  

and what you dont post, directly... will get posted indirectly 
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i actually went to my local HOH a couple of releases ago to raffle for the gamma 11s. i spent about 40 minutes getting there, including the holiday traffic.

i get there to see about two hundred+ people waiting?

i took a look at that line, calculated my odds and just left. another 20 minutes back home and that was an hour wasted.

me and my friend got to talking about what a fkin collective waste of time, money, gas, traffic, etc this all is... just for a pair of shoes.

seriously, how many man hours are wasted every week in the country all because nike can't release something efficiently and fairly? people even get hurt and killed over these nike branded products all because of the way they release the products.

one can argue that if someone really wanted anything from a person, that person could kill for it regardless of what said product is. but i've never heard of anyone getting physically hurt and definitely not have their lives ended over any other product launch.

i spent over 1 hour trying to raffle for the gamma 11s, and didnt even get a raffle ticket. which is essentially a CHANCE at getting this shoe. people are spending their nonrefundable TIME and EFFORT just for a CHANCE for this stuff. anyone who waited that line had to wait another 2-3 hours at least.

collectively, they had 100 pairs at that HOH of gamma 11s. that means only 100 people are guaranteed to get the product while literally, hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other people get nothing for their time and effort. just at that one HOH location.

if you made those people actually DO something productive for their an hour of community service? that's at least 100 hours right there.

1 hour of community service for a guaranteed pair definitely beats 1-3 hours waiting in line for a CHANCE among other 100's (1000's?) of other people.

gamma 11 drop on christmas? make them feed the homeless at the local shelter for an hour for a guaranteed RSVP in their size. that's at least 100 hours right there.

toys for tots? bring in a toy valued at X amount and get a guaranteed RSVP for gammas.

i'm sure there are a lot of logistical challenges that come with each example, but you get my drift.

this is NIKE! a multi-BILLION dollar corporation. i'm sure they can easily make this happen.

and even by having people NOT come RSVP (by either selling out quickly via community service do'ers or lazy people that aren't willing to do anything positive for their shoes), that will be a huge saving of man hours, gas, carbon emissions, etc. seriously, you can't underestimate how many people and their mommas and momma's mommas and baby's momma's try to get at these in store raffles every week.

or get nike to hire me to set this up for them. i got ideas too, meg.
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This made me laugh hard. I guess we all need to go back to school. I saw the tweet about the monkey usage.  

Substitution was 6th grade mathematics I believe?


also @evilside  you might want to check that first link for the hasty clickers. XXX should have been a cue. 
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C'mon ES... you know dammnn near everyone that knows you.. follows you on IG or twitter...  this thread is were it all started for some of us.. and no one gave me a bot, no one gave me a RSVP bot, no one gave me the delay.. all had to be learned, earned, or figured out... to just give out the EL.. is seems counter productive... you never gave out direct info.... you wouldnt even RSVP in members names..   and yes im sure you have caused a slight clog in some ATC.. but for how long ? when youre just handing out the info...  

and what you dont post, directly... will get posted indirectly 
So basically you're complaining about ES giving out early links so easily on release day because it hurts the chances of the people(or just you) that have bots, use ATC services, and/or have early links themselves. What ES mission and what he is doing is working. Look at the change in how RSVP is done. The cancellations of unauthorized usage with early links. ATC services complaining about early links. We have bot users complaining about early links, atc services complaining about early links, early link users complaining about cancellation. Nike in disarray cancelling legitimate orders due to pass unauthorized usage. 
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C'mon ES... you know dammnn near everyone that knows you.. follows you on IG or twitter...  this thread is were it all started for some of us.. and no one gave me a bot, no one gave me a RSVP bot, no one gave me the delay.. all had to be learned, earned, or figured out... to just give out the EL.. is seems counter productive... you never gave out direct info.... you wouldnt even RSVP in members names..   and yes im sure you have caused a slight clog in some ATC.. but for how long ? when youre just handing out the info...  

and what you dont post, directly... will get posted indirectly 
So basically you're complaining about ES giving out early links so easily on release day because it hurts the chances of the people(or just you) that have bots, use ATC services, and/or have early links themselves. What ES mission and what he is doing is working. Look at the change in how RSVP is done. The cancellations of unauthorized usage with early links. ATC services complaining about early links. We have bot users complaining about early links, atc services complaining about early links, early link users complaining about cancellation. Nike in disarray cancelling legitimate orders due to pass unauthorized usage. 
Everything you just posted above is utter chaos and your somehow trying to say that was his plan all along.  Well, we might as well thank evilside for world peace because he's having about as much success with that also.

Before anyone tries to peg me as an evilside hater, I actually have nothing against dude and his movement.  My only beef has always been with the sheep that follow with no understanding of his true intention/gameplan.

@Nupe05  , while I can totally wrap my head around the message your trying to convey it totally wreaks of hypocrisy.  We can't knock anybody for beating us at cheating even if the "cheating" is just a necessary evil in our eyes.
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Nike/Meg never calls you if you don't call them.  People would call to try to get a rep to reinstate their order, thats what will trigger a phone call from Meg.

Its always just been emails, 1 from nike saying that you requested a cancellation and 1 from Megs department saying you got cancelled for unauthorized use of the website.

Ip ban is something I highly doubt nike actually does, its more likely a name and address/nike account ban.
she does call you btw
Nike/Meg never calls you if you don't call them.  People would call to try to get a rep to reinstate their order, thats what will trigger a phone call from Meg.

Its always just been emails, 1 from nike saying that you requested a cancellation and 1 from Megs department saying you got cancelled for unauthorized use of the website.

Ip ban is something I highly doubt nike actually does, its more likely a name and address/nike account ban.
she does call you btw
I received a phone call once in response to my call but never again.  She must not like me.
Memphis been winning..lmao. Its a strange argument only because the original purpose of Nikes site was for its customers to have access to its products when made available and market Nike simultaneously. Now on release date it simply machine versus machine and honestly when auto-scripts are losing and im going at it manually then adapting is a very vague concept. Adapt to what exactly? The environment is ****** up so I either use a early link and get Megged or I pay an Rsvp and get megged out. I understand that frustration. I also understand doing what it takes to grab the kicks we want and its either you get hip or get left. I see both angles you both have valid points.
if other people get away with early links you can too.  all you gotta do is try.  no risk no reward.  and if you ask me, theres very little risk involved besides getting your order cancelled, which isnt bad considering if you wouldnt have tried you wouldn't have got the shoes anyway.  like everyone is saying, you gotta adapt, that's what business, and life is about.  most businesses that were once thriving and have gone belly up,  is usually for that reason, refusing to adapt to a changing enviroment.  don't learn the hard way and get left empty handed without the shoes on relase day.  
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Everything you just posted above is utter chaos and your somehow trying to say that was his plan all along.  Well, we might as well thank evilside for world peace because he's having about as much success with that also.

Before anyone tries to peg me as an evilside hater, I actually have nothing against dude and his movement.  My only beef has always been with the sheep that follow with no understanding of his true intention/gameplan.

@Nupe05  , while I can totally wrap my head around the message your trying to convey it totally wreaks of hypocrisy.  We can't knock anybody for beating us at cheating even if the "cheating" is just a necessary evil in our eyes.
Please say something of substance. I don't even follow ES on twitter or instagram and only hear of what he does in this thread. Since you seem to know ES true intention please enlighten me. 
Everything you just posted above is utter chaos and your somehow trying to say that was his plan all along.  Well, we might as well thank evilside for world peace because he's having about as much success with that also.

Before anyone tries to peg me as an evilside hater, I actually have nothing against dude and his movement.  My only beef has always been with the sheep that follow with no understanding of his true intention/gameplan.

@Nupe05  , while I can totally wrap my head around the message your trying to convey it totally wreaks of hypocrisy.  We can't knock anybody for beating us at cheating even if the "cheating" is just a necessary evil in our eyes.
Please say something of substance. I don't even follow ES on twitter or instagram and only hear of what he does in this thread. Since you seem to know ES true intention please enlighten me. 
Thats the point, none of you know his intention but you give him so much credit as your savior.  But please don't let me stop you, continue to worship dude.
Thats the point, none of you know his intention but you give him so much credit as your savior.  But please don't let me stop you, continue to worship dude.
You must have missed my point. ES is disrupting ATC services, bot users, early link users. Because you disagree with what ES is doing and probably because you missed the Prelude 5s thanks to the early link, anyone that says they like what ES is doing must think ES is their savior. 
U mad bro. Evil side got too many nut Riders supporting his movement. Its not a movement man. Its just some computer dork who likes shoes and who wants to f with a company Cuz this is the only form of bullying he knows. He's probably bored or something. Who cares. Let him have his fun.
Thats the point, none of you know his intention but you give him so much credit as your savior.  But please don't let me stop you, continue to worship dude.
You must have missed my point. ES is disrupting ATC services, bot users, early link users. Because you disagree with what ES is doing and probably because you missed the Prelude 5s thanks to the early link, anyone that says they like what ES is doing must think ES is their savior. 
Assumptions, ES hasn't disrupted 1 single release that I wanted.  You say he's disrupting ATC services but I'm sure Memphis, Juaninzze, and the countless other ATC services will disagree with you.  Who he is disrupting is the dude thats been copping everything with his basic ATC chrome extension and twitter scanner, that guy is dead in the water.  Only effect the early link has had on my releases is instead of instant add to cart, I spend 2-3 min in line now before the add to cart(kobe prelude 4 and 5).
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Assumptions, ES hasn't disrupted 1 single release that I wanted.  You say he's disrupting ATC services but I'm sure Memphis, Juaninzze, and the countless other ATC services will disagree with you.  Who he is disrupting is the dude thats been copping everything with his basic ATC chrome extension and twitter scanner, that guy is dead in the water.  Only effect the early link has had on my releases is instead of instant add to cart, I spend 2-3 min in line now before the add to cart(kobe prelude 4 and 5).
Got the 4, no dice on the 5 because of the early link.
Bots work just fine, early links were the culprit today.
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Honestly, its no point in arguing guys. It is what it is and no matter how hard you try and make your point, people will believe what they want to believe.

I can make a thesis on why I believe ES isn't the savior some of you guys make him out to be. Will it matter? No.

I can make a thesis on why I believe Nike is the enabler in the situation. Will it matter? No.

None of it matters.

I understand that some of you are at a cross roads because this thread was set up for you to have a bot without paying for one but now it doesn't work nor is there anything you can do to make it work "better." Take what you can out of the situation. Be happy for what you got during your run and make the adjustments you need. That's all you can really do.
Big is right. Back to waiting for a better looking shoe to come. It was fun giving this thread a few pages of debate. Time to let bygone be bygone
Assumptions, ES hasn't disrupted 1 single release that I wanted.  You say he's disrupting ATC services but I'm sure Memphis, Juaninzze, and the countless other ATC services will disagree with you.  Who he is disrupting is the dude thats been copping everything with his basic ATC chrome extension and twitter scanner, that guy is dead in the water.  Only effect the early link has had on my releases is instead of instant add to cart, I spend 2-3 min in line now before the add to cart(kobe prelude 4 and 5).
Got the 4, no dice on the 5 because of the early link.
Bots work just fine, early links were the culprit today.
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Honestly, its no point in arguing guys. It is what it is and no matter how hard you try and make your point, people will believe what they want to believe.

I can make a thesis on why I believe ES isn't the savior some of you guys make him out to be. Will it matter? No.

I can make a thesis on why I believe Nike is the enabler in the situation. Will it matter? No.

None of it matters.

I understand that some of you are at a cross roads because this thread was set up for you to have a bot without paying for one but now it doesn't work nor is there anything you can do to make it work "better." Take what you can out of the situation. Be happy for what you got during your run and make the adjustments you need. That's all you can really do.
I dont normally agree with the things you post in here but repped!!!! 
i dont drop EARLY LINKS on Niketalk.  So I'm not sure what the BOT thread has to do with that.
I have seen these early links from following you on other social media.  But my problem is figuring out the best way to use the EL's. That is the knowledge I find most helpful in here, because I am relatively new to this entire process of EL and usually don't find the EL until after the sneaker has already released and then sold out

people really that clueless? / xxx

xxx = YouShouldHavePaidAttentionInSchool

means your access:
For those that aren't as smart in this area as you are it is a bit confusing I have to admit, even though saying that runs the risk of me being gif'd to death in these threads sometimes lol

I don't know what that means and trust me, wish I did.  But for any NT person who wouldn't mind helping me understand that better please PM me I would appreciate anyones help/time. 

I'm here to learn tho and trying to understand all this!
ThiS makes no sense as a reason for this week cancel.
sure it does. banishment took place the weekend of the 11 release so anything thereafter will be canceled.

they don't inform you that you're banned nor do they have the intention to. you have to find out or figure it out for yourself.
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For those that aren't as smart in this area as you are it is a bit confusing I have to admit, even though saying that runs the risk of me being gif'd to death in these threads sometimes lol

I don't know what that means and trust me, wish I did.  But for any NT person who wouldn't mind helping me understand that better please PM me I would appreciate anyones help/time.

I'm here to learn tho and trying to understand all this!
not trying to be an  but its substitution........... simple algebra...........hope that helps
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