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Gamefly has gotten a lot faster on getting games out to customers. I got J-Stars Victory on the way hopefully its good 
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Is anyone else experiencing a bug after the 3.0 update where their games won't load? I put in the disc and start the game, but it gets stuck on the loading screen and then nothing happens. I wait and wait, but nothing. And then I try to turn it off, but I can't even do that properly. I have to either unplug it or hold the power button for very long time to turn it off manually.
i've been trying to get into new vegas. Don't like it so far. Fo4 looks way better. Gunplay wise especially. Gunplay in new vegas is meh.

really? fo3 was very flat and 2d imo

if you turn off the hud, new vegas ALMOST looks like a FPS

(much more accurate and smooth than fo3, for sure)
really? fo3 was very flat and 2d imo

if you turn off the hud, new vegas ALMOST looks like a FPS

(much more accurate and smooth than fo3, for sure)
Yeah man. I tried to get into Fallout 3 as well, but it didn't click with me.

Fallout 4 seems like the last shot I'll give this franchise.

I like Skyrim so far though.
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Yeah man. I tried to get into Fallout 3 as well, but it didn't click with me.
Fallout 4 seems like the last shot I'll give this franchise.
I like Skyrim so far though.

skyrim has a very harsh ceiling, when you hit it, you'll understand what i mean.

i prefer the modern "guns n stuff" to "dragon swords"

the story of fallout is much better imo

it also depends when you played them...

fallout 3 is very rough. New Vegas is much more smooth. (there are textures in new vegas which look WAY better than skyrim, which came out like 4 or 5 years after) If you played these games even a year or two late, they are VERY dated, controls-wise. Even skyrim has very terrible "fight" and "death" animations, even for last gen's standards.

I wish i could play all the mods on new vegas, i've easily put well over 200 hours into that game, playing like 10-11 different times through.

While i do hope fallout 4 is able to capture new minds, I am praying that it stays true to its roots and is legitimately a fallout game.

There was some back and forth drama with the developer of new vegas and the "big wigs" so he released like 3 mods to the PC version, for free LOL

super nerdy, meticulous, deep RPG with the most freedom of choice you'll ever experience in a video game.

new vegas on hard + hardcore is the closest any RPG is gonna get to sim. you have to sleep and eat or you either starve or start hallucinating.

play around with STARS starting stats and/or perks and completely change the game play....

now i'm all geeked for fallout 4.

if fallout 4 is a disappointment, i have no idea what i will do LOL been waiting for it to drop since i bought a ps4 last january.
Skyrim has a harsh ceiling? News to me. Unless you purposely limit yourself to a certain playstyle you can become an unstoppable monster. Just takes time.
harsh ceiling = you do everything there is to do before the game is over.

i was killing elder dragons with one hit. (one handed)

game got extremely boring around the 75th hour.

grinded to make dragon armor, unlocked all armor in game.....a vast variety of 6 sets of armor. LMAO

ended up finding unique armor, didn't wear the armor it took me 10 hours to craft.

items are limited.

enemies aren't varied enough.

not enough customization for such a deep RPG.

once you're killing elder dragons with one hit, i mean, what fun is there to have?

oh yeah, they released a DLC where you can make a house or be a vampire. LMAO

by the time you reach the main enemy in fallout new vegas, you've already played 4 games.....only to get hit with a new plot twist, turning the game on its head. (I'm not even going to mention new vegas' DLC)

i played skyrim BEFORE any fallout games. I went through a short period of beasting on skyrim.....but once the initial shock of how good bethesda games are wore off, i was pretty disappointed. I never experienced that disappointment with new vegas...not even once. I could fire a game up right now.

i've done playthroughs of new vegas simply to experiment with STARS points and different perks.

btw, if you give your character 8s in everything but strength and charisma, you can get an extra STARS point from the doctor's implant AND (i forget how to get the other +1)

your character will be 10 in all STARS except strength and charisma by the time you reach new vegas (which is pretty early) luck and intelligence are the abilities you should try to max first, because intelligence gives you more ability points everytime you level up. I had my gun rating maxed out at like level 12.
Ohhhhhh that's what you meant. Then hell yeah. At one point I fought an elder dragon with my fists while naked because I didn't want to kill it too easily
It's nice at first when you're sweeping through murdering everything but then it's no fun because there's no challenge no matter what difficulty you're playing on
+nothing new to see. Yes, you have new locations (if youre lucky) but there is nothing new enemies, no new attacks, no new abilities, just the same **** you saw for the last 80 hours.

+even if you do find a new location, its just a copy of one of 8 locations throughout the game. oh, a dwarven temple? seen it. Oh, an abandoned keep? seen it. Oh, a mage's castle? seen it. LOL running up on daedric princes with no worries.

in new vegas, however, you can die off the most random encounters. Deathclaws will merk you with ease no matter your level or ability or gear. You definitely have to cheese them to kill them LOL

The entire game, until you "beat it," gives you fresh "missions" and people to interact with. Just off replay-ability alone, i think i have started and played skyrim vegas? 30 times? i'd start one right now if i still had a 360 lol
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