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havent been here in a minute. word on the street is BF is a moneygrab? they pulled a destiny and sold half a finished product? *phew* i hope yall prospering with fallout 4. this **** goty
awaiting your impressions.

I'm sure I'll tackle it right away but who knows. I'm sort of getting into Fallout 4 now, I'm enjoying the little bit of Battlefront I've played (still disappointed since they could have made a really good single player story mode) but still pleased with how well they pulled off the environments...

I have been waiting for this DLC since I platinumed the game in July though.... :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

If it's anything like the Dark Souls 2 DLC on Scholar of the First Sin... it' going to be difficult :x :D
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Man, I'm trying to be excited for games this fall, but all I really can't wait to play is SF V.  Anyone interested in getting into fighting games at all, no matter the level, should look up:

CrossCounterTV episode with Snake Eyez and peep his little mini-documentary by Red Bull, Cultivation - Snake Eyez

At work, someone post these vids.

Feb can't come quick enough with SFV and Gravity Rush remastered.
Great episode. Just finished listening to it. 

90% of people in this thread couldn't care less about trophies/achievements, but they add so much to the games experience for me.
What do you like at FO4? I'm kind of blind buying it off of hype

I've never played a fallout game, played skyrim and enjoyed it.

Figured I'd give it a shot.. Hopefully I can start a new game this weekend
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Man that **** is terrible.

Like sometimes I think EA just don't give a ****.
For people who bought Battlefront after what DICE and EA did to Battlefield 4, I have zero sympathy. 

If that wasn't enough of a warning, it was discussed in this thread a week before launch about the issues it faced. 

I love Star Wars, man. Watched the films countless times, I read all the Zahn books, the Dark Horse comics, ect. And I think it is absolutely brutal what they did to this release and sucks to those who shelled out cash for it.

But this was a cash grab; pure and simple.
There was an arena just like that in SARPBC. Hope to see more variations now. The pirate ship was always hilarious.
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Regardless how much of pieces of shhhh Activision has been with Destiny the game prospers and brings the best mutil experience this gen. I will never get the same anticipation, joy, anger in a group setting like Destiny. RL def fun to play with others but the overall experience and memories can't compare.

Am I remembering wrong, or did you used to say that Destiny was so popular because PS4 had no games? But now you consider it the best multiplayer game bar none?
Regardless how much of pieces of shhhh Activision has been with Destiny the game prospers and brings the best mutil experience this gen. I will never get the same anticipation, joy, anger in a group setting like Destiny. RL def fun to play with others but the overall experience and memories can't compare.

Am I remembering wrong, or did you used to say that Destiny was so popular because PS4 had no games? But now you consider it the best multiplayer game bar none?
Smash and mk8
Are the best multiplayer games to release in the last 2 years
Match making is also phenomenal
Honestly no they aren't.

Well, Mario Kart is probably cool, but Smash sucks imo. I hate the controls. Not nearly as much fun as I remember Smash 1 and 2 being.

Smash is a suck *** Rocket League without cars.

Overrated trash.
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That wasteland arena :pimp:

Looks like something out of Mad Max
Don't get the hype on that game
Basically smash BRO'S but with cars :rolleyes

keep playing that remastered game witcho non-tipping *** :wink:
It's not remastered
It's the NEXT ITERATIIN in the franchise
get it right

na b, its gears of war 1 with a fresh coat of paint with added features to multiplayer. Its the same game.
That wasteland arena :pimp:

Looks like something out of Mad Max
Don't get the hype on that game
Basically smash BRO'S but with cars :rolleyes

keep playing that remastered game witcho non-tipping *** :wink:
It's not remastered
It's the NEXT ITERATIIN in the franchise
get it right

na b, its gears of war 1 with a fresh coat of paint with added features to multiplayer. Its the same game.
OH thought u meant smash wiu u
You guys still fall for the bait.

There was an arena just like that in SARPBC. Hope to see more variations now. The pirate ship was always hilarious.

Yea it's the same arena according to the blog post.

Haven't played the differemnt modes but they look fun from the stream i watched especially the Hockey mode.
someone fill me in on starwars

im boutta cop the game but iono whats going on hows it looking right now?
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