The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I'll be leaving with my husband soon to pick up Uncharted 4. I'm super excited and the wait has been too long. Btw add me on PSN: oohcupcake. I'm usually on playing GTAV.
Man, the Uncharted commercials got me. Bought Nathan Drake Collection today, gonna power through those because 4 looks ridiculous.
Man, the Uncharted commercials got me. Bought Nathan Drake Collection today, gonna power through those because 4 looks ridiculous.

I am a huge fan on Tomb Raider. It was the first game I got on the PS1. I've gotten every game since then except for the newest b/c of Xbox. So my husband said I would probably like this game so I bought 1 & 2 as a set. I've been hooked ever since.

I really liked the multiplayer on U2 but HATED it on U3. I loved the story lines with all 3 games. I'm leaving in 30 mins to hit up Gamestop.
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Nice. Hopefully the lineup isnt bad. Ive had too many bad experiences with midnight launches so I jumped on the digital release.

45 more minutes!
It's been ages since I have been in here, but UC4 has brought me back. I simply cannot wait.

Hope everyone has been well. Chris, safe to say you will be up all night huh? :lol:

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Amazon still hasn't dispatched my copy of Uncharted

Ordered mine last night. Shipped about an hour ago. I live in Dallas though, so i think a facility may be near me in Fort Worth.

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Best Buy wasn't having a midnight launch when I called earlier yesterday. I had UC4 preordered there since last november. So me and the wife went to Gamestop and pre-ordered it a few hours ago. I'll be heading to Best Buy later to get a store credit and get Star Wars TFA
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Damn gotta wait for my copy in the mail from amazon wont be able to play until i get off work tomorrow. Going to be a long day!
Man, seems like everybody likes this game. I need to pick up a copy for myself.

I was gonna start at midnight but I have a PT test here in about 30 minutes so I decided I should be responsible and get some rest rest :lol:
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