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nothing new about GT. they stay not meeting deadlines to deliver a undeveloped game.
GT6 wasn't delayed or under developed as far as I know.

My problem with Polyphony is how small the studio is for what is Sony's biggest IP.

Turn 10 is twice as big as Polyphony in terms of staff. I mean it's great for Sony in that the studio is highly profitable.
They sold over 20 Million across 3 games on PS3 but at the same time it just feels like things would be a lot better if they out sourced or got more staff.

Naughty Dog ballooned in size once there games reached the next level critically. Polyphony needs to do the same.

If the game released in November it would have been 3 years after GT 6 which was 3 years after GT5 so they are consistent but this E-Sport side of things might be harder than they thought.

Does it do a good job of setting you up for the game?
   Definitely, might have to watch it again...CGI is crazy and the fighting 

  p.s. warpstrike looks fun throughout the movie
Kingsglaive was actually decent. It might also be the best looking animation I have ever seen.

Does it do a good job of setting you up for the game?
Kind of? 
 It gives you a back story on the kingdoms and what happens with Noctis' family.  The story is by far the weakest part of the movie, but it is serviceable enough to keep you entertained.I don't expect a ton of these characters to make appearances. 

There are a ton of easter eggs for fans though. Probably my favorite part of the film. Oh, and the character that is an obvious rip-off of Johnny Depp. 
PS+ Games for September
  • Lords of the FallenPS4
  • JourneyPS4, PS3
  • Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsPS3
  • DaturaPS3
  • BadlandPS Vita, PS4, PS3
  • Amnesia: MemoriesPS Vita
And perhaps more optimization for Neo?

Oh yea, that too.

You getting the Neo?

   Definitely, might have to watch it again...CGI is crazy and the fighting :pimp:

  p.s. warpstrike looks fun throughout the movie

Kind of? :lol:  It gives you a back story on the kingdoms and what happens with Noctis' family.  The story is by far the weakest part of the movie, but it is serviceable enough to keep you entertained.I don't expect a ton of these characters to make appearances. 

There are a ton of easter eggs for fans though. Probably my favorite part of the film. Oh, and the character that is an obvious rip-off of Johnny Depp. :rofl:

:D :D :D

Sounds great.
You guys going to watch the brotherhood anime?
PS+ Games for September

  • Lords of the Fallen

  • Journey
    PS4, PS3

  • Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

  • Datura

  • Badland
    PS Vita, PS4, PS3

  • Amnesia: Memories
    PS Vita

Decent i think. I was gonna buy lords of the fallen when it was on sale and Journey is worth downloading it's a really great experience with music to go along with it

I can't even play. Says servers are not connected :rolleyes
It was like that for me last night but I don't really mind and was expecting there to be server issues and what not rather experience it now rather than at launch of it can be helped. We gotta squad up on this if the servers are willing to cooperate lol
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