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Sony getting the marketing for RDR 2 is huge. It also means we probably won't get any Sony published games next fall :lol:

Yeah that's kinda what I was getting at. Seems like Sony would just rather release their games throughout the year and rely on 3rd party during the holidays. I actually like it that way.

I think it's pretty smart.

They've got marketing rights for Red Dead 2, Destiny 2 and COD all in the fall. Why let your first party titles fight against those juggernauts.

Nier Automata, Horizon, Persona 5, Gravity Rush, Ni-Oh, Yakuza all releasing early next year so there's always a good spread throughout the year.
Honestly the marketing for one console when it's on more than one doesn't really affect anything. still always have people ask for something on a console when it's clearly advertised just for the other
Honestly the marketing for one console when it's on more than one doesn't really affect anything. still always have people ask for something on a console when it's clearly advertised just for the other

I used to think it was a waste of money too but it does work. It allows you to get the bundles and PS4 has definitely benefited from the COD bundles the same way the X360 used to kill it every black Friday when they had COD rights. Don't forget the #xboxorweriot after PS got the COD rights because they get the DLC earlier. It also meant a lot of the pro players had to jump ship so they don't get left behind.

Destiny and Watch Dog Bundles also sold a ton too.

You also get advertising rights and hearing from some retail employees, people who come into stores often think some of these games are exclusive because of the advertising.

It works otherwise they wouldn't pay money for it.
Yeah not everybody is heavy on gaming forums. I remember my brother legitimately thought The Witcher 3 was an Xbox One exclusive because all he kept seeing was the TV ad which was from Xbox :lol:
Honestly the marketing for one console when it's on more than one doesn't really affect anything. still always have people ask for something on a console when it's clearly advertised just for the other

I used to think it was a waste of money too but it does work. It allows you to get the bundles and PS4 has definitely benefited from the COD bundles the same way the X360 used to kill it every black Friday when they had COD rights. Don't forget the #xboxorweriot after PS got the COD rights because they get the DLC earlier. It also meant a lot of the pro players had to jump ship so they don't get left behind.

Destiny and Watch Dog Bundles also sold a ton too.

You also get advertising rights and hearing from some retail employees, people who come into stores often think some of these games are exclusive because of the advertising.

It works otherwise they wouldn't pay money for it.
It's blown out of proportion to an extent. Yes bundling the game is a plus to the company for sales etc. but COD, Maddwn, FIFA, GTA etc sell incredible on both consoles. Marketing rights doesn't really matter that much from that aspect. Destiny and COD actually sold better in the uS on Xbox consoles when you don't count bundles which was a great move by Sony. Sony didn't have a COD bundle for these past two years their holiday sales numbers would plummet.
About the DLC, it's not as big a deal as it's made to be. You play on the console that your friends are on or controller etc. DLc isn't going to make you buy a console. Pro players aren't really a factor numbers wise

Also Gamers are dumb but they know that cod is never going to be exclusive
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Some parts of the RDR2 trailer looked amazing, some parts looked washed. I hope they upgraded that GTA engine.
It's blown out of proportion to an extent. Yes bundling the game is a plus to the company for sales etc. but COD, Maddwn, FIFA, GTA etc sell incredible on both consoles. Marketing rights doesn't really matter that much from that aspect. Destiny and COD actually sold better in the uS on Xbox consoles when you don't count bundles which was a great move by Sony. Gamers are dumb but they know that cod is never going to be exclusive

I think a lot of it is to do with first time buyers which is why in the case of long established annual franchises like COD. it's the bundles and maybe the timed exclusive DLC doing the work.
Everyone knows it's multiplatform but the advertising and bundles can sway new buyers over to one side.

For new IP's and something like Red Dead which hasn't seen a console release in a while, it would definitely help.
I remember the PS3 outselling the X360 in Amercia once in like 3 years when GTA5 came out because they had the bundles and marketing rights.

Those who have a console though would easily know with a google search that the games are not exclusive.
It's blown out of proportion to an extent. Yes bundling the game is a plus to the company for sales etc. but COD, Maddwn, FIFA, GTA etc sell incredible on both consoles. Marketing rights doesn't really matter that much from that aspect. Destiny and COD actually sold better in the uS on Xbox consoles when you don't count bundles which was a great move by Sony. Gamers are dumb but they know that cod is never going to be exclusive

I think a lot of it is to do with first time buyers which is why in the case of long established annual franchises like COD. it's the bundles and maybe the timed exclusive DLC doing the work.
Everyone knows it's multiplatform but the advertising and bundles can sway new buyers over to one side.

For new IP's and something like Red Dead which hasn't seen a console release in a while, it would definitely help.
I remember the PS3 outselling the X360 in Amercia once in like 3 years when GTA5 came out because they had the bundles and marketing rights.

Those who have a console though would easily know with a google search that the games are not exclusive.
But rockstar has a level of notoriety so I don't think it'd work. Plus Microsoft does the free game thing all the time when a big game comes out that's Sony is marketing
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But rockstar has a level of notoriety so I don't think it'd work. Plus Microsoft does the free game thing all the time when a big game comes out that's Sony is marketing

I don't mean the marketing is making everyone believe the game is exclusive even though some get that idea. I agree most people are smart enough to know but I do think advertising rights and bundles help sway new time buyers.

It worked with PS3 and GTAV. I don't think the PS3 ever outsold the X360 before that. The only other time I think was when the PS3 slim came out. so the marketing and bundle definitely helped.

Microsoft did that with Destiny but it still sold more on PS4 because of the bundles.
And think of about the parents that don't know better. All they know is that their kid wants COD. "Well the commercials say its on PS4 let me get the PS4 Bundle that comes with the game."

Those commercials aren't for us.
And think of about the parents that don't know better. All they know is that their kid wants COD. "Well the commercials say its on PS4 let me get the PS4 Bundle that comes with the game."

Those commercials aren't for us.
Exactly those are aimed at the casual consumer that doesn't really keep up with gaming news and whatnot. We aren't the target audience for that stuff
What is everyones thoughts on BF1 so far? I wont be able to play it till sunday. 

I love it. I didn't put a lot of time into BF4 and I never played any other BF games, but this game is just amazing. The game is visually stunning and Conquest gives you the feel that you are truly in a war. Some of the maps are so diverse in that you can spend time holding down 3 flags on one side of the map that's in the outskirts and you'll get an entirely different experience going to the other 3 flags which are located in a little town area. You'll be in more close combat situations and in houses and alley ways as opposed to open fields and hills. Since I'm not used to them, vehicles seem to have a learning curve, especially flying. But dropping bombs over a flag and getting 2-3 kills is just satisfying, even if you crash right after.

I haven't even started the campaign or ventured into any other MP modes, but BF1 is a must cop for me.
For those able to or have a small feeling of wanting to get a PSVR, do it. Sure the novelty will wear off at some point but some of the experiences are just amazing. I was smiling like a kid on Christmas in the Batcave segment of Batman, granted I was beyond burned baked potato baked, but that alone was as I said already amazing. Sure the Vive and Oculus technically are better but for the mainstream audience, PSVR is great.
I got RIGS, Until Dawn, Driveclub VR and EVE: Valkyrie. I haven't played anything other than VR Worlds and Arkham yet though. Really enjoyed VR Worlds too.

Nice Selection.
RIGS is my favorite of the bunch but from the demos to Playroom VR. I've just had a blast throughout.

Looking to pick up Thumper and EVE once it drops in price.

Next big game seems to be this.
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