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Haven't got to the second one yet, my friend fired up part 1 one day, handed me the controller and watched me lose my **** for an hour trying to get through the levels

Soundtrack is
yeah i had no idea how hard it would be before playing it. some levels you just gotta say f it and run and just hope for the best lol

and soundtrack is indeed flames 
I played the trials they had for the game and I can definitely say it's much harder. Game has a much faster pace than bloodbourne and conserving your life (stamina) is important as well as making sure you're using the right stance in a fight because once you're fighting more than 1 person it's a wrap :lol:
The first Nioh beta was difficult because of the massive stamina drain Every dodge, block or weapon swing consumed. it was the first thing team ninja dialed back after the beta.
The Nioh beta was so discouraging. The difficulty completely took away from the fun factor.

Maybe the game gets easier once you level up to a bad asz.
It's hit or miss, I think you either or you don't. I know it got a permanent price cut to $40. I'll check it out at $20.
I'm going to check TLG out after summer. I don't have time for an adventure game like it at moment
I bought mvc3 for that price went to casino came back with a couple extra 20s really wanted my PS4 to be all digital but oh well
Yeah the PRO is definitely :pimp:

Noticeable for sure.

And guise - please pick up The Division on the low.

Game is flames. [emoji]128293[/emoji]
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