I ended up playing Andromeda for around 4 hours total yesterday since I won't have time to play for the rest of the week. Thought I'd give you guys more updates
Story: The entire plot is something I really couldn't care less about. These dudes are really trying to colonize new planets and are asking why the locals are hostile towards them? OK
It doesn't help that major things happen or are mentioned with zero emotion. It's like the people in the game don't care either
Characters: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I wouldn't call them unlikable, because they are completely devoid of any personality at all
Dialogue: Pointless. They replaced the Paragon/Renegade options with 4 options that make zero difference in how people react to you. In the previous games, I often had to think about what I was going to say because of the effects it might have. Over here, I'm basically just picking at random.
Enemies: Generic so far. 4 hours in, and all I've fought are bland robots and the one species they showed in the trailer.
Gameplay: Combat is decent, but the missions are artificially lengthened. You need to run around a bunch of empty buildings/environments and have to scan a whole bunch of @#$@ to figure out what you need to turn on. Then you need to wait for your AI to do something to it while you shoot more robots. Then you need to go somewhere else and do the SAME @#$@. It reminds me of when I tried watching my friend play Destiny, a game I refuse to play because of how boring it looks
I understand that it's a long game and that it might possibly get better, but it shouldn't take me this long to get interested in it. I'll compare it to ME1 since ME1 was the start of a new story; ME1 had clunky gameplay, but A LOT happens in the first couple of hours of that game.
Overall I'm glad I only paid $30 for this.