The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I like FF7R so far, still nervous about how the installments will go lol.. about 13 hours in and probably closing in on starting chapter 9.
I don’t want no problems with anybody who’s sunk that much time in the same game on different consoles lol

My hands feel so strengthened by just playing Tekken and Soul Calibur for maybe 5 hours straight yesterday. I feel muscles I haven’t in years. I can’t believe I used to do this on the regular every weekend 15 years ago.

I bet these pros got some grips on their handshakes haha

When I used to play Tekken competitively, any time I lost a match, I'd do 25 reps on the hand gripper. Had to keep my hand muscles in check lmao
Any gamers with an oled?

Just wondering about possible burn in and if anyone has experienced it.

I use my oled mainly for watching Netflix, YouTube.

I barely play games unless something comes out that interests me. Only game I have ever played on my oled was spiderman ps4.

Spiderman ps4 I had no burn in issues but there's a constant image on ff7 screen which bothers me. I don't remember spiderman ps4 having a still image issue that I had to worry about
Whatever you do, make sure you try the RTINGs calibration settings for your model, made a huge difference in PQ.
Hmm I have rtigs customized settings for when I watch TV... Maybe I'll make another set of settings for video games. I scrolled through preset settings and picked the one that says game and I'm happy with that so far.

Btw for anyone playing ff7, I don't remember Jessie from the original game at allll but I like her better than Tifa or Aeris so far. Only on chapter 3

My cousin was real cryptic. He said 'you'll see why you don't remember Jessie' lol. Feels ominous
I wanna see the story that spawns from this so for right now, I'm just letting the anime continue to anime. Like if they drop the ball, trash. If by some miracle, they stick the landing...
They could have just made it so easy, and make ALL the fans happy. But they just wanted to take the HARD route.
Some of the trophies on FFVIIR are going to piss people off :lol:

I got lucky with after about 10 tries with the Heavenly Dart Player trophy. Another annoying hard trophy is the Biker Boy trophy.
I'm up to chapter 6. I have almost no complaints so far, except whoever they casted to play Barret is really annoying. Couldn't they have toned him, down a notch?

Just a little bit. Dude is annoying to listen to. Lol
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I'm wondering now....

If part 2 is going to be on a new would you get stats from part 1 carry over to part 2?



Shouldn't be a problem at all. They had it working between PS4,PS3 and Vita.

I play games on an OLED, 3 to be exact, never had a problem. I do make sure I'm always switching up my content though and not leave games paused for long periods of time.

Damn 3 OLED's :lol:
Here I am trying to get just 1.

I'm up to chapter 6. I have almost no complaints so far, except whoever they casted to play Barret is really annoying. Couldn't they have toned him, down a notch?

Just a little bit. Dude is annoying to listen to. Lol

It's funny trying to remember how the cast were like but all we had was text and some body language and not much else.
Man I might be paranoid but ya’ll talking too much in here. I’m out til I finish the game. I been taking my time with it. Currently on Chapter 9.
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