The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Ya'll ready for these price increases? IDK if this is confirmed but I had a feeling it was coming. Games have been $60 for about 15 years and they're not getting cheaper to make. Thoughts?

I just finished the AC Odyssey DLC (two trophies glitched so I am forever at 98% :angry:), working on the TLOU2 plat, jumping to FF7Remake plat after that, then either Death Stranding or Borderlands 3 next. I also have Feal Seal DLC I will probably play throughout as a palette cleanser. Always have Warzone on stand by too.
Not Sure How I Feel About Kobe Being The 3rd Cover Athlete.

I Get It, But I Could Do Without The Reminder

Still Hurts A Ton He’s Not Here.
Ya'll ready for these price increases? IDK if this is confirmed but I had a feeling it was coming. Games have been $60 for about 15 years and they're not getting cheaper to make. Thoughts?


Next gen tax is here.
£65 apparently in the UK

These must be digital prices as games here are normally £40 to £45 at retail and £60 on PSN.

Just checked and TLOU2 and Ghosts are £55 and FF7:R is £60.

Switch from physical to digital will still be hard with these kinda prices.

It makes sense with the work that goes into these games and I've paid more than that for special editions but I think I'll be waiting for price drops a lot more next gen.
Hopefully some games ease up on the mtx but people have already proven that they will pay for stuff that they want. I'm hoping that this means that maybe things that would have been DLC can now be added to the base game or maybe we get cheaper expansions. As for 2K21, ya'll crazy if ya'll think they were gonna abandon VC. That's where they make all their money. I don't even think that was realistic thinking :lol:
I might have to double up on those Mamba Forever editions.
I buy 3 or games or less at full price in a year, so it's not a huge deal to me.

But if I don't buy a game at full price, I don't buy them until they are $30 or less, so I might have to wait longer for that sale price.

If you would have woken a 10 years younger Chris and told him of a future where jetpacunlimited jetpacunlimited would be actively in the Playstation thread, openly defending a Sony exclusive, I'd have flipped you off, said, "MAG is going to change the MP landscape forever", and went back to sleep.

- A sports legend dies suddenly and unexpectedly (RIP Mamba)
- A worldwide pandemic that has no end in sight
- jetpacunlimited jetpacunlimited becoming the biggest Playstation stan this side of iheartboost iheartboost

2020 has been wild man.

Won't be around forever. Just a limited time.
I've not played a sports game in years but these studios who have to develop and ship a a game in one year get my respect.

You can't tell EA or Take Two that you need to delay a sports game to polish it or get rid of bugs.

If your game is not ready then heads will probably roll.
They are largely the same game year in and year out.

I can't imagine they are ever in danger of not hitting the release date.
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