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What? :rofl:

Do they make multiple versions of PC games?

You have minimum system requirements for PC games. A lot of people can't afford to play a lot of the recent games because of GPU requirements. A lot of games in VR are actually a really good example of that.

But looking at a console, and taking a third of it's graphical power to make a cheaper system, It just doesn't add up to me. That complicates things IMHO.

Edit: GPU requirements are the most common, but other things like RAM and CPU requirements come in the way, as well.
You have minimum system requirements for PC games. A lot of people can't afford to play a lot of the recent games because of GPU requirements. A lot of games in VR are actually a really good example of that.

But looking at a console, and taking a third of it's graphical power to make a cheaper system, It just doesn't add up to me. That complicates things IMHO.

Series S specs are still pretty damn strong to make a minimum requirement for, the GPU won't require as much power on the S because it won't be trying to output at 4k (it still runs 120FPS). I think they'll be fine and I seriously doubt if it'd be an issue for developers, who have probably been aware of this for years, that they would go through with it.
Tough to say

Same SSD and dedicated hardware behind it but Series S has less RAM and slower RAM too but that makes sense since it's targeting 1440p.
It would probably have lower res textures since it doesn't need 4K textures which means smaller game size and less data to load which could balance things out.

You're right though, it's probably best to compare it to Xsex. That's more of an apples to apples comparison.
I mean, listen, we're talking bout 1440p.
Not 4k. Not 4k.
We're talking about 1440p.
Not 4k. Not 4k which is the standard for next gen.
Not 4k. We're talking about 1440p.
u wanna know difficult
try playing through champions road
in super mario 3d world
with 4 players

There really is no off day with you.

Good luck to anyone trying to pre order a PS5, Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S at a GS

Hopefully I luck out and the GS by me is not affected.
Series S as a baseline is not ideal. We're used to last gen consoles holding back games for about 2 years but now we will have that all gen. Devs are struggling with making games for the OG Xbone. That was the reason for one of the Cyberpunk delays apparently.

MS is saying all you need to do is lower the resolution and everything will scale well but lets be real. That much slower GPU and smaller pool of RAM and lower bandwidth will have an effect on some games.

Lets see the comparisons from Digital Foundry when these games come out. Even they are concerned about the RAM and GPU.

In the current climate it's probably a good thing for people strapped for cash but I still think it's going backwards and I think it will age badly.
MS knows if you get people in with a 299 box and get them hooked to gamepass, the next logical upgrade will be the X. Very clever Microsoft :lol:

I'm just glad PS5 exclusives will not be held back.
I know we all like Sony but the fanboyism from some people in here is getting a little annoying. Like we really gonna ignore the Series X and only focus on the S? C’mon man :lol:

FYI, not talking bout you :lol:

It's gonna get compared anyway since they're still competitors.
MS said all that will change is resolution so they're inviting the comparisons.

I mean, listen, we're talking bout 1440p.
Not 4k. Not 4k.
We're talking about 1440p.
Not 4k. Not 4k which is the standard for next gen.
Not 4k. We're talking about 1440p.

It'll most likely be 1080p
i havent bought an xbox since the 360 skipped over the one but that series s is looking like a good option to just play xbox exclusives and it wont have to go on the only hdmi 2.1 connection on my tv

looking like ima get the series s and the disc version ps5 so far.
Team Green lurkers on here still post in here and when anyone posts negative reports or reviews on anything XBOX related or you give your thoughts you know who comes in here with the quickness or they say "There is no console war anymore" :lol:
people keep talking about developers having an issue with this and that - how many developers do we have in here again?

or am I just naive to think Microsoft knows what they are doing.
I think Microsoft is going to do much better than the One era with these options.

They won’t win, but they’ll for damn sure make some waves. I could see plenty of my boys who only play Rockstar, FPS, and Sports Games switching over to Xbox for this gen. Especially with the installment billing options? No question what to get if that’s all you play.

As for most of us, Sony has various exclusives that we desire, but we’re not Xbox’s focus nor bread and butter. They want the casual gamer and some of the PC gamer market share. Sony is definitely the system for the hardcore console gamer that wants the most variety. You can’t touch Sony’s exclusives, first party titles/franchises, or the fact that people have already invested so much in the PS4 era for HD updates of PS2/3 games.

As for me and what I plan to do: I just bought a house so, I’m not getting nothing anytime soon. I’ll sit back and see the landscape a year from now.
^^^well said

As for me I am lowkey trying to scale back on time spent playing games (if you can believe it). I am going to call it for what it is and leave a lot of games behind when the PS5 drops. I am also trying to move to Tokyo which requires a lot more work from me.

With that being said I will not be copping a Xbox. Imma just have to let Halo and Forza go (maybe racing games period)
people keep talking about developers having an issue with this and that - how many developers do we have in here again?

or am I just naive to think Microsoft knows what they are doing.

You could say that about any situation

Sony releases 1 tf ps5 for $99 - they know what theyre doing

Ps5 and X would have made solid baselines for the next 7 years, but nah, one company decided to go full re* and release a system with 1/3 the power and less than 2/3 the ram, now devs are tied to this mediocre machine for the next 7 years
You could say that about any situation

Sony releases 1 tf ps5 for $99 - they know what theyre doing

Ps5 and X would have made solid baselines for the next 7 years, but nah, one company decided to go full re* and release a system with 1/3 the power and less than 2/3 the ram, now devs are tied to this piece of crap for the next 7 years
Naw not exactly. These devs/publishers don't have to develop for the Xbox if they really care about utilizing next gen power. I know they lose a lot but it's a choice.

This could be the reason that started that rumor of Sony gaining a lot of third party exclusive deals.
Of course they will but I'm just stating that they do have a choice. It seems to me these devs will use the S as an excuse anytime their game runs poorly.
Folks need to remember most homes are still on 1080p TVs and the most popular video card is still like the 1060 or something not a high end gtx or rtx series. The world is vast. It's fantastic those folks can get in on next gen. The S is in a great spot.
Folks need to remember most homes are still on 1080p TVs and the most popular video card is still like the 1060 or something not a high end gtx or rtx series. The world is vast. It's fantastic those folks can get in on next gen. The S is in a great spot.

Question for your, Cleopatra's ex-husband.

Will a tv with 60hz make games look off on ps5?
Why would anyone even want a series s? I bet theyre gonna sell well only because parents buying their kids new consoles this christmas will see a new console and its the cheapest one
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